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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. Good luck f&p, you'll be missed
  2. Way to go!
  3. If you really need more drag you could just tighten your thumb down on the spool when it slips.
  4. Welcome aboard!
  5. I can't help but to feel bad for you guys that doesn't have a significant other that shares in your main hobbies, primarily fishing. The point of being outdoors and absorbing the wildlife, enjoying the challenge that comes with it and really spending that time with your soul mate makes it worth so much more to me. I find it more delightful seeing my wife catch a bigger bass than me.
  6. I don't keep track, but I also don't buy a lot of brand name foods and go for the house brands since many are produced in the same factories as other products
  7. For the price I'd at least tell the manufacturer and see if they'll compensate.
  8. AK, You said "a" community, so I'm assuming it's not yours? For the most part I would say it's private and that doesn't need signs
  9. For spinning there's the Berkeley Rod Shock 7' medium for around $36 and a Shimano Sellus 7"1 medium $39 at walmart online. Both are very good for under $40. For reels the Pflueger President can be had for $50-60 depending on reel size and dealer. You can also look on ebay for cheaper prices from a reputable dealer.
  10. Welcome aboard! Far as a rod/reel combo you'll need a set price for everyone to go from for suggestions.
  11. BPS xps crankbaits, you don't need to change the hooks and they cost less than any other brand.
  12. Could be, also might be another species though. Bluegills love making those lip smacking sounds in lilly's too
  13. I can only find ratings up to 1800lbs. One big factor you'll need is power, you don't want to get stuck trying to get up a hill. Just cause the towing capacity says you can and you can drive it on flat land fine doesn't mean you can pull it uphill. Same goes for braking. Since you're in PA you'll know those Appalachians are bad on hills Never been into the caravan crowd so I couldn't give you a real answer but upgrading your minivan with bigger calipers/rotors, rebuilding the trans to handle pulling could cost more than what it's worth. I suggest you trade in for an suv that's rated with more power/capacity
  14. If that kids dad wanted to relive being a loser I gave it to him!
  15. Nice job! Way to break your boat in!
  16. It seems like you need a MH rod, tighten your drag done more and when they strike you need to reel in fast. Having them dive into thick cover is the last thing you need so you have to think quickly and keep them out.
  17. Isn't that what happened to david carradine?
  18. If DEP says its public and legal, go fish there, if the guy complains again tell him to call the cops or you will. I've been though this before and called the cops on ignorant fools harassing disabled folks. They get knocked off their high horse when the law comes around.
  19. You telling me when I was younger I cheated to win those pinewood derbys?
  20. Not just fishing gear, d**n near everything has the prop 65 warning. You should see the cars with the 6" sticker on the drivers window.
  21. Their average price is $35, whenever they go on sale they are $30. Still a good rod for the money.
  22. Maybe it saw the conjuring commercial and wanted to be known again
  23. Don't think I have mono spooled on anything. I use to use berkley xt and sufix elite before
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