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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Happy B Day Gonna play hooky and take the bullet out on your birthday?
  2. Well not even close to the large mouth this month but my biggest of the season so far iv been slacking in the large mouth department. It was 3-5ozs go ahead ad add it so my name an be put in to donate a lure to this months winner.
  3. I need a year id post the slogan I thought of but idk if its really BR appropriate lol it makes a sexual reference lol
  4. As the title states when was the smelly stuff invented/released? I'm curious I thought of a funny slogan for it as it was just the ticket to bites
  5. Pretty good I only have a veritas and some cheap poles to compare it to but it's pretty sensitive I love it.
  6. I have the 7'1mhf iv used it for just about everything trying to decided what I like it for. I love it I'd like to get a few more when I get some more money set aside. Some say try are uncomfortable on the hand with that reel seat but I don't find that to be the case at all.
  7. I catch em on bass gear all the time. I got one last week on a 7'1mhf villain and revo Stx with 50# braid
  8. I probably will if I upgrade I have the iPhone 4 and though I hate it at times iv tried using android devices and it hurts my brain I want to throw it into the wall I'm not a fan of change or things that are different lol.
  9. Lol that's nothing. What can I say I'm liking the single life again lol. Last month I think it was around 13000 at the end
  10. Ok don't laugh how many MBs are in a GB lol
  11. This is 10 days into the bill I use a lot and I gotta bump my minutes because I have to call work every night to the man list and weather update every morning to find where I work and if it gets shut down for rain or wind
  12. I get a discount for military already 18% I think
  13. Oh I bled today banged my shin off a exhaust pipe sticking up out the roof when carrying some insulation big ole blood stain on my boot and sock didnt notice I bled till I got home. We are trying to get my nephew to work for the company by he would rather make minimum wage at a redemption center under the table countin and sorting beer cans when ever he feels like with out set hours. My first week I got 49 hrs in 4 days I was beat lol.
  14. Last I heard or was told how ever ya wanna look at it lol when you go to upgrade and renew you loose your unlimited because they don't offer it anymore.
  15. Yeah cuz they are used to being handed everything and never having to put in the hard work. The foreman at m job site today kept apologizing to me for making me do "dirty work" I guess you can call it. Picking up trash weighing insulation down pulling countless pales, tanks, pipes, rubber, glue ect up the wall 60' because we didn't have a crane. He felt he needed to apologize idk why I kept saying its fine I'm an apprentice been there for 3 weeks working with all journeymen of course I'm gonna get the crap jobs I don't mind. They said they actually said they have law suits against the company because new guys sue for not being treated like the journeymen that have years and years there!!!! Sad part is they win the law suits. Iv seen new guys on other sites walk off because they wernt allowed to do things and they thought it wasn't fare I mean really?!?
  16. I'm eligible for a upgrade in phones on the 20th and I want a new phone and was gonna give my old one though deactivated to my son cuz he always takes it to listen to music. My dilemma though is I still have the unlimited data and if I renew and upgrade I loose it. Should I upgrade and say the hell with unlimited or just keep my old slow phone I can't afford to buy a new phone out right to keep my data plan. I also don't have wifi at home so all Internet is threw my phone so I def use a lot of data I mean if glenn cut back some of his awesome videos I might be able to save data usage lol.
  17. I know the 2 of em play JV baseball that or they stole the jerseys..........lol
  18. My mom used to beat me senseless at least that's how I remembered it lol. Her class ring and hair brush I feared both lol. My dad has never laid a finger on me in 26 years I don't even remember him yelling at me granted my mom raised me and I only seen my dad on weekends but I had more respect for my dad then my mom behaved better for him also. My mother and I had this discussion last night actually about which of her three kids was the best behaved me or my two sisters she said me hands down which is scary cuz I was a devil child from like 15-20 lol. The topic came up when she made the comment about how good my boys are and I said they get it from me. Ill be damned if my kids grow up to be brats one thing I'm happy about having custody because there mother gave in and never disciplined or said no to either kid about a month of living with me they changed now they are little sweet hearts that love to hunt and fish an last night got them hooked on going to the races.
  19. The kids I seen doing this were probably 15ish. It's definitely a lot to do with parenting my nephew for instance had been caught red handed doing wrong and his mother just says "oh it's ok" he had never been punished for anything. I drill into both my boys to say please and thank you and te both do they are 4 and 2.
  20. Nice!!! Love the color and markings on that one I haven't got one this year that wasn't kinda pale and grayish. I really need to get out to silver soon probably next weekend since I have drill all this weekend.
  21. Nope not me not a Abu rod and reel............
  22. Manns 1 minus I buy them every chance I get I don't see em often in stores around here though
  23. Called the dec officer again and got voicemail again.
  24. You just squeeze into your wife's don't you
  25. Iv always gone commando since like the 10th grade the only time I don't is when I'm wearing gym shorts. My moped is I drink them new bud light line straw-ber-rita things they are sooooo good so what they are strawberry flavored beer. They are small they fit in your pocket nicely and it's 2 beers in the one small can perfect for loading your pockets and going bull head fishing....
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