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Everything posted by dhami013

  1. Thank you all for your input. Sam - it's a brackish water river would cut squid still work?
  2. What's the best tide to fish for them? I've been concentrating on the first 2 hours of incoming and out going.
  3. Stuck one today on a yozuri white to blue backed rattling jerk bait today. Now I'm hooked. I caught it off the Lafayette river on a point that's walking distance from my house. But now that I'm intrigued I'm trying to get a feel for what baits to use. I was thinking of some red to white top waters, white with pink tailed grubs, and some different silver to black backed jerkbaits. But I honestly am completely new to speck fishing. I know down in TX Gulp Alive shrimp work well but I don't know how well those would work here considering using shrimp around here isn't as common. If anyone has some pointers I'd appreciate it.
  4. I live in Norfolk, VA and there is a brackish water river bank walking distance from my house. I was throwing a Yozuri white to blue backed rattling jerkbait and nailed my first decent sized speckled trout. Now I know down in TX gulp alive shrimp on a popping bobber on a jig head or just on a jig head work pretty well. But I was wondering if it would also work in VA where using shrimp isn't as common. Also what types of lures catch specs? I was thinking maybe some white w/ pink tail grubs. Maybe a red and white rattling spook. I was also gonna pick up some other rattling cranks but I'm not sure what colors are the most productive. Some help would be appreciated as I am pretty stoked knowing that I can catch specs literally 5 mins of walking from my house. Here's a pic.
  5. Vanish is garbage. I like Stren Flouro, it's not too expensive and it has done well for me.
  6. Right on, I appreciate the input I was just curious.
  7. Yeah, it's like in the early spring before the weeds have fully grown, ripping the lipless and the chatter just off the top of the weeds can be deadly.
  8. Lipless crank does well snapped out of the weeds, also a chatterbait.
  9. Every now and then I fail to let my cranks dry before I put them back in the box and a little bit of rust accumulates on the hooks, this also goes for my spinnerbaits. Is this a complete fish turn off?
  10. Like someone else noted on before. Don't keep doing the same motions. I find my self getting stuck just doing one type of retrieve and have to adjust what I'm doing. Make sure you mix it up until you find what the fish want.
  11. Stuck 2 little dinks flipping to docks with your 1/2oz pbnj jig with a falcon lake rage craw trailer in 5ft of water. Only fish all day, I'll take it though, better than being skunked like the last 3 times I went out.
  12. Yeah I'll only get up before dawn for fishing.
  13. Got the brakes fixed on my truck. Got my siebert big o jigs in the mail and I have been stoked to go fishing. Just gotta sit through this last oceanography class and I'll be on the water. I find myself tying new knots, checking the weather, looking at pictures of the lake, and mentally making a game plan. If I go early in the morning I hardly sleep. I get way too excited to go fishing, way too excited.
  14. My Pops gave me a tandem willow blades chart spinner. I named her Raleigh. When things get tough, Raleigh comes to play.
  15. That's my birthday, right on.
  16. As far as top water frogs go, not really zoom horny toads I use a dark color like black or natural red in the early AM and as the sun starts coming up I use a lighter color such as white or a green. The great thing about watermelon is that it kinda fits both. I would try the black and black and blue in the morning, then switch to white once the sun comes up.
  17. Down here in VA it's usually carp jumping, a guy told me the carp are jumping to get more oxygen, I wouldn't know.
  18. I bought a chrome shad colored popper from Walmart and it has done dirty work. I also like using the Spro Popper frog in Black Widow outside of heavy veg.
  19. They look pretty crude, I wouldn't go for it.
  20. What school do you go to?
  21. X2 I definitely agree.
  22. It's not really where you fish, it's more like what you fish. What kind of fishing are you looking to do?
  23. Throw a rage craw trailer on there to match the jig, you can drag it, hop it, mixture of the two. Try and see what works. Read some articles on jig fishing.
  24. Jigs on the structure, weightless trick worms in between the weeds, or senko. Top water frogs.
  25. Good looking vid, welcome to the boards, just know that you will become addicted to this site.
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