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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Holy crap I'm gonna go insane with another 2-3 weeks before returning to work. Usually when I have a rough day or iv been couped up inside to long I go fishing to regain my sanity as I'm sure most of us do. It seems like lately though I'm pulling my hair out like every day needing to escape. My boys seem to be the main source of me going nuts lol. Don't get me wrong I love my boys very much but this being a single dad thing is got my head spinning I'm up to my eyeballs in poopy diapers lol. I take em out to the playground every chance I get, take them fishing also constantly playing being jumped on like a human jungle gym. Doest help that their mother my ex wife does nothing to help support them or take them on weekends or durring the week ever. Then there is the new GF that's a head ache all in its own also lol. How do y'all do it keep your sanity lol I'm sure it's fishing. Sorry it's a bit of a vent/rant also I'm just going nuts just got done punishing my youngest son for slapping me cuz he wanted a drink rather then asking he screamed at the top of his lungs "baaaabaaa!!" then slapped me.
  2. Mine 1. Basscat 2. Abu Garcia 3. Owner 4. Ragetail 5. Siebert outdoors
  3. I'm running a piranha max 10 right now it's ok I guess it marks fish that arnt there I mostly use it to tell me water depth and structure.
  4. I use the white a 832 line in 20# li have a leader on it now but I was fishing it straight and caught 3 steelhead/rainbow trout which are very line shy and in gin clear water. The only reason I run a leader now is for abrasion resistance in the rocks I tie a 8# flouro leader.
  5. Ill give you a A for effort lol. Nice smallies I got out for a few hours also today to bump you off the large mouth board but only got ate up by mosquitos I suck at fishing muddy flooded water.
  6. New York side
  7. I'm thinkin bout taking the kayak for a trip to Lake Erie when is the best time of year to go?. I'm thinking I may wait till mid may when the weather is a little more stable and not full of rain storms like this April has been since iv heard Erie can get pretty dicey quick. Iv never fished Erie either so what are some good spots to put in iv thought about putting the kayak in at 18 mile and going towards the lake.
  8. How are the micro guides on spinning rods iv been looking for a new spinning rod for my stradic Ci4. Iv been looking at the villain being I'm an Abu guy and seen they have micro guide version as does falcon boocoo rods. What's everyone's thoughts or experiences with micro guide spinning rods
  9. Used to be the only jigs I had I love em but iv switched to Siebert jigs this year I still have a box full of the all terrain jigs and will get used but I'm switching to Siebert.
  10. That's a little guy for a sucker try get twice that size carp even bigger.
  11. There is a lot of April left I plan on getting a bigger one anyways got to break Johns 5-1 mark in the kayak. Tuesday most likely.
  12. Iv been fishing Johnson's creek in WNY
  13. Well you seen what the Xr50 lipless got me......... Ill be in geneseo all weekend for drill maybe ill swing up to Henrietta and pick up some scroungers on the way home at gander. All my spinners are willow blades I need a few with Colorado blades and some chatter baits.
  14. Well if I go where I got all the trout and small mouth that is the deep spot without going onto Lake Ontario it's maybe 500yards from the mouth of the big lake when the water levels were down I was fishing in 8-10 FOW.
  15. How long does it take for high muddy water to clear up and go down? It's been raining all week and everything is flooded now how long before it clears up usually. It's supposed to rain today and tomorrow then sunny and 63 Sunday then sunny 55 Monday and 60 Tuesday with 30% chance of rain. I'm trying to plan when to go out next I'm thinking Tuesday give it a day or two to settle a bit. The water temps were 41* last Tuesday when I went out though idk if it will be much warmer we had freezing rain all yesterday an some of today. All the rain is gonna bring in some fresh steelhead/rainbow trout but that's not what I'm after but they have been hitting everything I toss in the water nothing is safe from them it seems. I'm hoping to get into some more big smallmouth iv gotten 4 so far this year all in the last week smallest was 3# biggest was 4-12 they have been getting bigger with each one caught.
  16. Curious how does this work if I'm the only one to enter a fish?
  17. My son trying to give it the Jimmy Houston smooch lol. I don't have a pic of. Y smallest but my son Noah got this lil guy 2 years ago
  18. My son on his way into school today asked why there were worms all over the side walk so I told him and he asked if we can pick some up and go fishing. Well he was in school it got my wheels turning that I want to start a little worm farm for him or teach him how to go about catching some big juicy night crawlers. Iv done the shock thing with mild success when I was younger with my friends dads help. Iv just gone out at night with a dim flash light and picked them up that always worked best. Iv also which my mother absolutly loved lol was I used to have a pallet I stapled and covered in carpet and would soak with the hose an left it in te yard all summer an would just lift it collect my bait and go fishing. How do you guys catch your night crawlers? I did have to switch to gulp cuz my son used to release the bought worms back into the dirt when fishing but he's a bit older now and if I catch them I didn't just pay $4 for him to let them go soon as we got to the lake.
  19. Iv been wantin to try the GYB version can't think of it off the top my head but the zoom super fluke gets the nod for me most the time cheap, durable, and they are sold almost everywhere. Now if they sold them in bulk it would be perfect
  20. With te new MGXtreme wonder of there will be a new lighter rod to match....I hope so
  21. Yup I was just surfing eBay and amazon 150-180 there going for
  22. The villain goes for upwards of 200 yeah you should have snagged one for 79.99 lol
  23. Yup back on track I'd snag the rod or even a few of them and resell them I'm sure you can find a buyer.......... The rod is supper sensitive I can feel a difference between that and my Veritas rods also I had a jika rig tied on my 7'6 veritas and the same rig tied to the villain for a side by side comparison line was the same also only differences were the rod and reels used. Plus it looks sharp.
  24. This time of year I walk the banks of the river well I used to I have a kayak now but I used to drag tubes up the bank or grubs, spinner baits, mini chatter baits, strike king bitsy jigs, shaky heads with craw, shallow cranks. In the past years iv always bank fished the river but like I said this year iv got the kayak and I'm fishing slightly deeper water 10' is the deepest so far and I'm catching quality fish but not high numbers but its still early. I look for downed trees in the water or submerged logs big rocks that form like a little whirl pool also usually hold fish for me I can toss a tube or grub into the calmer water behind the rock or just in front and let it drift and almost always call the hit before the lure touches the water but iv been fishing this river since I was in diapers so I know it like the back my hand and where all the fish are.
  25. Yeah that was a good deal if I could find more at that price I'd be all over it again. I love my Abu rods and reels iv been thinking of getting a villain spinning. And leave my bar money out of this lol it's almost Friday the only two not exited about it is my wallet and my liver lol.
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