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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. My oldest will be 4 Tuesday he is normally good he has his moments but for the most part he is a little angel. My youngest will be 2 in August he's the one that's the most trouble. Iv had custody of them since February and every one has said how much better behaved they are granted they do get a little out of control at times but all kids do.
  2. That's why I like UNOH it's about 10-15 grand cheaper and has more hands on focused training with smaller classes UTI is to big and got to many big company's pushing products and cost a small fortune UTI is upwards of 30-35,000 for the most basic 1 year course. A lot of it is what you put into it it's not like a regular school and your parents aren't there to push you or hold your hand not that they are in a regular college but I think there is more to keep ya in line with your grades like repeating classes and such. I graduated from Baran with a 3.98 GPA and only missed 1 day the whole year because of court and I doubled up I took auto body and auto tech so I learned both sides each a year long but did them at the same time morning classes for auto tech night classes for auto body.
  3. Are you saying you don't like yoga pants or mini skirts!?!? Yoga pants have got to be one of the greatest inventions EVER now if your talking bout farm animals wearing such items then yes I agree.
  4. Very good advice!!! I went to school at Baran institute of technology which has since been bought out by Lincoln Tech. It's the same as UTI, Wyotech and UNOH. I stuck with it for about 8 years I turned wrenches for Nissan then a local shop that actually makes most dealerships look small he has such a large customer base and I worked on everything there gas, diesel, electric, heavy equipment you name it. I'm with nitro freak if you decide to stay in the field get away from Midas go to school I'd suggest UNOH iv been to all of them when I was teaching in a diesel class for the past 4 years and UNOH is best hands down in my opinion. Once you go to school keep up your grades and attendance attendance is VERY VERY VERY important and try and get picked up by one of te specialty schools like VW or BMW ect. From there get into their diesel programs. I was offered BMW, Volvo, VW when I was in school I turned em all down and a kid I graduated HS with took the Volvo offer he since has been working for Volvo since then and I think about 3 years ago they sent him to Germany to learn some Porsche systems the kid is 26 and works on Porsches every day. Yeah I kick my self in the ass everyday for not sticking with it and specializing like he did.
  5. That's why the guy last week that I seen keep that big smallie I mean it was nice it was bigger then the 4-12# fatty I got last month. Yes it was out of season but it was hooked bad bled all over he tried to release it un harmed but it went belly up motionless so he got it back in and took it home to eat. Kids in general as of lately just blow my mind my nephew for one does. He doesn't mutilate fish but some of the stuff he does and says and with out a care in the world.
  6. He was good he normally is its the little one thats been a nightmare lol. He was picking up his game soon as he heard the water turn off. He climbed on me in the recliner and was out like a light 5 minutes later. My youngest is almost two and starting the temper tantrums and terrible two crap he woke up at 1230 last night wanting to watch tv I got him to lay in bed till 2 still wide awake but at least in bed then he got up tugged on my arm to get up and get him milk so I did then he tried to get me to the living room and I put him in bed and he screamed and threw a fit cried and cried and cried I'm kinda glad I got rained out at work today cuz I'm exhausted.
  7. Right now I'm an apprentice I'm a commercial roofing union but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna find some thing else probably fall back on what I actually went to college for and go back to turning wrenches.
  8. I'm only 26 and notice same thing I never acted or said the stuff kids say today I sure as hell never ran my mouth to a stranger I the water or any where. This spot where the kids were is where iv been fishing since I was in diapers I know every rock, stick and hole in that water I see kids there every time I go now and 9/10 times they are being loud and rowdy trashing the place. Ill be calling the officer again tomorrow on lunch to see if anything had been done. If at the very least let him know I see these kids there often so he could easily swing by on his way home some days and probably catch them. I know the officer have for a good 15 years probably he busted me when I was 11 for snagging carp I guess I was a bad kid to lol I didn't mutilate them I always tossed em back I remember it like yesterday he took me home to my mom and explained why and then talked fishing I see him a few times a year usually checking licenses or in town off duty.
  9. I was out on the kayak tonight when I was on my way back in there were some kids maybe 15-17years old fishing on the wall behind the library in town. Now I could hear these kids yelling and hollering probably a good 1/2 mile back in the creek where I was. As I got closer I could see a pile of dead fish on the grass. Now I don't care if ya keep fish if they are in season but what I seen next floored me I wanted to paddle over and kick there little *****. First the one asks me what iv been catching and I told him and he gets all cocky shows me a branch with line tied to it and says that's what he has to fish with and he can out fish me as he's saying this he catches a small bass maybe 8" and he yanks it out of the water in one motion and slams it on the cement. After he does this his buddy takes it off and spikes it on the cement wall like its a football they all laugh and joke about its guts coming out and tossed it on the pile. I was livid I said some choice words and they said some back at me and I paddled over to my truck and called the DEC tip line and reported them. The dispatcher gave me the local officers number to call him directly. I called the guy he lives just outside of town a few miles but it went right to voicemail I left him message with my name and number and told him what they were doing and gave a description of the kids. I haven't heard anything back from him but after I got my dinner I drove by again and the kids were walking out no fish in hand and looked like the pile was still on the bank. They probably are gonna get away with it but hopefully the dec will patrol more in te area it's been packed with bucket fisherman more then iv ever seen and I'm not saying they all keep fish out of season but iv seen a few do it one kept a nice smallmouth the other day but I didn't say anything I watch him try and release it but it was gut hooked bad and died and he said he'd take his chances taking it home and eating it rather then letting it waste.
