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Everything posted by georgiaken

  1. I bought one last year when it was on sale for $29.99. "BPS Deluxe Mesh Top Vests for Men" It works for me...
  2. I use the Cabin Creeks and they do quite well here. I talked to the owner for about an hour last year and he said he does the most business on the spiders in PA...so, I guess everyone was right about people here loving them!
  3. Thanks!
  4. I'm right-handed. I only started last year and I started with spinning gear. I cast with my right hand and reel with my left. When I bought my bait caster, I continued to do the same (all lefty reel bait casters). One of the things I love to do with my bait caster is what I call "gun slinging." I'll pitch a spinner bait (not the inline type), right up to the bank, in about 4-6 inches of water and reel it as soon as it hits the water. The spinnerbait will land right up on the bank and never touch the bottom. When the fish are on this pattern (double willow and real shallow), I can't tell you how much fun it is...just repeatedly whipping the lure out, while letting the wind push me down the bank. I don't think I could do this quite as well if I was constantly switching hands...that would get old quick.
  5. I watched it, then I logged on to their Facebook page to see if they have a Southeastern PA chapter...they replied, they don't. As soon as I move to GA (~2 years), I'll be looking them up... Things like this are one of the reasons that Hank Parker is my favorite fishing show host...
  6. My wife went to UGA undergrad and pharmacy school. I had little interest in college football before I met her...Now, it's all UGA and if that fails, all SEC. My wife and her mom REALLY know SEC football. Her mom knows the players names by their numbers. I can still remember cooking my wife dinner and watching a game while we were dating. The opposing offense ran the running back around the outside...she jumps up and starts yelling at the TV...CONTAIN, CONTAIN, CONTAIN - then proceeds to talk about how the end blew his assignment. I knew I had found the one HAHAHAHA
  7. I found this website...it's pretty cool. The website uses research from bass tournaments to compile what months are best for what lures. It's not adjusted for geographic location, so some of the lures will slip into months ahead or behind what's on the site, based on your location. The link below goes to a list of the top 50 lures. If you click the link for the lure, it will show you the most productive months for that lure. Keep in mind, this is based on what the pros used to catch fish, so it's still somewhat subjective...if a specific trend had pros using certain lures because they were hot, the data might be skewed. http://www.profishingresearch.com/eShop ... _lures.asp At the worst, it's an interesting guide to lure usage.
  8. Thanks man...I think I'll probably learn a lot and "give tips" a little HAHAHAHA Research and time on the water definitely helps with the learning curve, but essentially, I'm still a newbie...
  9. I have used Mr. Twister for walleyes (under dams) and smallies with success...even a few river stripers...
  10. Dropshot, jerkbait, crankbait (lipped) and 20ft jig fishing. I use lipless cranks so much that I absolutely hate crank baits. The lake I fish the most is clogged with weeds after June, so I don't dropshot too often (since I am rarely fishing deep). I really want to get more comfortable with fishing 15-30 feet down. In the summer when the bass go deep, I spend too much time flipping weeds etc and not enough time focusing on humps and rock piles. I had great fun with jigs in the shallows and pulling spinnerbaits over weedbeds last year, so this year, it's time to move forward (BTW, I've only been fishing for a year).
  11. OK...that makes sense... I won't be messing with my Kistler's though...not over a spare reel You know what vastly improved my casting distance? Learning how to use a baitcaster and using proper casting technique. I gained about 30% more distance (even with my spinning reels), with much less fatigue...
  12. Thanks Glenn and PA Angler!
  13. Yeah...just go down to the auto supply and grab a can of "dry lube." It's graphite lube...use the red tip that comes with it and spray it into the felt tracks on your windows... Make sure you spray it into the bottom felt grooves under the "window sill" and up the sides that you can see. You'd be surprised how easily your windows will move up and down after that... I use it in my door locks and the ignition too...
  14. I started moving my hand forward on the rod for the exact reasons that you mentioned. It works quite well and does seem to increase the sensitivity I feel and reduce hand fatigue. As for the wide spool reels, I bought the US Reel 240XL...I don't see any difference in casting length at all. I bought mine cheap (but new) on ebay and figured, it has broad line thickness specs and can double as an inshore reel for back bay fishing in the salt. I also use it as a backup reel...casting-wise, I just haven't seen any difference.
