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Everything posted by Nick-

  1. Hand poured! Must have been a lot of work! Very nice!
  2. Love buzzbaits! I will be visiting your site!
  3. I highly recommend micro plastics for Ice Panfish both Crappie & bluegills. I sell them online but I can not post my website until I have 10 posts since I am new. I will personally message you with the site. I believe you would love these plastics for winter, spring or summer.
  4. you should contact spro and see if they need any design help!
  5. I've fished the entire state, & without a doubt the best Largemouth Bass Fishing is in NW Wisconsing in the Voyager Village area. This place is basically 45 minutes west of Spooner. Ton's of lakes, unlimited lilly pads, & as many 4,5 & some occasional 7 lb largemouth bass to entertain you. Topwater tactics are my favorite up there. Check this area out sometime.
  6. Koop, My name is Nick Olson. I'm the founder of Reel Good Guide store. We are the ones that just began advertising on this site for The World's Best Bass Frog. I'm from just west of the Dells. Did you say you are apart of the UW fishing team? I will be exhibiting down this weekend at the Madision Fishing Expo. Come by if you have time. We could arrange a bass fishing day this summer on the Madision chain. Nick
  7. Storm Chug Bug is my favorite!
  8. Condems are quite common out of the Milwaukee Harbor. Disgusting!
  9. I have a friend named Eric Haajta who owns Wisconsin Big Fish Guide Service. He's filmed shows with everyone from Babe Winkelman, Mike Iaconelli, The Linders, & Mark Zona. He said Zona by far was his favor person to fish with. Total Class Act & hilarious!
  10. KVD has basically become the old Tiger Woods of bass fishing. You know, the one that won 8 out of every 10 golf tournaments that he entered. Tiger's biggest advantage a couple of years ago was that all the other players & fans all believed that he was unstoppable. This is no longer the case with Tiger after his public struggles on & off the course. The same holds true for KVD. His biggest advantage is that his peers/competitors & world wide ***s also believe he's the best & pretty much unbeatable! I guarantee you that 80% of the other anglers know week in & week out that they are probably fishing for 2nd place! Talk about intimidation! Basically, when you have that much positive energy & belief from everyone you simply can't lose. Even better is that KVD unlike Tiger Woods isn't stupid enough to remove himself from the picture by sleeping around with a bunch of bass groupies. He's a much better man than Tiger. Long live Kevin Van Dam! I too am a believer!
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