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Everything posted by hookum

  1. What are Plano shelves? Do you have any pictures of your area
  2. JT Bagwell can you send some pictures of what your fishing area looks like?
  3. Hey everyone I'm looking to re design my tackle garage mostly all bass fishing gear also have some deer hunting gear as well. Can you guys share some pics of how each of you have set up you fishing/ hunting man caves or just fishing. I know all of you have a designated area where you keep all your gear organized and an area to work on reels and just mess with fishing gear before tournaments weither it be in your garages, work shops, room in the house or basement. Any help would be great I just like to get some good idea on how everyone has there spots set up
  4. Thanks for the help everyone
  5. I have a bass tracker pro team 170 tx and it has a merc 40 hp 4 stroke, i have a 13.5 x 26 standard prop and motor is rated to go at an rpm of 6000 max. i am looking to get up on plane quicker and pick up some speed without going over 6000 rpm's i am currently maxing out at 5700 trimmed all the way and about 31 mph tops , would like to run about 35mph. Can i achieve this by going to a 16 pitch prop stainless instead of my 13 aluminum??? or what else could i do that wont harm the motor but get me more speed
  6. Hey guys anyone have the quantum KVD signature series rod 7'-0" medium heavy. I just got this god as a gift and not sure what it would be good for I have never had a graphite rod before.
  7. Here are my setup for this year let me know what you think and if you think i need to switch something up a little for what im going to be using them for: This might help in my area i normally throw on a regular basis of coarse depending on the seasonal pattern a Spinnerbait, Topwater ( Popper and walk bait) , Frog, Jig, Creature Bait (Rodent or Ugly Otter) Texas Rigged, Texas rigged worm and LIZZARD, SENKO or other weightless stick baits, and a Crankbait 1.5, 2.5;s mainly, and Lipless Cranknbaits. I usually carry only 6 with me on tournament day due to limited boat space, so i have to be able to use one or 2 rods for 2 different techniques Here are my set ups let me know what you think, any suggestions what would you use for which baits. 1. Rod: Wright n Mcgill skeet rod 6'-8" medium fast (Topwater/Jerkbait) Line/lb.? Technique? Reel: BPS Extreme 7.1:1 2. Rod: Wright n Mcgill skeet rod 7'-0" medium fast (Spinnerbait/Worm) Line/lb.? Technique? Reel: BPS Extreme 6.4:1 3. Rod: Duckett Stick Medium Crankin 7'-0" Line/lb.? Technique? Reel: Quantum KVD 6.3:1 4. Rod: ABU Veritas Medium Heavy 7'-0" Micro Guide Series Line/lb.? Technique? Reel: BPS Extreme 7.1:1 5. Rod: Quantum KVD Signature Series Graphite 7'-0" Medium Heavy Line/lb.? Technique? Reel: Quantum KVD 6.3:1 6. Rod: BPS IM6 7'-0" Medium Heavy Line/lb.? Technique? Reel: Daiwa Procaster 6.3:1 7. Rod: BPS IM6 6'-6" Medium Heavy Line/lb.? Technique? Reel: Bionic Plus BPS 6.3:1 8. Rod: Bionic Blade BPS 7'-0" Medium Line/lb.? Technique? Reel: Daiwa Strikeforce 6.3:1 9. Rod: BPS IM6 6'-0" Medium Line/lb.? Technique?
  8. Nice good idea I like to see photos of te way other anglers keep there stuff organized thanks keep the photos coming
  9. I'm really looking for some good ideas on how people store all there bass fishing gear all the soft plastics and hard baits outside of the bass boat you have to have some good ideas in keeping this stuff organized. Because it can not all fit in the boat
  10. Im sure everyone has there own man cave set up just for BASS Fishing. I would like for everyone to share some pics and ideas on how they keep everything organized... Looking fowarded to seeing everyone set
  11. I need a good Crankbait rod and reel combo together for around $125.00 to $200.00 any suggestions
  12. how is the red label is it a pretty good quality line
  13. Can some of you help and suggest a good affordable, durable and something that has good knot strength. I'm getting ready to spool 6 rods and I'm looking for a fluorocarbon line that is a good price. I have been looking at seaguar, Berkeley trilene 100% fluoro, and p line but they all seem to run 20 bucks for 200 yards any suggestions. Need fluoro line for the following techniques Spinnerbaits, buzz bait rod Senko, floating worm rod Carolina rig, big plastic, creature rod basically flipping and pitching setup Soft plastics rod
  14. Actually my down imaging screen is really clear at 30 mph weather it's accurate or not. I have mounted it exactly where the humminbird instructions told me to 15 inches from the prop and right at the bottom of the transom. Would you guys like a photo of how I mounted it to see if you could help
  15. I have the 597 ci hd down imaging gps combo i finally got the bottom to read properly by pointing the transducer down just a notch. I was having trouble getting the correct depth at speeds higher than idle I would loose the bottom. Is it normal that when you go faster that the sonar screen still gives correct depth but the sonar is all fuzzy shouldn't it stay really clear just as if you were still ideling?
  16. what type of fishing apps does everyone use?
  17. nice i like it, very organized
  18. Does any one here fish santee lake marion or lake moultrie? I was wondering how the navionics lake map sd he lakevcard works out there i just got a new unit and picked up the navionice card for $149.99.
  19. Have you seen them being sold anywhere near you
  20. I'm looking for some better ways to store my jigs and jig trailers, can some of you share your ways of storing them? Pictures would be great
  21. Does anyone know where the Bagley Baits can be purchased. Most importantly the Bang O Lure???
  22. Thanks for the detailed explanation: Sounds like some good info. Anymore out there that would like to share what there line up is? And also looking for a good jig rod any recommendations?
  23. Can some of you share with me the brands of line that yall are using and the lb test thats perffered as well as mono, flour, or braid for all different types of techniques. Looking for a good line guide, Also Looking to buy a good quality jig rod? any suggestions
  24. Im having a difficult time catching bass in the intercoastal waterway or in the waccamaw river near bucksport and enterprise landing. I mostly fish with my 5 year old son and everytime we go out we seem to get skunked no matter if its this time a year or in the summer. Can someone give me som pointers: Like right now out there what are the best baits to use and where are some good spots to fish in this area. low tide or high tide? Then come spring time when the water temp gets up in to the upper 50's and low 60's when the spawn is on what are some good baits to use in this area. Any help would be appreciated, were just trying to have fun and catch fish..
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