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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. This morning I heard him coming to wake me up and he came in my room at 730 first thing he says " daddy get up when Oma gets out of work she gonna watch baby Jack and were going fishing again by the falls so I can try and catch a big bass" towards the end he was trying for bass with a mr twister but didnt have any luck.
  2. He will be 4 next month this is his 3rd season fishing I got him started young his mother was fishing two days before being induced so he was fishing really young ya can say lol. He had a blast though he loves to fish and hunt.
  3. Had the best day out this year and was out fished by size and by number of fish caught. Who out fished me but none other then my son Noah. He managed to catch around 30 bluegill and 1 crappie in about 1.5 hrs. He picked the spot also the first spot I picked and we didn't even get a bite ad he kept begging he wanted to go across by the falls. So I took him over by the falls and first cast he got a nice sized blue gill then another and another almost every cast and the first 10 or so were good sized so we put em in a bucket and I fried them up tonight thought he only ate 1 small piece before passing out but it was almost 2 hours past his bed time by the time I cleaned them and got everything in order to make them. I managed maybe 5 blue gill all dinks not even worth keeping and even he let me know it. He did want to keep one for his baby brother he said since it was a baby fish lol. The crappy was his first ever I was so excited for him and it was a good sized crappie probably 15" I was so proud of him. He got it all by him self I bait the hook but he did all the rest. The whole time he kept saying how blue gill are the best fish ever and how proud he was lol he had a blast as did I. I usually don't fish when we go but he's got a good grasp on the concept I just let him fish but then he kept telling me to put a bobber on and catch some fish so that's what I did well tried.
  4. That's pretty sweet I want one lol
  5. I think part of the reason I rush a lot of times is I'm on a time crunch 30 minutes here 2 hours there just randomly able to go. So I'm in a rush to get fish. Drop shot and shaky head I'm the worst with I'm able to slow down at times with the jig it's usually when I cast and get side tracked or something making me not retrieve right away like a back lash then I get bit after that long pause and a light bulb goes off and I slow down and start catching.
  6. I do fish a t rig or jika and feel the bottom a bit. I can fish cranks and spinnerbaits slow but it's the sit and wait type presentations I have a hard time with. Jerkbaits, senko, jigs in cold weather, drop shot all things that require long pauses I can't do I pause for like 3 seconds get bored and move the bait.
  7. How do you guys force your self to fish slow? I know I need to but I fish like iv got a IV of redbull in my veins lol. Im so used to in alot of my spots tossing a jig into trees and logs or rock piles and picking fish instantly not really having to fish slow just going down the bank pitching jigs in and ripping fish out. That doesn't exactly work this time of year or even in the summer but does most the time in the summer and fall. I need to force my self to slow down way down idk how to do it.
  8. Brad Paisley Luke Bryan Jason Aldean Blake shelton Alan Jackson
  9. Same here I fish solo 90% of the time I take pics of every fish just about. My arm only goes so far to get the fish in the frame. I usually catch smaller fish so it's not bad but the few times I get something big especially pike I wish I had some one else their to take the pic instead of just getting its head in the pic because they are so long.
  10. It's my ring back tone my gf hates it especially since I blew her off all weekend to go fishing lol and will do the same this weekend due to a huge trout derby. Then there's fishing in the dark for girls who like to go with ya.
  11. It was very slow out here for me also got one green fish one brown. The bucket fisherman made out good the one had 37 bullhead and 20 something bluegill.
  12. Had a slow day on the water today. Another mixed bag managed 4 fish today had a few more hits but couldn't connect. My buddy came out who just bought a brand new ride 115 kayak he managed 1 pike all day. I kinda felt bad he's been seeing all the fish iv been catching he went out bought the kayak and drove out here ad we couldn't get on the fish but we still had a blast got a little sun burnt though.
  13. How could you forget brad paisley - I'm gonna miss her
  14. Haha it snowed today actually but I managed 1 on a tube
  15. That's encouraging thanks. I'm gonna feel bad my buddy is driving over a hour out here and he just bought a brand new Ride 115 kayak and rigged it up. He seen all my pics on FB of the bass, trout, and pike and wants in on the action. So I gotta get him on some fish plus I haven't seen him in about 5 or 6 years now.
  16. My old man always said B.O.A.T......Bust Out Another Thousand.
  17. Do I look like a cat to you boy? Am I jumpin' around all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree? Am I drinking milk from a saucer? DO YOU SEE ME EATING MICE?
  18. I swear to God I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says, " Shenanigans."
  19. Mac: Oh, c'mon, we're like the sons you never had. Captain O'Hagan: If you were my son, Mac, I would've smothered you by now. Mac: Smothered me in gravy you big dirty man.
  20. I haven't caught one in years probably 15 years. I used to catch them all the time when I was a kid on crawfish. The ones I caught had blue tongues I I remember correctly I have Polaroids of them some where just to give an idea of how long ago I hooked into one. I fish them same waters now and don't catch them.
  21. Two days ago it was 80 out been pretty nice all week manage a few fish water temps were 54*. Today I wake up there is snow on the ground it's still coming down and it's 31 out!!! Seriously common spring! I have a good friend coming down tomorrow for a all day kayak fishing trip. Tomorrow is supposed to be 46* I don't think the water will have cooled that much and I almost want to think river fish are less affected by the pressure and weather changes at least in my past experience. We were gonna possibly hit one of the lakes but if the fish are gonna be in a funk ill rule out the lake ad focus on the small bodies of water.
  22. Possible there are some big pike in these waters. The other side was almost identicle.
  23. You can take your Florida top water bite year round and kiss my bass lol we still have ice in some parts of the state and it was 80 yesterday and tonight it's dropping to 31 highs in the low 40s all weekend for my Sunday all day fishin trip sun up till sun down on the kayak.
  24. Bring back firing squad or better yet stoning everyone in Boston gets a rock they are free think of it as going green lol
  25. That kayak is by far the best thing I have ever bought fishing wise. So many spots I can fish now like where I am getting these small mouth and trout. To shallow to get to by boat and in the middle of the woods all posted up along the banks. It's a hole that's 10' deep in a creek that averages maybe 2' in most accessible spots. It's my new favorite spot.
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