  15. Thanks!
  16. Delaware Valley Tackle - I fish the Susky and the Skuke and occasionally I get up to the Delaware water gap. I just bought a Ranger Cherokee 116 90/65, so I'll be taking some trips up your way shortly! We probably know a couple of the same folks, like Al Winco and Chris Gorsuch...both have taught me a lot about river fishing... Sam...I'm from Philly...my wife is from Georgia I used to call myself PhillyKen, but a couple of guys on another forum were razzing me about moving and suggested a new name...so, being a good sport, I changed it. BTW, the wife went to UGA, so I am now a big Bulldogs fan (don't know that I had a choice). SEC football is like a cult down South I've been to New Hope and Lambertville and a few other towns up your way...the place is beautiful...that was before I started fishing. Last year, I took a scouting run up to Yardley and Washington Crossing (the Northern park) to check out the river. I was wading and the water was high, so I didn't bother, but I did look around a bit...I will definitely be back with the jet boat... I got a 14ft Lowe Roughneck, with a 20HP prop in July when the river fishing I was doing slowed down. I got it mostly for the area lakes - Marsh Creek State Park in particular. I took a guided trip with Chris Gorsuch (one of the Backwoods Anglers) on the Susky...and, well, river fishing really took hold, so I upgraded my rig as soon as we returned back to Philly from our holiday trip in Georgia. When we move, I figure I can just add a jack plate and buy a lower unit and have the best of both worlds...
  17. You can also use a graphite lube. It's a "dry lube" and it works well on fabrics. People use them in the windows of their cars to keep the felt slick...
  18. I read somewhere that when you first start fishing, you want to catch fish, then you want to catch lots of fish, then you want to catch them the way you want to catch them. I think that tourney fishing and pleasure fishing are very different circumstances. That said, fish how you like and enjoy your time on the water. If you're in a tourney, use what works. If you're fishing just for pleasure, do whatever you like. There are days when I fish a lure, just to learn the lure, with catching fish being a by-product. Last year, I used to go down to the river in the dead of winter, just so I could learn how to use lures, so when it warmed up, I'd be fishing and not learning. Yes, I threw topwater and yes, anyone watching me would have thought I was a fool. But, I learned, and when the water warmed up, I caught a lot of fish on topwaters (I had plenty of practice). When you're out there on the water, your time is your own, so use it however you please. I used to think that "live bait fishing" wasn't "real" fishing, but you know what I learned? The point of fishing is to catch fish. As long as you stay within the law and you aren't distressing other anglers (and other water lovers) around you unnecessarily, have a good time. I think that some people take this far too seriously. I fish because I love it and it's relaxing...I could care less what others think of my methods or success/failure. If others have no idea what my objective is, how can they measure my success?
  19. Thanks.
  20. Two things...once, I was using 50lb braid at the river for stripers and I reeled in the top of a washing machine... And once, I didn't really reel it in, but I was drifting a jig downstream in current and hooked into something that hit lightly, but fought hard...and I mean hard. After about 3 minutes of trying to work this thing, the line just goes slack...I think I broke off a huge striper...nope, the fisherman 75 yards downstream that I couldn't see decided to cut my line before he got hooked...his buddy walked upstream and returned my lure about 10 minutes later. Turns out I knew them and I couldn't see them because of a bend in the river and brush on the bank... Our lines had gotten tangled ;D We laughed about that one for a bit...
  21. I have 4 Kistler Helium rods...they are all extremely light, but they are also tip heavy... Adding the weight does little to make them feel "heavier" as they are so light in the first place. You know what's heavy? The Quantum reels that I love so much ;D
  22. At one time, I never cared about it. Now, I am a true convert. I don't know about the science of vibration transmission, but I can tell you that the fatigue that comes from fishing for 8-12 hours, with vertical/jig type presentations, tends to dull your senses a bit... I've balanced my rods and there's no way I'm going back (added weight to the butts). Try it...I wrapped automotive masking tape around my rod butt (to save the rod from the heavier tape), then I taped a bunch of washers together like a roll of quarters and I taped all of that to the butt of my rod with Guerrilla tape. Of course I had to weigh the washers and make sure it actually balanced the rod. It was free, I had all of the supplies and it worked out perfectly. After fishing that way for over 8 hours, I'm a true believer. All of my rods will be balanced before ice-out. Try it, your wrists will thank you...
  23. Or that they don't know any better what to use it for than he did. ;D :) :)
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