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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Iv noticed that the two RVO3 Stx reels I got off eBay have almost no drag what so ever. The one is so so no where near what my 1st and 2nd gen revo drags are like and the second is almost non existent even cranked all the way down. I set the hook on a little rock bass yesterday and it stripped drag on me. I got them off eBay in "new" condition they look brand new not even a finger smudge on them but I'm wondering if maybe the guy pulled the disks out our maybe put back together wrong. Anyone else have an issue with them I mean this is the first and only problem iv ever had with any of my REVOs they cast like a dream and feel very smooth but the drag on the one is seriously nothing even cranked down the other one is maybe like 10# of drag maybe my ax and S reels when cranked u can't strip drag with your hands but the Stx reels you can one like I said had like a 6" rock bass strip line off with it cranked down the other is fine just not as solid as the older REVOs I have. Would Abu cover them even if bought from eBay or am I on my own I mean it's only drag washers not that expensive.
  2. Looks like I gotta take the kayak to silver lake I think
  3. I can't buy one over 12" lately all my big fish spots and lures are just producing stupid rock bass frog = rock bass, 3/4 siebert Big O jig = rock bass, Bama rig = 2 rock bass lol I give up they are everywhere.
  4. That's awesome I did the same with my sons 22 rifle it was his before he was born but now I have two sons youngest don't have one yet. Awesome your family is supportive also mine is also fr the most part my dad and uncle are very anti gun so they just get ignored.
  5. There in the same spots year round for me I set up under a bunch roosted it a tree coyote hunting at 1am I hit the howler and dang near crapped m pants when 10 or so took off right from the tree I was sitting under this was in February
  6. Nice, I went to braddocks didn't catch a thing but a wicked sun burn.
  7. After working a 10hr day Saturday I took the kayak out to a local stone quarry to try and catch some monster bass that lurk there. It was almost like I could do no wrong I caught fish on just about every lure that touched the water. Got a bass on a Zara spook first cast with it. Caught a few black crappie and big slab blue gills as well no big bass though. I did have a first though I caught a rock bass on a top water frog. These guys crack me up they are so fiesty.
  8. Corn works well also throw some for chum then a few kernels on a hook
  9. I had my oldest out plinking bottles and cans while bull head fishing yesterday and let me tell ya what d**n that boy can shoot he was hitting a Pepsi can at about 20yds open sights and when he missed it was 3-6" over top every single time he turns 4 in a few weeks. He caught 1 bull head and like 20 rock bass to boot also.
  10. Heck the summer is when I catch all my fish I'm having a harder time now then I do in the summer lol. Your buddy is just a old timer set in his ways my father in law is the same way with hunting that bucks shot in bow season don't count cuz it's the rut and they are stupid and anyone can go out and stick a buck.
  11. Exactly if you teach them right from wrong soon as they are around fire arms they will be fine. Noah got his red rider for his 3rd bday he turns 4 in 3 weeks and he knows gun safety better then some adults. He makes sure he puts his BB gun on safe right after the shot and he only takes it off just for that second to squeeze the trigger. He had muzzle awareness down pat to he's a very smart ad safe little boy when it comes to guns. When I come in from hunting he stops me at the door and asks to make sure I'm unloaded and on safe. He asks to see his or mine or any of the family's guns he doesn't just open te cabnet up and look he asks and we take it out if he touches it he makes sure we give him a rag to wipe it down so not to rust. This is all from my soon to be 4 year old son!!!! He grew up so far seeing me an all his uncles and grandpa shooting and hunting so hes seen it and been around it his whole life.
  12. Hush is the name of the game just buy the gun and keep it hush till Christmas. My boy had my old marlin 15yn .22lr he's never shot it he just wipes it down every week and asks when he gets bigger if he can shoot it.
  13. Good job! I'm probably done for a little bit I was chasing trout all weekend and going back to work full time I'm not gonna get out as much plus spring turkey
  14. I have the lews speed spin 100 I got it for free but it's on my Wally marshal UL for when I chase blue gill with my son. It's not to terrible but I'm not catching anything more then pan fish and bull head on it. Other then that it doesn't get used.
  15. Anyone here doing it? There are like 1600 people registered for it.
  16. It's not roofing like on houses it's all flat roofs tar and rubber some times stone I think. Tomorrow I start be there bright and early for a safety brief idk if I go to the job site tomorrow or not. Pretty sure they are doing the roof on the college this summer so eye candy well working lol.
  17. That's awesome and can double for being from Buffalo also as all them work even did a few today (ac on then heat then on and then heat again lol)
  18. Thanks I just went and got the "blue book" to logy hours for raises and to go from apprentice to journeymen. They still gotta do some more research on the helmets to hard hats thing I guess. She also said there is another program for guard/reserve members to get paid extra for still being a actively drilling member and working in the union also.
  19. And to think I was supposed to go with you! I can stitch too, have braid, small drop shot hooks, lighter.........coulda done t on the water and kept fishing
  20. Chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles lol
  21. Took the boy fishing again was a bit slower today the bluegill wernt as active like yesterday when they devoured the worm soon as it touched the water. He managed to catch probably 10 bluegill all fairly small one good sized one and he kept every one despite my protest. He was having a serious case of ADD didnt care what so ever about fishing more interested in sticks and dandelions. When I did hook into a fish he dropped everything and fought it. He also kept getting the fish out of the bucket ad laying them in the grass facing each other making them "fight". I packed one caster with my magic lure so far this year the white booyah spinnerbait. once i realized he wasnt caring to much I busted it out while he ran around playing. I got 1 pike one green fish one brown fish handed the pole over to Noah I bring in just helped him hold the rod up so not to loose the fish. He had a blast again even got treated to ice cream between spots where we got the SMB.
  22. Lol yeah that's roofing season though. I couldn't pass it up great benefits great pay get all winter off to hunt and ice fish I get out around 4pm so still have time to fish at night. Raise every 6 months also as long as I go to class at the union hall 2 times a week
  23. Just got the phone call iv been waiting for to start work with the roofers union doing commercial roofing. I start at 7 on Thursday my days of sitting home all day with my two sons are over.
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