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About Getfished

  • Birthday 10/04/1955

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  1. I'll collect em off the floor of the boat and when I get a fair amount I'll give em a shot of Mend- It. I didn't purchase any plastic in 2010 and I'm on track not to purchase any this year. If you really want to extend the life of your trailers get some Uncle Josh. I use it regularly.
  2. Those are some real nice pics. Lots of good fish in that part of the lake. What ramp did you put in on ? I mow grass for the marina there.
  3. I mow for a marina at my local lake during the summer. Every Monday morning I drive the Kubota tractor around the property and pick up trash. Sometimes I end up getting so much it fills the front bucket! There are several dumpsters conveniently located but people just don't get it. It's unbelievable.
  4. I've got a small tourney coming tomorrow. I'm not fishing too many this year because I don't have the resources to follow it. With that said I've spent Wednesday night, Thursday night, Friday night, and most of Saturday going over my entire outfit making certain everything is just so so. I've got the boat completely ready to go, all my clothes are laid out and my alarm is set. I probably won't sleep a wink tonight. That's what bass fishing does to me. Can't help it. I also enjoy watching all the natural flora and fauna also. I told my wife once before we were married that there is only one thing that I can't get from fishing .
  5. I looked for em on the bank Sunday but no go. I moverd out to about 6-8 ft. and bam ! My wife was first and then I picked up 2 more. I was using a 6" Blue Tightlines UV Hog. Put it on the bottom and leave it there. I absolutely suck at this type of fishing. I'm always in a hurry. It ended up being a pretty good day.
  6. Bluebasser, I am jealous. I have a friend who owns an 11 acre pit a few miles east of Pleasanton. I've been wanting to get down there but I'm too busy. You'll probably get your arm broke down there. Good Luck.
  7. Banner Creek. The water there is still 51 degrees.
  8. Try something slow on top.
  9. If you're somewhere in Oklahoma I wouldn't worry too much about the front. Morning topwater is the norm. I think the fish may be roaming. I probably locate em first and then work on em with a jig or a t-rig. Is their spawn done ? The answer to that will help you determine your options. If the spawn is still going on the fish will have their priorities. You'll need to know.
  10. Hey Chris. your son won't forget that day. Those whites are great action. My crappie bite fell off the last 10 days. Anyway I haven't looked for em since this weather got funky. I went out this morning for a short while. I forgot my sweatshirt so I was back home by 10:30. It was cold and blustery and to top it off I had a wire switched on my batteries and could only get 12 volts. What a pain ! I did manage to get 3 bites but only one worth admiring.
  11. I use the Mister Twister . I've had it for a few seasons 3 or 4. It works well.
  12. Does your father have the strength to use a belly boat ? A semi horizontal position in a bean bag while slow trolling sounds pretty relaxing to me. My wife is in the same situation basically and she has decided to fish in the club this year as my partner. Last year I won Angler of the Year for the first time and it was a sweet accomplishment for me. This year however i will be putting my competitive streak aside to ensure that my wife is comfortable and truly does enjoy the outings. I hope you find some solutions to help your dad have some positive outdoor experiences.
  13. How could you tell the date if it wasn't heads up ? I either had to say this or click on the the little plus or minus. I refuse to use those. They suck.
  14. I was reading on another forum where a guy had a chartreuse/black 1.5 that he just received after waiting for a backorder. He said it came with a red gill plate but wasn't supposed to. Upon closer examination he decided the bait also had slightly different dimensions than one he had bought from BPS immediately after the Classic. The folks over there came to the conclusion that SK farmed the job out to a other producer to meet the demand. Who knows for sure? Funny thing is I picked up a chartreuse/black 1.5 from BPS right after the Classic and the first thing I did was go home and paint on a red gill plate. LOL ! (gave it a UV coating also).
  15. I used to use Reaction Innovations beavers. Now I use Tightlines UV Beavers. That's what Brent Chapman, Byron Velvick, and Bill Lowen use just to name a few. It works like everyone elses plus it reflects UV light. One more point. Glenn likes for me to say I am a rep for Tightlines UV Lures so I will. I hope this is not considered inappropriate to make this comment. Anyway that's the beaver I use.
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