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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Anyone else watch the show. I'm addicted to it idk why but everytime I scroll threw and see it on i stop and watch it.
  2. Iv been using it for about a month now caught a few trout and pike on it and 2 bass ill probably te more bass on it now that the small mouth are running good. So far I love it I have been a using it a bit when trout fishing it's been set down in the mud a few times. I did have a real nice trout on it it would have spooled me but I have 20# braid and I went for a little jog down the river in tow lol. It held up good reel smooth on the drag even with the trout screaming down stream. I lost it when it turned and came back at me I couldent reel fast enough. My buddy ended up hooking it again on his outfit and landed it after I tired it out. He fishes a Stella though got it on like stringy rubber egg things lol. Over all I like it alot ill be fishing it more an more though ill do a little review which reminds me I need to do one on my villain some one asked me to on here after I fished it a bit.
  3. The anodizing is fading on mine but that will happen on anything it's just from grimy hands. All my old paintball guns anodizing faded where I held it.
  4. Yeah I haven't heard much on them either I stumbled across one miss marked at gander and had a new Nikon scope in the cart for my .243 I asked to hold the premier and if I could get it at the 199 price. I put the scope back and walked out with the premier they sold it to me for 189.99 I almost went back and grabbed another.
  5. Nuff said time to pack another rod and box on the kayak lol. JF how many rods did you usually carry on this thing lol. Iv got 6 on it with me now bout to be 7 lol.
  6. It might have been but that's usually just little like idk how to explain it but these fish were jumping clear out of the water some times a foot or more darting all over groups of em. In the summer when I see it I toss a weightless fluke in the middle and hold on. I did throw a mini A rig but it swam funky.
  7. I check water temps the ultra cheap way I bought a thermometer that floats made for a fish tank and I just tie it to a piece of para cord and toss it over the side of the kayak. Though last night I had no para cord so I dropped it in one of the holes in the kayak it was still the same water.
  8. Forgot this guy he had like cuts all over its body not to bad but some were open gashes you can see it a little in the pics where it's looks beat up. Wonder what had ahold of it or what caused it.
  9. When do you guys start throwing top water lures? I was out last night an seen tons of minnows busting out of the water escaping bigger fish below. Even seen a few fish feeding on top couldent tell what they were but considering there are trout, pike, gar, carp, bass, even king salmon are being taken within a few miles of this spot in the same water anything is possible. I was catching smallmouth in almost every area they are in the strong now and fighting pretty good and aggressive. The water temps last week were 41* yesterday it was 54* I thought about tieing a fluke on but decided against it. I'm making another trip Sunday all day and am wondering if I Should grab my top water box and throw some spooks, an Sammy's
  10. I have a premier 20 and love it its so buttery smooth feels nice on the rod and in my hand. Iv been comparing it to the stradic Ci4 2500 side by side and prefer the premier a d not because I'm an Abu guy it just feels nicer the stradic knob it's tiny it seems and just feels cheap though I know it's not. The stradic does spank the premier in weight and they are equally as smooth but the stradic is giving me line twist fits and winding difficulties both have braid and throw same lures so idk. I got the premier on sale for 200 at gander I wouldn't mind picking up 1 or 2 more honestly. Plus it looks sexy lol
  11. I beat the hell out of mine I have some chips in the clear coat but its not peeling or flaking and it's only near the hook keeper. I did crush a line guide I contacted AG they were quick to email me saying to send pics of the receipt I gave them all they asked for still waiting for a reply.
  12. I stop and watch it everytime also. I heard try are making a 2nd one with all of the same cast
  13. Went out with the kayak for a few hours today landed 5 small mouth and 1 little bitty northern pike. 4 out of the 5 smallmouth came from "trolling" a rebel craw crank well paddling to my spot. The other came off the white booyah iv been getting everything on that poor spinner bait is so beat up lol. Water temp was 54 which was warmer then the air today. Had a bunch of hits but didn't connect with the spinnerbait same with a jika rig and rage craw think they may have been a bit big cause a lot of te smaller smallies are moved up now but I did get two that were in the 3.5-4.0 range. I also seen 2 baby beavers playing which was cool then momma came out and didn't like me so close and gave the water a smack I gave her the finger and kept fishing haha. Also had a lone swan that was new to the area first time seeing one in this spot. Ah and pics here ya go Black spots on this one never seen it on a SMB only LMB
  14. Were you watching me today or something lol I spent 3hrs doing just that. Guess who got worn out.......not my son lol. He's cutting his molars we think also he's been screaming and screaming like some ones trying to kill him or something. Grab my hand and holds it to his face its the only thing that some what soothes him, then his tea thing meds kick in and he needs a drool bucket lol.
  15. Today I got a new thermometer for redneck water temps and a bottle of 100% deet because I was treated like a all you can eat buffet the other night.
  16. Haha well see tonight my "spot" is back to normal water flow a little stained but it's not the nesquick chocolate milk I was fishing in Monday.
  17. All mine have came in a white booyah spinner with gold willow blades water temps were 41*
  18. I shooting Easton axis arrows but they are a bit higher I believe or at least from what what I paid lol.
  19. I'm gonna search for some green fish tomorrow if I can find some non muddy non flooded water.
  20. I didn't get the last pic of the craw in its mouth but I knew when I seen the jika rig earlier that a bama craw was on it
  21. Ya edged him out bout 2 ozs lol I got the pics earlier but he hasn't posted yet.
  22. Nice glad some ones having luck JF stuck a nice one. All my spots look like chocolate milk or are about 3' higher then normal and flowing like crazy I don't dare try and put the kayak in to get to my new found honey hole.
  23. I just heard from a birdie some one else stuck a pig also
  24. My boys are 20months old and 4 years old its go go go all the time lol. The gf thing ain't that bad I see her once a week she likes 1.5 hours away so I make a trip usually on Friday night come home Saturday evening. My ex is no issue at all other then the no child support thing I'm def over that train wreck of a women she's already engaged and movin to PR in 2 months lol.
  25. Yes don't get me wrong I cherrish every moment with my kids and they get all my attention but if your saying your kids never want you to pull your hair out in calling bull **** big time.
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