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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Films that have slipped past the radar, that were good but didn't make budget or wasn't directed toward the widest audience. All film genres welcome, especially horror, which is probably the hardest A few I just watched that were good: Action - Solomon Kane Scary - Vacancy, 1408
  2. What does a busy kid in school have to do about a NFL thread? Then again why are you trying to weave unrelated threads together??
  3. If you think that's complaining I feel bad for you. You're the one saying it's so great.
  4. All complaining does is waste more time.
  5. Great? What's so great about the worst day of officiating in the NFL so far?
  6. I don't see small bass as worst (bad). Something is better than nothing. Also, look at my avatar, I'm proud to catch such a small bass
  7. I had the same concern about the handle, but since I got a newer one I have tested it on solid hooksets and 4lb fish, i tend not don't worry about it anymore
  8. I don't have a problem with EWGs and hooksets, when there is an issue it's a smaller fish tugging on the plastic and its mouth is not wrapped around the shank
  9. Yes, though the stocked trout end up feeding pickerel
  10. That dink? Lucky to break the 1 pound mark!
  11. Are you being serious again?
  12. As Chris said there has been studies. But bass can pass soft plastic and can regurgitate, from what has been seen before. As to how much is a mystery.
  13. All in good time. Patience is the key
  14. since you said funds are an issue, the redneck method I've seen before is covering the area with duct tape and well at least you can get it in different colors
  15. http://www.factsfacts.com/MyHomeRepair/rotrepair.htm Personally, I just replace rotted wood
  16. Welcome aboard
  17. Wish I could help but I don't have a boat so I don't fish Nox
  18. Awkward thread title. Reminds me of the Check Your Dicks thread.
  19. Sounds like a browser problem with video format encoding
  20. You'll have to try it and see for yourself. The reviews go back and forth. I've been using C21 since it came out and it performs similar to the CX with slightly less stretch and a bit stronger.
  21. I wouldn't doubt it, I do talk to everyone The scale wasn't worth getting to risk the bass
  22. The only smallie up there! What a find. By the way I was just up there with my wife today too
  23. Sudbury, What you have to know is you will run into two different types of fishermen out there when you're fishing. The one holds the idea and mindset that this is a sport. The other sees it as what fish have always been, a meal for another day. I'll tell you I have yet fished a place in america where the majority of people are C&R. Well besides Erie because the locals I talk to think the bass are poisoned
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