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Everything posted by 200racing

  1. birmingham,AL is a great fishing home base. just pull it up on a map and look at all notable bass fisheries within driving distance.you can even chase smallmouth in north alabama. you can get to the gulf easily for great saltwater fishing.
  2. my favorite is the gambler giggy stick. the tail floats and has action even when you let the bait sit dead.
  3. academy house brand game winner.got my mom 1 for christmas $10. holds 2 big planos and a midsize easily.
  4. ive had a tfo 5wt for 7+ years. shut a boat hatch on it.heard it crack and could see some line in the epoxy. i landed several more fish before it broke on a hookset. sent it in and got a brand new one right back. very pleased. i want a 8wt soon. 100% it will be a tfo. aslo one thing i read on a fly fishing forum that putting one weight heavier line then your rod it is easier to cast. never tried it. i buy all my flies online.you get your head ripped off at shops even bps. look at flies for other species not just your target. i catch alot of bass on salmon and saltwater flies.
  5. i get tired of kvd real quick. his style of fishing doesnt work on our local lakes too well. he didnt do well at all when the elites did jordan and the alabama river.
  6. does copo. have the sensitivity of flouro? or fall halfway between mono and flouro?
  7. ive caught the same male 3 and 4 times in a hour when they are gaurding on the bed. its fun to irratate the bite out of them,land them and let em go back to the bed.
  8. check the laws on manmade structure. if its legal put you own structure in.
  9. live 10 min from pbs have done alot of business never had a bad expeirence.broken trail camera, boots that felt good in the store and were killing my dads feet by the end of the day all exchanged no problems. and as a plus custom service is staffed with cute girls my age i almost want stuff to screw up
  10. we have improved habitat so almost every species thrives.the deer and turkey population recovery are miracles in consevation.our man-madelakes are full of sportfish.we even have man-made hybrids from our angling pursiut. we(man) have irreversibly altered nature. its now imbalanced and needs maintinance to stay serving our needs best. this has a pretty, happy side and a ugly side. almost everyone would find watching twins fawns play in the sun pleseant but half the people in this country would have something negative to say about a stack of coyotes taken so those fawns have a higher chance of surving. now i know its a jump from coyotes to carp. the principle is very similar. it is not pretty,it is not for everyone,but they need controlling just the same.
  11. you might look at big bite baits flying squirrel.
  12. make a carolina rig using a johnson spoon as your weight. good chance of doubling down.
  13. i live in central AL im 21 the house i was born had a fish pond in the yard and fishing is some of my first memories. so ive been at it awhile other hobbies 3d archery, bow and gun hunting, and racing dirtbikes(where this screen name is from)
  14. our church youth minister is a big boy. one day while he was fishing with us he got hung. i laid off the front of our tall bow CC wellcraft.i was strugling and said i cant reach it. he grabbed my belt (i was in jrhigh)picked me up then lower me beside the boat i got his lure he picked me back up in the boat. we all laughed till our sides hurt. went fishing with my granddad one day. noticed the boat filling with water shortly. after launch retrailered the boat he had put the plug in the hole for the bilge pump my cuz got hung went to ****** it loose. the line broke his rod gave him a nice red mark right between the eyes. same cuz late at night we're running down th ICW in bon secure AL using a spot light to see the way. noticed finger mullet jumping near shore but we were done for the night and didnt get off plane. next thing my cousin yells and there is a huge racket in the boat.spotlight my cousin hes hunched over holding his shoulder and there is a 2.5lb mullet flopping in the bottom of the boat.....guess it wasnt just finger mullet juming
  15. going to practice this week end ill try that some....thanks
  16. i have a church tournament coming up on 4/9. we will launch from the kowaliga ramps. i dont fish this lake much at all(its been years). i would like to make a decent showing. anybody mind sharing a pattern(s)that have worked for them and somethings i should try.
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