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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. I'm more upset we lost the cable
  2. Oops, outta power
  3. Since 8pm it isn't a hurricane anymore
  4. Getting 30+mph winds already, sitting by the Delaware river area. PA's PPL claiming 8600 people out of power already
  5. Upgraded 90mph wind..
  6. I'm not looking forward as the worst case scenario but I'd rather be interested in helping your fellow neighbor after this storm than fishing. but up from you I have better time fishing before a storm, afterwards they hide in holes and don't come out til everything looks normal
  7. Chantix, it got me quitin'
  8. Good way to rub in Erie, nice catches guys.
  9. At times I throw 1/4 jigs on 15lb line (mono/copoly), not really a problem on the 200 size, for me at least. Might need some practice to coax out there but you'll get good distance. Around here though we have pickerel/musky/pike problem here and I can't really say 15-20lb line stops the cut, it's more about hook placement when it comes to non steel. I was asking about the weight size since 1/4oz is small and if I recommend using a steel leader then a larger size should help a bass focus more on the lure. At times when I fish in a toothy critter area I'll use a short (6-8in) steel leader around 30lb and cut off the snap swivel and tie directly and replace the clasp with a smaller one.
  10. Shimmy, do you use anything heavier than 1/4oz?
  11. I'd go and tell a moderator about this, wait it would probably end up in your own inbox
  12. I can count one good thing about MLB now.
  13. Ive never tried Yo Zuri so I couldn't compare. I am satisfied with the C21 to not need to shop around for something else, especially when C21 is around $5 vs Yo which is closer to $10
  14. It's a copolymer, which is closer to a monofilament
  15. I hear these stories all the time, unfortunately I don't hear any successes with major spinal situations. Therefore I leave my spine broken and deal with the misfortunes. I'm sorry you're in this predicament, it truly is the never ending road of surgeries.
  16. My wife and I use 6lb C21 for all ultralight fishing. Yet to have a problem with it for any use. When it went on sale at dicks it was like winning the lotto I mainly use 6, 12, and 15lb
  17. If it was a turd with a shimano sticker on it LMG would approve
  18. For once a correct use for an okuma
  19. I've yet to hold an ardent spinning reel that didn't feel like crap. Leaves a sour taste of American manufacturing in my mouth.
  20. Anywhere thats open. Just keep and eye on the actual depth you're throwing into and stay within depth range for the lure.
  21. How easy is it to replace rolls?
  22. Best way to do it is get both. Buy from the local guy. Tell your friend you're interested in the reel and try to do payments on it.
  23. See all that dubstep was a bad idea
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