I just started a new style of fishing, golf courses. I live in Virginia Beach and I went up to a golf course near my house and walked right onto one of the lakes and threw a pearl white 5" sinking minnow (gulp) weightless out and started fishing it right off the bottom. After a few casts I saw my line runnin, always a good feeling haha. I set the hook into a nice little 2 pounder and casted right back out. I ended the day with a 3.5, 3, 2, 1.5 and a little 1 pounder. The conditions were pretty bad too, a cold front moved through a day before I went yet I still did pretty well. I was expecting to get kicked out but the management people there were friendly and didn't even care. I dressed in some nice pants and a dress shirt because I read an article in a magazine once that said if you want to fish a golf course dress nicely and the people there will respect you more and you are less likely to get kicked out. So grab a wormin rod and your dress shirt and get to the nearest golf course ha let me know if any nice bass come out of this...