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  1. Make sure engine is vertical. Those carbed motors can be difficult to start when cold if not in a vertical position.
  2. Hydrillagorilla2.. Five blade is for better hole shot. Is this on a 89 Champion?
  3. On My old boat (89) i just unhooked the pump and mix it myself. Many say when they get that old you are better off disconnecting the pump and mixing yourself. A little headache but cheap insurance.
  4. Cart7 is right. Use all the media resources you can to see what people are asking for particular boats. This will give you a good idea as to what a certain boat w/ a certain moter in a certain condition is going for. After some research when one comes along that tickles your fancy you will have a pretty good idea if it is a deal or something to pass on.
  5. I live in Wichita aka DOO DAH. Family has a place on the T-ROCK. Shell Knob area. I am willing to fish w/ anyone when they are in the area.
  6. I had a boat equipped about the same. I would let it warm up a little on the initial start up of the day but it is not necessary after that. It would have to be a bone chilling day and it would have to sit for quite some time before it would cool to a point of needing to be warmed up again. Besides a two stroke has gas and oil being sent thru the system at the exact same time which differs from a four stroke. It will never hurt it to warm up no matter the conditions as long as it never loads up on you and wants to die or run sluggish until that gas oil mix is burned off. I say if this is not the case do what ever makes you feel comfortable. My .02 worth.
  7. CJ. I will do that. I am a baseball and football coach for my son's team and that takes up a bunch of my time. If there is ever a time I am going to be down there without a partner I will look you up. If you ever need advise, and I have to say I am by no means a pro, feel free to ask. I am happy to help. Would like to hear how you do on the Rock those times you make it out there. Good luck with your search for a boat. If you let me know exactly what you are looking for I will keep an eye out.
  8. 8 even. I hope for double digits some day.
  9. cbrown. It is true that you will get more bang for your buck with an aluminum boat. I fish Tablerock almost exclusively and started with an aluminun boat. My only real problem with aluminum was it's weight. In the wind it is difficult to keep the boat in optimum position.That is the only real draw back and fishing the lakes in the Ozarks this is not as big a problem as say in Kansas. It was much easier to manuver in and out of the trees and I did not have to worry about putting a nasty kiss mark in the fiberglass.The aluminum will be much easier on the gas as well. Just my .02 cents. Where do you fish on the ROCK?
  10. I will say University of Texas.
  11. kbj3579...I have not got to use it yet. Have a 89 184DC that I will have to part with. Sure do love that Champion ride.
  12. Try again. Sorry! 2005 Champion 187
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