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Everything posted by dhami013

  1. Yum F2 Wooly Bug. Orange on the bottom, gray on top. Works for me every time. I just rub it in their faces, and try to find the one spot on or near them to upset them enough to bite. May take 10 seconds may take 20 mins. Just depends on how bad you want the fish.
  2. Dude tell your bud he's killing the therapeutic capabilities of fishing. You gotta slow down, and breathe. When I start fishing to fast I try to stop and calm down. Next thing I know I've got a fish on. But when power fishing as it has it's place. I like to use crank baits. All sorts. Shapes, sizes, and colors.
  3. Thanks for all the input guys. I really appreciate it.
  4. Title and description say it all. Don't be afraid to say you caught your personal best on live bait. Because for some of us it's true. My PB LM was 7lbs using a blue gill. On artificial my PB LM was 5.34lb caught her yesterday on a baby brush hog. On the Secret Lake.
  5. There is a pond a buddy and I fish. There are some fat chicks swimming around in there. The only thing is, getting them to bite is nearly impossible. But one thing that does get their attention is a little blue gill with a hook in his back. My buddy catches a little blue gill and throws them out there. He catches and releases all the bass. But one day while we were out there this old guy came out yelling about how using a blue gill was illegal. I looked it up and I didn't see where it was illegal. Blue gill and sunfish aren't game fish right? In the VA freshwater booklet it says as baits for bass and cat fish: Blue gill. Any insight? Just curious.
  6. Bassjons is a pretty good group of guys. You can drop a thread on their forum and see if anyone has an open back seat. You have to fill out a guest form but it's no big deal. Just pay the way for the tourny, probably run you about 20 bucks. But they're pretty straight.
  7. I have fished Lake Maury, which is the lake next to the Mariner Museum. It's the lake right next to CNU. From the banks nada. From a canoe (which is illegal) I've caught quite a few. There is also a pond next to Lake Maury called Kettle Pond. I unknowingly (honest to god) slipped a canoe in there illegally but it was well worth it. There are some hogs in there. No one fishes it, so they munch on anything you throw in there. My buddy who rarely ever fishes was catching some good sized fish, using plastics. If he could do it, then you know they were down for anything.
  8. Baby Brush Hog, green pumpkin. I've caught my biggest bass on that plastic. Don't know why, it just happens that way. Over and over again.
  9. During the school year which is soon over I'm in Norfolk.
  10. Where are you fishing? Baby brush hogs always come through for me. I find myself buying another pack every other week cause they are that good. Green pumpkin is my go to color. Senkos are always a good choice, I use yum dingers, they're cheaper and more durable. Work just the same to me. One of my favorite lakes is also rather small, and has murky water. The baby brush hogs do well there as well as a bitsy bug jig with yum trailers. I use green and brown as well as black and blue. Your location and the conditions of the pond are most important. Such as where you're located. What's the water temp? Those two conditions there would give you a sight on the possibility of the fish being on the beds. If they are, as most are in the southern region of the states then it's going to be rather difficult getting them to bite unless you can see them on their beds. Over and Out
  11. If you do see a bed. Yum F2 wooly bug. I use the gray on the top and orange on the bottom. Hasn't failed me yet. I sit there and rub it in their face for about 5 mins. By then it's wham bam bass in hand. Then of course I thank the fish, and slip em back into where they came from.
  12. My mind was just blown away with information. Very informative. Over and Out.
  13. Ha so true. That's worked for me a dozen times.
  14. Not that using a bait caster has anything to do with it but since I bought it and started using it, the smallest fish I've caught has been 2#. Pretty gnar
  15. After I got my limit, I would thank God for the day's catch. I would spit out my current lip, pack another one. Motor to some heavy structure and throw a jig or one of my favorite plastics. Tight lines and fat lips.
  16. Check out www.bassjons.com it's a club in the hampton roads area. Drop a thread in their fishing report and ask about cahoon. After a couple days I'm sure something will pop up. They're reliable for information, I've fished with their club before. Tight lines, and fat lips.
  17. Best advice, choose a school based off of what you think your career plans are, get to that school, get a feel for how hard your classes and adjusting is going to be, then start looking for tournaments.
  18. Before yesterday I viewed the baitcaster as a mechanism of sheer frustration. I've only heard the worst of exploding rat nests appearing in one's hand while casting. But yesterday I finally attempted to conquer this mechanical beast. AND I LOVE IT! Got a Daiwa megaforce with a twitching bar on an abu garcia 7' rod, and catching my first bass with it, which was a solid 3.5#, was exhilarating. I got set in my ways with the spinning rod, glad I tried something new. What's your favorite rod and reel combo? For what type of baits?
  19. Stained water, green pumpkin or watermelon red flaked plastics. Try a black and blue jig as well.
  20. Last tournament of the school year before I head back to Fredericksburg and I landed this toad on Lake Smith. 1 more ounce and it would have been the big fish winner.
  21. Golf courses can hold some lunkers. If you ever do get kicked off, just pull the "I didn't know card, and I'm terribly sorry." Then you can always write a letter and ask for permission. Worked for me a couple times.
  22. On days you want to slay fish, use what you're comfortable with. On days you're curious, try branching out your methods.
  23. I use black when the water is dark or when the sun is going down. I don't put a heavy emphasis to it. Though one color I do put faith into is green pumpkin. It's an earthy color, and matches a lot of water where I'm from. So for soft plastics it's not a bad color to have. But I keep a wide variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. I recently got into jig fishing. And black and blue was killer today. With a black plastic trailer. People just put a bias into things. Because it's done well for them in the past and they keep using it, they think they have better luck. Not entirely true. Think of your favorite lure or plastic. Why is it your favorite? Because you've caught the most fish on it? Maybe, but usually because you use it more. On average you've probably casted that lure 6 times more than any other that you have. More time in the water, means more time fish spend looking at it and deciding to hit it. But I mean hey, I just love catching them on plastics. And I love brush hogs because they are just so dang cool and have so many colors. But I know I could easily be catching a lot of bass on another type of plastic if I gave them the same amount of time as brush hogs. Sorry for the rambling. I'll get off my soap box now.
  24. Na I've used brush hogs, wooly bugs, and jigs with paca craw trailers. Pretty stellar fishing around here. It's too bad I'll be gone all summer in Frdericksburg. But there's good fishing to be had there too.
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