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Everything posted by Garnet

  1. I cut the grass, built a ramp, did the dishes today ......................so much for retirement......................and fishing burnout thats over too Garnet
  2. A little bit about the style of head Triple rattle Back jig has a blunt nose for rolling around wood and rock. Football is a pure rock jig. Stanley/Arkie Head combo weed and rock/wood. Weed pitch'n jig is very pointy JawTech Big bite was a back in the day good one. Then theres all the mini jigs. Garnet
  3. 2 fastest 3 little slower and slows done more with wieght 10mph+ 4 little slower and smaller dropoff with wieght 3-4mph 5 almost no dropoff and about 10 mph slower than 4 blade The more you go for top end the less grip out of the hole and more dropoff with wieght. Thats why High Fives are so popular on the great lakes. Garnet
  4. Largemouth are mostly eye candy fishing were smallies you look at electronic and piece a picture together and work your way too the fish. When you find big smallies they are killers that magizine story we all read is just mag. bull. Garnet
  5. There can be to much rock for great smallie fishing. I spend all my time looking for sand/gravel and different size boulders and smaller weed beds add a little current and it's smallie heaven. Garnet
  6. Nothing beats a flasher for staying on a weedline. The rest get the color graph. Garnet
  7. I undo the back take transom saver off. Back in then undo front and hop in from boat tung. Star boat and backoff trailer. My rope is in a pocket beside my feet. Tie to dock leave motor running most times and deal with the truck/trailer. I do it this way for many reasons. 1/ I know the boat will start. 2/ Not pushing my guts out. 3/ I'm in control of the boat, not wind momentum wave. Garnet
  8. You missed style of head and how they work. Garnet
  9. And leave your stick cable coiled in the back. Garnet
  10. Put your hand on the transducer you should feel and hear a clicking. Garnet
  11. I was on the either Power Pro or Flouro no leaders. This spring I've been testing knots and leaders. The surgeon double loop that I wrap 4 times wins and BPS XPS flouro with 20 yellow Power Pro. I do work for Power Pro and told the boss he can have all my green back. Garnet
  12. The 10 inch in the water is the spec. but if you fish big water I would add. a 42 inch model 24 volts should be top shelf. Garnet
  13. Mostly size of fish is my starting piont. If theres lots of 1.5-2lb then go smaller. In my area most lakes are 3.5-7 lbs so lots of 3.5-5 inch tubes. Then it's depth 0 - 1/2 oz depending on lake. So make your tube or any bait do what you need. Garnet
  14. Try landing the fish without hooking (or get a look). Garnet
  15. Done that night thing too and fish are still better than our equipment. Garnet
  16. I hate talking about winter but have sat and watched Aqu vu when fish bite and our very best equipment is just not good enough. I've watched Northern Pike, walleye,lake trout and whitefish, perch bite with braid, braid/flouro, and mono with grafite rods and have no bite feeling. With your baits straight down and no slack feel doesn't get any better and it happens over and over. Garnet
  17. Keep the nose up and cut down the angles that means don't go strait at the waves. Garnet
  18. Drill some holes in the corners and everthing will be good. Garnet
  19. They put plenty of miles on the trailer. The motor thats why you get the printout for the motor. And you get day 1 warranty and priced right. That means you go into Basscat dealer find out the price for the pro staff boat and then get price from the pro. Garnet
  20. For that kind of # you should get a Prp Staff boat. Most come with full warranty's and no leans. Check around who for runs the Basscat pro staff. Also look at Skeeters and Rangers. They are very well looked after (part of deal) and you can get a printout of hrs on motor and how they were brokein and any service. Also check for certificate boats won in tourneys they are serail #ed and you can check with manufacter and upgrade to your likes color and opptions. Garnet
  21. The ? is battery or charger or both. Check water in your battery and charge full. Get a multi meter and test battery should be 13.25 volts. plug in battery charger and test again should be more than 13.25. Nothings changed with lead/acid batterys so the heavest battery is the best. I worked in a battery manufacturing plant and Wally World and Cosco are made cheaper than Interstate, Power Surge, Delcos so you get what you pay for. Garnet
  22. If you want really big Bass Magnat Garnet
  23. Everthing on your screen is history, so if you went forward and left everthing you see is behind and to the right. Garnet
  24. We have a wonderful thing around here called walleye season were we snap jig bucktails in heavy weed, rock and zebra mussels. For the last 6 weeks I've been testing flouro and flouro leaders and the winners are BPS XPS and double surgeon knot. I used the same rods and reels just different flouro and different knots. Garnet
  25. Some of these comments are way offside, be ready next time with the right equipment and remember in this game being acused of cheating is an honour just make sure you are happy with yourself. More important is why buddie caught more fish. Chatterbaits run way slower, maybe if you opened up your spinnerbait slowing your retrieve down. Garnet
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