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JT Bagwell

BassResource.com Writer
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Everything posted by JT Bagwell

  1. I heard on the radio that you could get a 525 rd box for $70. I think the last one I bought at walmart was around $15.
  2. I too have an 870 Tactical 12 guage. I used the "home defense" excuse to purchase but in reality I wouldn't get to it in time to do any good. It is locked in a safe with most of my other weapons. My real home defense weapon is my .40 cal Glock. I keep it and 2 high capacity magazines in a location that I can get too very quickly.
  3. That is freaking AWESOME!!! And thanks for your service bro.
  4. Anyone from NE Iowa or NW Illinois on here? I am in Geneseo, IL and it is still way to cold for Bass fishing.
  5. Thanks a lot. They have been great since day 1.
  6. What is your favorite AR15 brand? I have one from Rock River Arms that is pretty sweet but I have not owned any other brands.
  7. I just realized this is my 10th year working with Gary Yamamoto Custom baits. That is getting pretty rare in this industry. I also just realized this is my 9th year coming to Bass Resource. So much has changed on BR since I have been coming here. The format is entirely different and there are WAY more members here now. Great place to learn and meet new friends for sure.
  8. It isn't limited to fishermen either. I see tons of current and former UFC fighters talking about their "sponsers" or "sponcers" on Twitter. It really drives me nuts. lol
  9. Just be careful when you cast them. Use more of a lob type cast vs a whipping type cast. If you whip those bigger Senkos they will rip and fly off during the cast. It creates a big nasty backlash if you are using a baitcaster.
  10. Olympic Bass Fishing would be totally awesome too.
  11. I think they should get rid of some of the lame sports in the olympics and replace them with Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai. But on the wrestling issue, I think it should stay and some of the other crap should go.
  12. I agree there is WAY TOO MUCH drama and stupid stuff on facebook but I also believe it can be a valuable tool. I block as much stuff like that as I can. If someone posts way to much junk I just hide them from showing up on my news feed. I just think it is odd how I have 20 times more people on my facebook than my twitter. It almost looks to me like fishermen don't use twitter and opt for facebook.
  13. One thing that I see in dozens and dozens of posts from people wanting or talking about sponsors is they spell the dang word wrong. It is SPONSOR not Sponser. This has to be the most common spelling error on any fishing forum. There is about 0 chance that a company is going to do anything with you if you ask them for a "sponsership"
  14. I see nobody has ever replied to this so I will add a little critique. Anyone in a marketing position at a major company is not going to need a Bass fisherman to tell them about the tough economy. They need you to tell them what you bring to the table that can benefit them by adding to their brand recognition and making them more money. Tell them how many impressions you have a year, tell them how those impressions are generated and how that is going to help their bottom line.
  15. I have a 4'x8' pegboard on one wall. This is where I have all of of my line, overflow crankbaits, jigs, chatterbaits, hooks, etc (all of the unopened stuff). Everything is in order by size and color. Then I have a 6' tall and 5' heavy duty metal shelving system with 5 shelves on it. On those shelves I have about 20 different clear rubbermaid boxes that are all labeled according (worms, jig trailers, Ikas, crawdads, Senkos by size, etc). On the very top of the shelf I have all of my extra reels (because they are light). You dont want to keep heavy items up high. On the bottom shelf I have the really big (can't remember if they are 10 or 20 gallon) clear rubbermaid boxes for my big volume iterms. Like 5" and 7" Senkos that I have thousands of. These boxes are really heavy so I keep them on the bottom. Connected to the 6' tall shelf I have a waste high shelving system. I use the top shelf for a work space to make jigs, spool reels, etc. The lower shelves is where I store mine and my kids tackle bags and stuff like that, that we use when we go pond fishing. The reason I chose to use clear boxes is so I can see the volume without having to take the lid off. For example if I glance at the shelf and I see that the box for the Yamamoto Shad Shape worm looks pretty low, I know to check it out and order more. From a cost standpoint I dont think it was crazy expensive. Below is an estimate of what I think I paid for everything. Pegboard - About $15 Pegboard hooks - $30-$40 2 shelving systems - $80 each Rubbermaid boxes - Under $100 total
  16. I absolutely love the 7" Yamamoto Senko. I actually fish them more than I do the 5". The bigger baits do weed out some of the smaller fish but that is not to say that the smaller ones won't eat a 7" Senko too. I saw a 12" Bass caught on a big fat 16" worm on an 11/0 hook so I don't think little Bass are scared to eat anything.
  17. Bubblegum works and it has worked since I was a kid. When I was about 10 I got a bubblegum colored Mann's crankbait. My grandpa thought it was funny and liked to tease me about it until I started catching Bass on it. Wasn't so funny after that. lol Now I have tons of Bubblegum Senkos, grubs and trick worms.
  18. I like to use Yamamoto's curly tail worm and also the 10" and 12" Berkley Power Worms.
  19. I know our local Dick's carriers it because I am the one that got it in there.
  20. Last year I used way more 4" and 4.5" Yamamoto Swim Senkos than anything but they were trailers on my vibrating jigs. My stand alone most used soft plastic is the 7" Yamamoto Senko. That bait is killer.
  21. I have on several occasions, caught big bass in less than 4' of water, on 7" Senkos.
  22. Something I have been noticing for a long time is my Twitter account is not very active compared to my Facebook. On Twitter it seems like it is almost only my Mixed Martial Arts friends and all of my Bass fishing friends are on Facebook. Which do you use?
  23. I went to Luke Bryan and Miranda Lambert and it was ok. I think it would have been awesome had it not been on the night my Grandpa died. My mind was elsewhere. Other than that Garth Brooks was awesome in the 90's and a few years ago I saw Dierks Bentley and Brad Paisley and it was a phenomenal show. I would like to go see Luke and Miranda again sometime but I think concert tickets are getting way too expensive.
  24. They work both ways but I seem to get more bites on the Whacky rig. However, the hooking ratio is much better with the Texas rig.
  25. I have been on Yamamoto's Pro Team for probably 10 years and the 5" Senko has got to be the most popular. Now with that being said, I actually prefer the 7" Senko. Big fish love them and smaller fish aren't scared to eat them either.
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