might be a little late but i lived just down the road in charleston for two years and fished 2-4 times a week. This time fish the out going tide on shell banks with current. DOA shrimps in Gold and Silver are MONEY! Fish it real slow and twitch it every once in a while. Let it move threw the current and have your rod follow the line. Its only going to be a tap and set the hook. Mud minnows/shrimp will do well too if you can get like bait.
I just got them and they look real good. They are soft and look like they use a better plastic then other plastic used for there baits like chigger craw. Will be fishing with them for the first time this weekend, ill let you know how it goes.
Going to be fishing a lake this weekend and the water temp is 56-57. Weather will be in the 60-70's all week then drop to mid/low 50's and lower 40's at night starting thursday. How will this affect the fishing and fish locations?
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