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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. d**n bro
  2. Extra lockable cabinet, unfortunately I lost all my ammo and guns in a tragic boating accident
  3. You probably wouldn't have passed the physical to join
  4. No question, 4X4 boat or no boat
  5. It will with age
  6. See you need to supplement with cheese
  7. Perhaps dilaudid, its a hydromorphone Good luck dude!
  8. Depends where I go. Flea/farmers/antique marts go cash. Almost everywhere else is debit. I still carry cash to leave tips but mostly don't carry money.
  9. Same thing happened to my wife, but she ended up getting it the third time (huge flu scare going around) and didn't get sick.
  10. I am lucky to not get the flu and as someone with myalgia I'm glad I don't. One of my friends though (talks to much) is a scientist and keeps going on how I'm still vulnerable to rarer strands, I don't want to hear that, fingers crossed.
  11. Yup he cheated. He's a giant piece of you know what because of that, the fact he became a false hero for cancer patients that couldn't be at his level of rich/celebrity and survive makes it worse. The fact that kids looked up to him all these years and really showed them that you really can't push to be the best, you just have to cheat for it makes it over the top. It's really sad I've had to see my best friend in his last stages look up to lance and thought of him as a winner, a fighter, and a hero. Well he never made it to see how lance turned out.
  12. Only thing you didn't try was throwing the box
  13. It would be a miracle if Walmart even opened more than two lanes on a Friday night
  14. I hate it when old ladies whip out their checkbook and decide to pay for one item less then five dollars, at which she signs over the paper to the cashier who calls the manager over since she never seen one before, when the manager whistles the pony express to carry out the payment over to the nearest bank for legal tender for sufficient funds. At least that how I feel how long it takes
  15. Consider it a good sign. I'm not really a fan of ice fishing because there's always an article in the paper close by about people falling through
  16. We use these: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0060JNXUE It can hold up to 4 plano 4-21 containers and some soft plastic bags, also has side holders for bottles, scale, whatever If its in the way just swing it back
  17. Go to the doctor
  18. Nothing senior about brain farts, seems like every week there's a kids forgetting to give me my change at a register
  19. I heard they make them weaker than the Barbie poles for that reason
  20. I'm glad I read the forum before I posted this
  21. Not really a fan of a shotgun as defense, last thing I want to do is fire off in a hallway and blow my eardrums out.
  22. Laser sight for any choice.
  23. $10 Berkley glasses in Amber. As with any sunglasses, treat them like an expensive pair and they'll last longer. Sometimes I really don't care if I have the berkleys or the costa 580s on when I'm out
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