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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Go with the 1000, it is good enough to have 110 yards of 6lb line and 140 yards of 4lb, plenty of line capacity
  2. I use a 7' ultralight moderate action rod, it's has a much better reaction for the smallest fish which makes them feel a lot bigger. 1/32-64 bright jig head with 1"-2" dark grubs are my go to. Also tie on flies. I use 4lb to 6lb mono/copoly line
  3. I use both because my grip is horrible
  4. I stopped by, asked the customer service desk about it and they said its only available for holidays now. Bummer
  5. Thin the heard, fish fry
  6. If he did it would be CDO, since it would have to be in alphabetical order
  7. For many, buying or using a cheap baitcaster is enough to push away from using them. After all it was cheap, you know made with lesser components. The essence of baitcasting isn't really felt with cheap. To get a better feel for them yet something above the $100 range.
  8. No shoe is going to help that, what you need is a walking/hiking stick to aid your travel into the water.
  9. Excellent photos, they really capture the moment just right.
  10. Congrats on your new boat, enjoy it
  11. No property tax, it's never really yours according to the govt, just doesn't settle well with some. It's a huge investment with a huge gamble if you lose your income. that's how they foreclose, plop down your 20-30% and get canned 6 months after you signed the mortgage. It's the risk people are learning the hard way.
  12. Sounds like a blast! Looking forward to the pics
  13. Move to colorado or washington
  14. I'll bring the hydrocodone, still have a half bottle
  15. Get a room you two
  16. Needs more scale.
  17. Everyone's different, couldn't give you an answer on it but it still is an opiated
  18. Once your liver regenerates tissue it is scarred, enough scarring with make your liver useless to function as a filter. There is no repairing.
  19. It seems like they keep going backward. Last time they dumbed down the citica and curados, they brought out even more sub $130 baitcasting reels. For a company that has a customer service center tell their cheaper customers to buy their higher end products they sure are being absent there. Forget about shimano getting back on top, they need to get back in line and perhaps they can show us that in July.
  20. So true, good ethics goes a long way in my book
  21. Last I heard Florida is swamped with home contracting work so being too busy to come over might be the problem. Even when I lived in california I heard about people moving to florida cause the work was booming more
  22. Well too much Tylenol will rot your liver, create scares, etc. As for going to the chiropractor, there's many quacks out there, some claim they have magical tools and cure all plans. For serious issuse it'll be better to avoid them. I think you need to look into 2nd opinions. Pain management, orthopedic specialists, physical therapists. They can offer more insight to medications/bracing/excercizing
  23. Good guess. I stil don't see how smoking weed can help serious back problems, this ain't glaucoma
  24. When you say kicked out its sounds like it was by management. Welcome
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