I'm new to bass fishing and wonder if a bass can tell colors in dark or brackish water or at dusk? Is a bass attracted to a bait more on color or on sound or movement? Why will a bass hit a solid color watermellon Zoom worm but won't hit the same size Zoom with flecks of color in it?
If movement is important, is it better to slowly raise your rod to 12 o'clock and wait to take in the slack or to just slowly reel in a worm?
I see some great responses. Bass fishermen are great teachers.
Every bait I use, worms, lizzards, buzz, spinner, etc. seems to get hung up on underwater grassy, mossy stuff. I wind up dragging the stuff in and picking it off my lure and trying again.
Any suggestions?
I recently moved to a subdivision with a 6 acre spring-fed pond. I am told it has been stocked with bass and cats for about 3-4 yrs. I've been fishing on the bank using ultralite with plastic worms. I can catch 1-1 1/2 pounders all day but have never caught anything over that, although neighbors say there are some 4-5 lbs. there. Lots of grass on bottom catches on the worms too. Pond is about 12-15 deep at deepest point.
How can I catch a big one? Thanks,
Pensacola, FL.
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