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JT Bagwell

BassResource.com Writer
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Everything posted by JT Bagwell

  1. Glad you got it replaced but that is pretty lame that you never got a response. I have had some issues with other company's customer service lately as well. Looks like it might be a crappy new trend in the U.S. business philosophy. Not really my cup of tea though.
  2. So did you ever get a response?
  3. Like others have said, I fish the Bloody Shad Swim jig from Siebert Outdoors just like I would a spinnerbait or square billed crankbait. My 2 trailer choices are the 5" Yamamoto single tail grub and the Yamamoto Swim Senko.
  4. I have the really big LC Real California swimbait. My feelings are mixed. Sometimes it looks really good in the water and other times it just stops having any action at all. Just looking at the bait in your hand it looks amazing.
  5. Of course it's Yamamoto. Gary invented the Senko which is one of the most effective and versatile baits, plus it's been copied probably more than any other bait in history.
  6. Me Too!!! lol
  7. Well I only have 1 week of deer season left and have only been within range of a deer once and it happened to be at a time that I had a tree branch in my hand. The temps are like Antarctica here so this last week is going to be rough. After deer season it will be off to ice fishing.
  8. The piece of advice I would give is learn the basics first. Buy a few baits in a few natural colors and master them. Don't waste your money buying all of the hype lures and getting every color in the crayon box.
  9. Got my bow all sighted in so I think this weekend will be my last time in the bass boat this year. It is supposed to be 24 degrees tomorrow night so I think I will get my Bass fix one more time and then switch to bow hunting until Ice Fishing season (hopefully winter isn't as long as it was last year).
  10. Hopefully it gets here soon. I am not a big fan of waiting for anything. lol
  11. I went out again today and it SUCKED!!! Bright sunny skies after a cold front. It was in the 30's when I got out there. Brrrrr I did catch a few but one that was funny was a 9" Bass on a Lucky Craft SKT Magnum MR 110 (It is giant in case you haven't seen it). As soon as I saw the fish I just said "Are you freaking kidding me" there was no chance that Bass could have got anything more than the hook in his mouth. On a sad note, I lost that crankbait a few hours later. My lure retriever only went to 15' and I was a little deeper than that.
  12. Who went fishing today? What state were you in and what were the conditions? I went in Northern Illinois, water temp was 54, air temp when I got there was 45 and 58 when I left, wind was 30 mph NNW. I went out there expecting to whack them with lipless crankbaits in the grass like I have been but that only produced 1 fish today. I also got 1 on a square bill near some grass. The rest of my fish came on a chatterbait with a Yamamoto 3.5" swim bait on it, near wood. Overall I had to grind it out today but we have to get those fishing days in no matter how the weather is because winter is just around the corner.
  13. Thanks guys I ended up ordering a PSE Stinger X package from their 2015 product line. It should be just fine for what I need it for. Now I am like a kid at Christmas waiting for it to arrive.
  14. Congratulations! Nice job and sounds like some really nice smallies.
  15. I have been hitting a couple of lakes this fall so far that have no shad in them. What has been working for me is finding grass and ripping lipless crankbaits in, around and over it. I am also still whacking them on vibrating jigs with a swim senko on the back. When I was out the other day the water was in the low 60's and I was cranking really fast and the bass were still freight training it.
  16. I have not shot a bow since I was a teenager and I am in my late 30's now but recently I decided that I might be interested in taking up bow hunting for deer. Especially given the fact that I live in Northern Illinois where we have giant Whitetail deer. I have been looking at some PSE bows because that is what I had before but I really don't know much about the newer stuff. Anyone have any advice on something that isn't super cheap but isn't going to cost a fortune and is still good quality. I will likely only go once a week through the end of bow season so I don't know that it is going to get used all that much. It's weird being a newby at something on here. lol Thanks guys
  17. If they are really dirty I rinse them off with water. Otherwise I just use the Wiley X microfiber cloth that comes with them.
  18. You are very right, there are not many companies making high quality, polarized sunglasses that are also ANSI rated. To avoid any appearance of spamming, if you want help finding glasses that fit your style feel free to private message me on here or shoot me a message via one of the social media methods below and I would be happy to help. The particular brand I wear meets all of these requirements with all of their styles.
  19. Guys I know you have heard me mention how important I believe having high quality polarized lenses are for Bass fishing but there is more to glasses than just that. You should really get a pair that are impact resistant (ANSI impact rated to be specific). That way you see into the water by cutting through the glare, protect your eyes from harmful UV rays and also have your eyes protected from lures and other projectiles coming at your face. Don't just get glasses because they look cool. They need to serve a higher purpose.
  20. Just a reminder: Read this and other articles a few times before you even think about contacting a company for a sponsorship.
  21. After the extremely cold and horribly long winter we had last year, what impact did it have on the fishing in your area? Some areas here were clearly affected and others I don't see any change at all.
  22. I just read another article about this topic yesterday, seems like it is an issue in multiple sports, not just fishing.
  23. I started the T25 workout tonight. For those of you that have done Insanity, it is a lot different. It is 25 minutes non-stop and it goes by really fast. If I had to guess, I would say the fat loss probably won't be as fast but I still think it is going to be a good program. I definitely think the completion rate will be higher than it was with Insanity because that stuff is just crazy.
  24. LOL Oooh the old jumpsuit. Those were awesome.........not really.
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