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Everything posted by tomustang

  1. tomustang

    Truck Gun

    Truck gun? You got a truck, use that. It can go further than any gun could
  2. Enough with the harry pottering, everyone knows that's paul from the wonder years
  3. They probably fish like a ultra blinged up berkley lightning
  4. They're the best for a reason
  5. The sad part is that kid with probably contribute more to the group now than he ever did when he was alive
  6. Should've used an ugly stik.
  7. You mean to tell me that other walmarts actually stock their shelves??
  8. Definitely watchable, this will help me scrub my brain from seeing ray donovan. Looks like Rick is still griping with reality and michone is obsessed with finding the governor. Is Glenn psychic now?
  9. A picture takes up less room on a wall and you can carry one with you to show it off easier.
  10. I have both, the premier is a nice rod, very stout and sensitive enough to hold its own. That being said if I had to buy another between the two it would be another avid. The sensitivity is much better, the grip is nicer, the warranty is better
  11. Well there's braid, 20lb line should do the trick for almost everything. If you want bigger mono on spinning reels all you need is a bigger spinning reel. You can start with 4000 size, then look at the more popular saltwater reels that can range up to the 10,000+ size
  12. Way to go! Bet you're hooked now
  13. See I'm not the only one who hung it up this season, nfc east is a wash
  14. You didn't mention how big it felt but bluegill do that a lot with thin soft plastics, they also love ripping rage tail claws when setting the hook
  15. It'll help to adjust the drag accordingly
  16. Was out fishing, totally forgot about it
  17. Kick some tires and ride them around, no one can decide what's right for you.
  18. I'll take a tight line regardless of size. Seems like it was a good enough day to repeat with the soon to be mrs!
  19. Haven't heard about it. Good to hear the matter is being taken care of, what are they going to replace it with?
  20. Sounds like me when I fish a river
  21. If we couldn't locate large bass we would move closer to Erie and target those world class smallies.
  22. Loop, If you don't find a schematic, when breaking it down take lots of pictures, it also helps to use plastic bags for parts when you take sections apart. You can also use small solo cups with lids
  23. Got it for a great price
  24. Take it slow and regain your balance, I hope you get a full recovery and all the moldy stuff is gone
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