STILL looking for bass, there's a canal in my area that has screwed up the construction of the local system and destroyed the all fish habitats so now all bass (which should've spawned), suckers, panfish and mainly massive carp and catfish are gone so now I'm off in the main river looking for something else and boy have I found some. I figured what the heck, I'd start walking the river edge off one of the islands working with bass gear using a legend tournament jerkbait rod slashing into the current. Well I set into a grab and darn it started pulling me in, being knee deep slowly getting pulled I started loosing the drag so I would loose her, but darn it the line was so close to a tree branch hanging into the water. What a fight I didn't even know what I had yet and kept tell myself please don't break baby! So I had to re tighten the drag, all was good, I started seeing a little silver below the mouth. I never expected this thing to fight so hard, I mean the current was fast but I didn't expect that much! Well I finally landed her and well what a beast, tad over 5 pounds and a worthwhile year goal for me
Now for some way to get better photos for getting this awesome feet recorded
Two things to note:
1. First time I've ever seen this rod bend half way
2. Never though fighting a trout this big fought this hard. I've fought 4lbers with much less effort
I bested my wife for at least this month