I use black when the water is dark or when the sun is going down. I don't put a heavy emphasis to it. Though one color I do put faith into is green pumpkin. It's an earthy color, and matches a lot of water where I'm from. So for soft plastics it's not a bad color to have. But I keep a wide variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. I recently got into jig fishing. And black and blue was killer today. With a black plastic trailer.
People just put a bias into things. Because it's done well for them in the past and they keep using it, they think they have better luck. Not entirely true. Think of your favorite lure or plastic. Why is it your favorite? Because you've caught the most fish on it? Maybe, but usually because you use it more. On average you've probably casted that lure 6 times more than any other that you have. More time in the water, means more time fish spend looking at it and deciding to hit it.
But I mean hey, I just love catching them on plastics. And I love brush hogs because they are just so dang cool and have so many colors. But I know I could easily be catching a lot of bass on another type of plastic if I gave them the same amount of time as brush hogs.
Sorry for the rambling. I'll get off my soap box now.