Very good advice!!!
I went to school at Baran institute of technology which has since been bought out by Lincoln Tech. It's the same as UTI, Wyotech and UNOH. I stuck with it for about 8 years I turned wrenches for Nissan then a local shop that actually makes most dealerships look small he has such a large customer base and I worked on everything there gas, diesel, electric, heavy equipment you name it.
I'm with nitro freak if you decide to stay in the field get away from Midas go to school I'd suggest UNOH iv been to all of them when I was teaching in a diesel class for the past 4 years and UNOH is best hands down in my opinion. Once you go to school keep up your grades and attendance attendance is VERY VERY VERY important and try and get picked up by one of te specialty schools like VW or BMW ect. From there get into their diesel programs.
I was offered BMW, Volvo, VW when I was in school I turned em all down and a kid I graduated HS with took the Volvo offer he since has been working for Volvo since then and I think about 3 years ago they sent him to Germany to learn some Porsche systems the kid is 26 and works on Porsches every day. Yeah I kick my self in the ass everyday for not sticking with it and specializing like he did.