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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Nice bird! I haven't turkey hunted since spring of let's see here I was 12 so spring of 1999 and I shot a jake that was the first and last time thunder chicken hunting. I'm gonna go this year I think and try to take one with my new bow.
  2. I found the battery for the ADT system it was just a 12v rayovac latern battery with 1/2005 wrote on it so I doubt it's still good. I'm just gonna run to RadioShack tomorrow after I take my buddy to the taxidermist. I'm just running the cheap little piranha max for right now I'd like a 300 series but its gonna have to wait till I get some extra cash.
  3. Early!? This is a late start to fishing here. Usually my favorite lake is thawed and I'm getting a few slow bites by mid march heck today 2 years ago I was walking the wall by the dam in shorts and a t shirt slaying both large and smallmouths on a orange rattletrap. That same lake is still mostly frozen with just a few spots thawed.
  4. If I can't find the one for the security system ill just make a run to radio shack tonight
  5. I found my old charger it's a little like mini Schumacher charger. Just need a battery and I may have one I think....ya said use a home security back up....well my moms place has a ADT security system in it that hasn't been in use in some years and my mom doesn't plan on ever getting it activated again so it should have said battery correct?
  6. The small lakes and rivers by me are open I think my first small mouth will come this weekend. Chasing trout Friday me and my buddy spotted gobys and some perch in the river in less then a foot of water and about 10miles up stream. In the past that was always my sign to grab a rebel wee craw crank and start tossing it in the pockets around the rip rap.....that's my plan Thursday or Friday evening.
  7. For the past few years I'd have to say my 2nd gen Revo SX but iv picked up a Revo 3 STX and absolutly love it iv been having a hard time puttin it down lately.
  8. Yup I'm in sounds fun. I'm gonna get my arse kicked if my fishing season goes like my hunting season did lol.
  9. I used to have a little charger I can't remember what I did with it to save my life probably let a friend borrow it and ya know how that goes.
  10. I think I may order the cabelas one or go the route J Francho suggested after all I got the kayak from him. The cheapest charger Walmart had though was $40. I remember they had some wild game innovations feeder batteries on sale the other week ill have to go look again see if they are still there.
  11. Sweet thanks goose I might order that one.....or take the one out of my sons power wheels tractor lol.
  12. What size battery do you guys run on your kayaks. My buddy gave me a piranha max finder to use till I get something better I just need a battery for it. I was thinking a little 4wheeler or lawn mower battery. There is a little shelf in the kayak with the tie downs and wires for the battery.
  13. I'm in how's it work
  14. I can slip it in subtle and quiet as well but there are times I take the big heavy jig and make a hail marry cast out infront of my nephew ya know defensive fishing lol. It works I caught a bunch this way 2 years ago early April when we seen a bunch of frogs coming out of winter hiding a light bulb went off to put the frog on the jig as a trailer.
  15. Oh well I do that also sometimes with a 1oz jig and a stanly ribbit frog as a trailer big bulky and sounds like some one cannon balling into the water. The way it sounded in the OP is he put the 1.5 weight infront of the frog............
  16. What exactly is the technique this is the first iv heard of it
  17. I tie this not or a variant of it all the time I have only had it fail once but I'm blaming it on the vanish flouro..........
  18. I do this with the Yamamoto weights made for it.
  19. I was at mine today no such deals like that. I did score a box of trilene 100% fluorocarbon for $5.00.
  20. That is just nuts I love all the looks all the guys in the background were giving him. The ab shredder dips looked insane to keep that form holy ****.
  21. I had to scrape my truck just to see to back up to y kayak this mornin to load up there was a little bit of ice in the shallows it was gone by the time I headed back. Didn't even get a hit all morning seen lots of wood duck a few deer and two raccoons go at it but no fish
  22. If I had to guess and this is just a guess maybe at the most 45* we haven't had air temps above that mark in over 2 weeks so I doubt it's even that warm. Most the lakes and ponds are still froze over here.
  23. Mine was maybe a pound but fiesty he even chased a crank bait right to the kayak a few did that. I had a slob of a small mouth follow te spinner it would have beat my PB hands down no question but it just swam behind te spinner about a foot. I'm gonna go back tomorrow armed with senkos.....
  24. Well got the kayak out for the first time today and managed to get 1 little bass. I had tons of hits watched them grab it but kept loosing them couldent set the hook so save my life and I was really whacking them hard but couldent drive the hook home to save my life. I was using new sharp hooks idk what the deal was. I finally got one in the yak but it cost me my last baby rage craw. I'm gonna go back out in the morning for a bit before getting my boys in the afternoon. They wanted shakey head with rage craw today so hopefully that's what they want tomorrow. I had a few followers on the spinner but no takers not even pike.
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