I'm in northern IL (Fox Chain). I'm heading out this afternoon. I've been getting them in shallow areas, very shallow (2-3ft) that have secluded thick clumps of weeds. Drag it through and when it breaks free. Boom! (Ned Rig) Also a frog on the edges of floating duck weed. Going to try drop shot by some off shore white bass schools I found. Hoping the bigguns are hanging nearby them.
Love my Ulterra!
To be more specific.. The power trim on it is a life saver for me. So many shallow channels here and i can raise it higher when needed it.
Once the air temp drops below the water temp
Don't quote me on that though.
I remember Zona saying "Football season means football jigs". I always related that to the start of the transition too.
Hey everyone,
I'm planning a trip in mid September to Florida, Kissimmee area.
Anyone from around that area know of any bass guides that might have a pontoon boat for a wheelchair?
Would need a guide that has a boat that could handle me in the chair and then 2 other people
Thanks in advance!
I just got a peg board and hooks (hangers) from menards =0)
board: http://www.menards.com/main/building-materials/panel-products/specialty-panels/handi-panels/1-8-x-2-x-4-pegboard-panel/p-1470077-c-13340.htm (they have different sizes)
hooks: http://www.menards.com/main/doors-windows/exterior-doors/garage-doors/garage-outdoor-organization/wall-mounted-storage/2-straight-storage-hook/p-1465611-c-12657.htm (they have different lengths etc)
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