I did Insanity this Spring and was very lean by the time I finished.
Then came Summer and I did not exercise at all.
I noticed my stomach was getting kind of flabby so I went to my local
Max Muscle store and had them measure my body fat percentage. I
came in at almost 20% which is crazy. I also noticed that I got tired much
faster when fishing and felt sore at the end of the day.
So tonight I am going to start Insanity again and I had the guy at my local Max Muscle
put together a good regimen of Protein, Pre-Workout drinks and vitamins.
If anyone is interested in getting in shape before next fishing season we could
keep this thread going and post updates about our success, tips and what supplements and
workouts are working for us.
Let me know if you are interested and I will try to post once or twice a week.