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Everything posted by dhami013

  1. Sight fishing. Love it. I use 2 things when sight fishing and have caught numerous 5lb+ fish with these two baits. A pumpkin lizard with a chart. tail. Or the crawdad yum wooly bug like this one.
  2. Sometimes it be like that. Some fish prefer colors because it may resemble their prey more. A lake I fish in Norfolk prefers black and blue plastics and shad colored everything else. Fish are weird. You'd think that a bait that looks so good to you could never be denied by a fish.
  3. I use green pumpkin plastics on all murky waters I fish. That and watermelon. And they both work great. I feel that darker water means darker lures. I carry predominantly green pumpkin and watermelon because they both work for almost all conditions. Clear or murky. To me presentation comes first but it's almost hand in hand with color. Tackle to me doesn't affect the fish biting, it's just what affects your perception of the fish on your line and your ability to keep them there. I don't see where the zebco combo came up in the bait discussion. If you know your instruments then you can make them work. Zebco is solid in my book. My younger siblings have rocked some fish on their Zeb set ups.
  4. I use 3/8th and 1/16th. The 3/8 when I'm fishing a larger bait or I want it to sink quicker. The 1/16 if I want a slower fall. As far as for your situation. Maybe something heavy like Roadwarrior mentioned so that way you can punch through those weeds. Mann's Jelly worms are stellar. Powerbait. Lake Fork. And though it's not a big worm or bait. But the baby brush hog has caught me some fat girls. Good luck
  5. Strike King Bitsy Minnow. If I'm using an UL that's all I need to use. I've got almost every color. The all white one and the brown and orange one have had the best luck for me.
  6. After reading this post I decided to throw my Spro today. It's yellow and green. I bought it last year and got blow ups but no hook ups. Well today was awesome. It was overcast and real muggy here. And top water was on. I was hopping it up and down in the water by twitching my rod tip quickly then letting it sit a couple seconds. My rule of thumb for top water is to count to 3 then set the hook. That or wait til you can't see the bait, once it goes too deep I let it rip. I nearly ripped a dink's face off today. Good luck.
  7. Well what do you have already?
  8. My best friend catches monsters on 12" and 16" worms. I think that's just too big. The biggest I carry is 10" powerbait. But to answer your question, yes they're capable. Every plastic is really. I've caught huge bass on 4" senkos, and I've caught bass about 5" long on my 10" worm.
  9. I bring the entire arsenal including my Taurus 9mm.
  10. My best friend uses white Ribbits floating frogs, he's caught some HUGE bass in all types of water. Stained, clear, etc. He's caught them on really hot clear skied days, in the evening, and really just at any time. He also has some silver bottom, black backed ones with chart. legs but has had better luck on white frogs. He reels them in pretty fast too. It's awesome to watch. He uses 20lb green fire line braid. It really is the best for top water, there's no stretch.
  11. Yeah well I was surprised to have it die on me again. Luckily I had the trolling motor to get back. Sucked. I don't know what is going on. I had it running today. It's like God and my motor knew I was on the water and the universe didn't want it to happen. So frustrating. I'm gunna rebuild the carb. And see what happens from there.
  12. It, it's, IT'S ALIVE! Played the chokes, got her cooking for 20 minutes using seafoam to clean out the carb, cut it off for ten mins, then got her roaring again. NICE! Going on the Rappahanock tonight.
  13. My buddy catches fish on red and blue culprit worms in stained water.
  14. Ha no it's all good. Engine trouble is not fun. I know, as do many fisherman out there. I just hope the carb being cleaned out is all I need. We'll see. Good luck with your motor, and yeah do post some pics.
  15. I was using a c-rigged lizard like you said. Where we were was some stained water so my buddy caught her on a green pumpkin Mad Paca from netbait. We caught her just after the first bridge behind those rocks and grass on the right. There's a 4ft wide cut out in the grass and it leads back to a little cove.
  16. Well best of luck. I of all people know how much it sucks to be limited to a trolling motor. But then again in my area most public lakes are only electric because they're all reservoirs.
  17. Yeah Ni River hasn't been too hot lately so I've been told. My best friend's dad hits it up every now and then and says it sucks. I would hit up Hunting Run. They're raising it to be a trophy bass fishery. I honestly haven't fished the Ni since I was real young. Just too many other places for me to hit without having to pay to launch. And if I do pay it's Lake Anna.
  18. Play with the chokes and spray some engine starter fluid in there. Also get some seafoam from advanced auto and mix it with your gas and oil. If all else fails just rebuild up your carb.
  19. Deeper. Stay off the shore about 25 yards.
  20. Here's a pic of the fat girl. Man that sounds like a frustrating yet rewarding weekend. I think my carb needs to be cleaned out. I got some sea foam so hopefully that'll do the trick. I won't be able to work on it til this weekend. 60 hour weeks kinda prohibit any extra curricular activities. So I'm now a weekend warrior. Once I get it up and running I'll be back on Anna and maybe we can hook into some big girls. It's rough out there man. For a little Jonboat like mine. Ha I had a guy tell me I had a lot of nerve. It wouldn't be so bad if people weren't complete idiots. How hard is a little common courtesy? Glad you had a good weekend despite the set backs. Gotta keep a positive attitude.
  21. What does rich or lean mean? It has the numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7. Rich I'm guessing is 7 and lean is 1? I know it sounds like a stupid question but this is really my first outboard. It does have the knob.
  22. I watched a video of a guy catching fish with a slip and a fly during what looked like the winter. He caught yellow perch and some chain pic. It was interesting.
  23. Recently bought a 1980s Evinrude Fisherman 5hp engine. And I noticed the Low Speed Mixture screw in front of the carb. What exactly does that do?
  24. I once hooked a 100 lb large mouth. I know, hard to believe. But it happened.
  25. Sometimes it be like that. No use to get all worked up. I know I'll have some stellar days out there. Just gotta keep grindin' it out. I would post the pic of the big girl my best friend caught but I'm getting a Internal Server Error. I'll try again later. Nitro how'd you do?
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