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Bassin 24-7

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Everything posted by Bassin 24-7

  1. Do you not find the 4/0 gammy EWG a little too heavy and thick for a weightless senko presentation?
  2. Yea sorry about that. I missed the big thread on this at the top of the page. whoops... :-[
  3. I want to know EXACTLY what you guys and/or gals use for senkos. I use a 6'6" medium casting rod with 8lb mono. I am currently using a 3/0 Owner® Down Shot Offset Hook - Model 5133 with good success. I am looking at other alternatives. I bought a bulk set of Gamakatsu® EWG Worm Hooks but I found that they were to heavy for the senko. I need a relitavly cheap alternative to the Owners. Im looking for a good quality light wire hook at a good price and also an alternate setup to the one I am using.
  4. I have to say yes. I have had many many bad days fishing and I still think they where all beter than being at work.
  5. Is this a power Pack? I just took it off my 1990 Evinrude 175 Intruder. Its fried and I need to replace it. Where can I find one? How much?
  6. What do you guys think about this plate? 1000 have to be pre-ordered before theyll produce them. Would you pay 35 extra $ for this plate? Im conseidering it.
  7. Anybody use the float n fly method? Ive heard great things and I have a couple great smallmouth lakes and rivers in my area. Dale Hollow is 2.5 hours away also. Anyways I just bought a 9'6" BPS float n fly rod and a Mitchell spincast reel to go on it. I know the BASICS but Ive never done it. I figure the best thing to do is emerse myself in it and try to learn the best I can (trial and error) I just want to avoid the error part. Anybody have any suggestions on a good setup, conditions, area etc... Just fishing for tips right now.
  8. Oh sorry to post the same question twice. I shoulda read down the list bofore I posted. I just cant follow the rules it seems. :
  9. This happened earlier this year. A friend of mine was fishing a small crank bait and ended up getting a hook stuck in his finger. Of course I made fun of him and took pictures as he tried in vain to dislodge the barb. He eventually got it out but It was bloody. I was wondering what the best technique was for getting out barbed hooks. I had to go to the emergency room once last year for such an incedent so I dont want to do it again. What do you guys do? I know Im not the only one this has happened to so tell me the good news!
  10. Just wondering haw many fishing forums you guys where members of and what the names of them where? I am a member of 3 forums. This one, TN Bass Fishing and Bass pro shops forums. Just curiuos as to what else is out there. I need all the help I can get.
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