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  1. NJBasstard's post in St croix triumph 6'6" medium spinning? was marked as the answer   
    I have that exact rod. I'll be honest and tell you I only fished it for a short while and its been sitting to the side for a couple years now. The reason why is because I purchased it sight unseen and expected a M power rod with fast action. I personally wouldn't put that rod in the same category as the other M rods I've used, including ones from St Croix. All of my ML rods feel heavier than the M Triumph does.
    Maybe I got a mislabeled rod or something..? Or that's just how this model is suppose to be. I don't know that answer. As far as quality it's a very nice rod. Super lightweight and balanced well with the few 2500 size reels I had on it. Ran braid on it for the season and guides are still like new.
    I'm not sure what you had planned on using it for, but I'd suggest handling one before you make a purchase.
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