  10. Both my boys are spitting images of me according to everyone else I don't see it other then they both love the outdoors and have a knack for turning wrenches always giving there little tricycles tune ups lol. But that look I just got I did recognize. I was trying to get him to look at me and acknowledge that after I got out of the shower it was his bed time and he only had a few minutes to play his new memory game. I had to say it 4 times an that fourth time he looks at me and rolled his eyes and said "yeah okay daddy" lol
  11. My soon to be 4 year old son just gave me the same "yeah right what ever you say I'm gonna do what I want" look iv given my mom and ex wife for years. Ya know the raise the eyebrow roll the eyes lol little brat.
  12. Hey that kayak looks familiar!!!! Lol I have JF's old kayak now and I have it set up the same way minus one rod holder on the front. I carry 6 rods right now but with grass and Lilly pads starting to emerge on the surface I'm gonna be adding a frog rod so 7 rods and 9 rod holders.
  13. The first few pics with the bass and pike from the kayak and the small mouth with the sore on its side that is Johnson's creek in Orleans county in lyndonville the walleye and white bass with the other smallies is oak orchard creek between lake Alice and glennwood lake in medina at the power plant.
  14. Pretty good I did egg and a huge squeeze of honey mixed that up then a sleeve of ritz crackers crushed up and pan fried it in light oil.
  15. I have it on one rod and like it so far no issues yet I tie a palomer with it
  16. Yup that's a army buddy that I also went to high school with we had a double just different species he hooked up seconds after I did. And yup it's a pike he was hammering pike like crazy on a UL ugly stick with 4# test and rebel weecraw crank bait
  17. I never caught one before today and I got it out of a river iv been fishing for 20+ years. I wanna start getting more of them it put up a good fight. Idk if its big idk how big they get but it was pretty good sized I think
  18. Anyone else watch this? My son wanted to watch it when I was flipping threw the channels now he wants to go on a hog hunt lol. The show seems ok iv been batching it for a while now mostly cuz I'm certain Lea is my future ex wife lol
  19. Had a decent weekend on the water Saturday caught some large mouth and small mouth nothing giant 3# at best along with a bunch of pike and rock bass. Went out again today and caught some more small mouth then my first ever white bass and then some dinner aka walleye! All te fish today came on a white kalins 5" grub. Saturdays fish came on a tube, spinnerbait and white grub. My oldest son helped bread the walleye when his mother dropped him off he had some and said he liked his crappie better!!!!! My yongest just used a piece to scoop up tarter sauce and eat that never actually ate the walleye meat. Took 15 minutes to revive this one but she swam off just fine wasn't looking good at first http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h367/acgeorge1025/null_zpsba04322c.jpg
  20. The one in Albion has been good to me so far but that's only been once this season. They hit everything I mean rock bass were hammering top water frogs and bass and crappie hammered spinnerbaits. Ill try to find out bout mirror for ya my dad might know more. I know there are some out near sanborn can't remember the name just know its off lower mountain rd
  21. Never heard of it and I'm 10 minutes from gasport it might be the quarry that a lot of kids jump and swim in but I'm almost certain it's all posted up because my students that go there to jump in and swim usually get tickets lol.
  22. I'm not to worried if I gotta pay to fix it the parts are cheap. Been fishing with it today and not giving me issues its just the one the other is solid and the one it's iffy it kinda intermittent if I back it all the way off then tighten it it's good till I loosen it again to pull out a back lash or slack line to re tie.
  23. I have the schematic sheet thought I got them from eBay they came in the box with all the paper work I just got a killer deal on them $150 a piece so it almost makes me think the guy knew.
  24. Is there a rock bass category it's all I catch lol
  25. I had a burst reel it crapped out on me like a month or two into the season no anti reverse or something the spool spun both ways back lashing nightmare. I stripped the handle off it cuz it was slightly longer then the one on my pflueger echelon put it on that and tossed the burst some where in the attic. The revo sx is awesome in my opinion I have the 2nd gen and love it. The carrot stick well I have no direct experience with it not many people like them they tend to break easily it seems.
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