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Vic Nightingale

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Everything posted by Vic Nightingale

  1. Rockchalk, I was curious if their movement could be helped along with how I am fishing around them. Example, if I want them to keep going left, keep throwing my lure out to the right side. When they sense a lure close by, they scatter or move quickly. There were big ones chasing them, no dinks. Deep, The dock is for jet ski's. It lays flat on the water so the jet ski can be driven right on top of it. There's no room to skip underneath.
  2. Currently, on my lake, bass are chasing school's of shad. I was out today fishing and it was incredible. I wish I had a camera. I have never seen schools of baitfish so large before. I would just wait until the bass started going after the shad, then throw a chatterbait. I had a few bites, but nothing solid. What would you guys recommend throwing when you have large school's of shad within casting distance, and how do you approach fishing it. Here's why I ask that. There's a dock for jet ski's where I fish. I know there are always big fish holding underneath it, but it is very difficult getting them to come out and bite anything. When this school of baitfish went by, they went nuts. They came flying out from underneath the dock eating everything in site. After a while, when the school came back around, I tried throwing out to the right of them to try and force them to move more towards the dock. Can a school of baitfish be moved by how I fish around it?
  3. I also received a second free pack today. 6/0 worm hooks.
  4. Split the tail. These things are awesome. RI sweet beaver. Texas rig with a 3/8 ounce weight and drag on the bottom. Caught the biggest bass I have ever caught this past friday with one of these. Caught one today, and had 3 more swimming right beside it while I reeled it in.
  5. Got mine today. They came in quick. In about 2 weeks. HW Worm hooks, 5/0.
  6. Was out fishing yesterday and today. Could see fish in shallow water on beds. Picked off one male, but the larger females wanted nothing to do with what I was throwing. I used everything: jigs, creature baits, small worms, big worms, spinnerbaits, lizards. Nothing worked. And there were 7 really large females doing laps around this one bed. I had my bait right in the middle of the bed, and they surrounded it, but then froze up and did not move. Should I have approached it differently? Is there something else I should have thrown? As a side note, I was out fishing today and caught one that had the bloodiest tail fin I have ever seen. It was covered in blood. What would that have been from?
  7. Finesse it is. Gonna use this one for drop shot and small, light lures.
  8. I went to watch the weigh in at an flw event that was on my local lake yesterday. They were having a raffle for a combo and I won the raffle. It is ACS661M. Spinning rod that is 6 and half feet, medium power, lure weights 1/16 to 3/8. What would you use this for, and what type of line would you use with it. Thanks for the advice.
  9. Thanks for the advice. Used boat is the way I'm gonna go...
  10. Had another great time today fishing with these. They are absolutely now my go-to bait. Caught my first spawning female of the season today on it. Was about 4 pounds. Not as big as I had hope, but I'll take it.
  11. Joe, I was using a 3/8 weight. Buzzfrog, I'm starting to run low on mine.
  12. Any else here like using these things. I was out fishing today and caught 7 using one of these things. Watermelon green pumpkin. I don't know what it is about them, but on my lake I always catch fish with them, even when nothing else is working.
  13. Was thinking about buying a boat. This would be my first boat. Should I get brand new or get a used boat. If I was going to get a used I would want to stay around 5 grand if possible. Should I look at new or used for my first boat? Also, what recommendations do you guys have on where to find a good used boat. Thanks in advance.
  14. Thanks for the info.
  15. Does the color of the weedguard matter on jigs. I have made jigs in colors of blue, green, brown and black. My weedguards are black, so the only ones I was wondering about are the blue, brown and green. Will it matter if the weedguards on those are black as well?
  16. Braid it is. Don't want to have to spend more money to buy another one of these things. Thanks for the responses.
  17. Thanks for all the responses. I was throwing a football jig head in open water and dragging it on the bottom. The only thing I could feel were shell beds. If I was throwing it into rocks, I would be ok with the chipping. I just can't believe that shell beds will chip paint. From now on, I think I'm going to cure them at a little bit higher temp for slightly longer periods. River rat, thanks for the advice. I will do that with the next batch.
  18. What line type do you recommend to use when throwing this rig. My a-rig is 3/8(just the lure). The 5 jig heads are 1/8. Between those 2, I will be at a weight of 1 oz. Add in the swimbaits weight in addition to that. I am going to use a 7'6" heavy power rod. My reel already has 17 pound fluoro. It seems alot of people like to use braid. What does everyone recommend. Thanks.
  19. I made some new jigs and I noticed the powder paint is starting to chip. After I powder painted them, I cured them in a toaster oven for 20 minutes at 350 degrees. I thought that would harden the paint, but now they are starting to chip. Should I be doing something different?
  20. Devcon has a 5 minute epoxy. It has 2 barrels. You push the lever for the 2 barrels and it pushes out 2 different compounds. Go to a craft store and get yourself some childrens brushes that are cheap. Use those brushes to mix up the 2 compounds. The swipe the inside of the hole on the jig head, then cover the end of the weedguard and put the guard into the hole. Make sure it is secure, and then let it dry . Put some on the outside of the guard after you have put it into the jig, just around the outside of where the jig fits into the weedguard. You can get the epoxy at lowes.
  21. Ryneb, I went through that when I first started powder painting. The reason there is a run is because there is too much paint on the jig head. I recently built a fluid bed to use for painting and it cured the problem of having paint run. Try putting in the weedguards after you paint. You will probably have to drill out the hole or trim the weedguard to make it fit. Use epoxy for the weedguards.
  22. Here is a picture of the jigs I made with the new jig mold and the fluid bed I had recently built. They came out nice. When I cured it in the toaster oven, there was no run of paint, which happened before when I would just dip the jig into the jar. This weekend I will be doing more.
  23. I'm trying to upload a picture, but it doesn't seem to be working. How do you upload a picture to this site.
  24. I made 2 football jigs using the new mold and the fluid bed I just built. The pictures didn't come out that great.
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