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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. My good spots I constantly get asked " are there really fish in there?" One spot iv named wal Mary pond is a old quarry right infront of Walmart in Albion no one ever fishes it but its loaded with bass iv caught a few 5s and a bunch of 3 and 4s out of there. The other spot is behind the post office in lyndonville it's about 1' deep for 99% the water you see and all along the school. How ever there is a channel that is maybe 4' wide and 4' deep that snakes threw the big flat and leads you into the woods where it is 12' and loaded with brush and logs along the banks. I don't think iv ever pulled a dink out of that spot even the crappie are huge and iv caught bullhead on swimbaits back there and that spot is right in the center of town I see maybe 3 or 4 other people fish it occasionally.
  2. I love that kayak I might tak it out again tonight to the spot I got the trout and smallies yesterday
  3. What is this work you speak off lol I'm off work till weather is nicer Iv been a stay at home daddy the last few months but should be returning to work in a week or two.
  4. Super model trout lol
  5. Got these ones with my best friend Clay haven't really hung out with him in years because my ex wife hated him though he was my best man. Lately we've been fishing like old times and got 4 pike with him if you look in the one pic he's in the tree across the creek getting a vibrax spinner back lol Look next to the pike lol
  6. Had an awesome day on the water today. Absolute blast most fun iv had in a long time. Got 3 smallmouth a 3# 3.3# and a 3.6#. Also got 6 trout all good sized one even was a PB but couldent get a pic other then it in the water but it was longer then the kayak was wide soon as I got it off the hook I tried to grab it and plop back in the drink. Also got 6 northern pike some good sized ones no giants but for a small river they were good sized pike. Water temps were 41* a bit cold all but 2 pike came on a white boohya spinner bait even the trout and they absolutely clobbered it almost ripped the rod out of my hands.
  7. Caught in Johnson's creek in Kuckville, NY on a white boohya spinner bait. 3lbs 6oz
  8. Yeah them winds are killing me I upgraded to a 3.6 smallmouth ill get pictures up tonight or tomorrow morning. I'm headed to a stone quarry now should get some LM.
  9. Exactly why I'm going today my ex wife is finally for the first time in almost 3 months taking our boys for a weekend and not just a few hours so I spent yesterday with my gf went to the bars with some friends and have been out on the water since 8am. I'm on my way home right now to change because I had to get in the water.........didn't fall in just got stuck lol
  10. Yeah the bite has died off now morning seemed like the time to be there I was seeing fish like crazy even when the fish finder went off I could look down and see fish going by for once it was actually marking fish. Towards the end it wasn't marking anything and I bought 2 pike quick so I left
  11. Water temps are 41* I'm at 4 trout, 3 smallmouth, 1 northern pike all on a boohyah white spinner bait. Also posted from the water lol had to take a break got thirsty lol
  12. I just got a smallie 3lbs 3 ozs pics later I'm still on the water
  13. Well it's 1003 iv caught two smallies one 3.3 the other 3 even an two gorgeous trout like super model trout lol.
  14. Yeah I'm taking my sweet time it's 8am already 53* out though I'm bout 15 minutes from where I'm gonna put the kayak in. I'm starting about half a mile upstream from Lake Ontario in a tributary going down to the mouth never fished it before its more of a exploration at this point. Have a few other spots I'm gonna hit later where I heard some one caught a smallmouth same type of spot it's a river where it meets the lake it's just a smaller lake loaded with smallies and large mouth for that matter. 20mph winds with gusts to 45 today so I'm staying in some protected areas from the winds.
  15. I was wondering about this last night a I was planning my all day fishing trip for today. When going out chasing them early bass in the spring where the water temps are in the 40s what is the best time to go. It almost seems logical that the morning might not be as productive and waiting for warmer mid day temps might be better. What's the thoughts on this?
  16. That would look good on my 2nd gen Revo SX hmmmmmm got my wheels turning
  17. Veritas........ Surprised it hasn't be brought up more in this thread
  18. I'm using a 6'9" MLF veritas with 20# suffix braid and a 8# trilen 100% flouro leader about 6' worth of a leader. Iv been using Siebert Outdoors shaky heads with a rage baby craw on it. We just got ice out like a week ago and I was getting hits like crazy water was crystal clear I stood there watching em swim up grab the claws and swim off. I absolutely love the set up for shakey heads never used the technique much but it's my nephews go to and he keeps up with me so I added it my arsenal so I can keep my edge lol.
  19. I don't even have turkey gun all I have is my 20ga I could use it but I like the idea of using my bow.
  20. My buddy wants me to take one with the gun first but ammo is to expensive and hard to find I'm just gonna center punch one with the bow I think.
  21. I keep mine in gallon ziplock bags sorted by type, craws in one, senkos another, worms another and so on. I then just keep all then bags either in my tackle bag and I use a sand piper bug out bag so it's pretty big. Now that I fish out of a kayak iv just been storin them in te space between the seat and milk crate that holds all my hard trays
  22. That is one heck of a spike wow it looks like it had a massive body on it. And ya shot the spots off the one.........just busting your chops them are the best eating ones it's like veal! Lol
  23. Yup me and my father in law were talking bout it the other week. My best friend and I used to always buy eachother bricks of 500 for eachothers birthday or Christmas growing up we would give our parents our allowance and buy a brick for eachother we used to do a lot of shooting back in the say.
  24. I rarely keep a fish to eat maybe 1 or 2 a year but if its a legal walleye it automatically becomes dinner.
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