Rod builders have been using this type of guide positioning since the 1920's, it's nothing new.A guy named Chuck Roberts built rods using this system, many people still refer to it as the Roberts wrap today.If your out west, it is known as acid wrap.The spiral positioning , if done correctly,has a great advantage over conventional casting rod guide system. It allows the line to go from the top of the blank, to the bottom as a spinning rod guide system is designed.The rod is less likely to twist, when fighting a fish and it prevents the line from coming in contact with the rod blank as well.Of course, when using the normal casting guide system. The rod builder would lay the rod guides out to prevent the line from coming in contact with the blank,but the rod could still be subjected to twist under load pressures. The mass production of factory made rods don't take the time to build the guides correctly for the specific rod blank. :-?