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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Took the new GF and her kids plus my kids fishing Sunday and while I wanted to pull my hair out most the time made some good memories and got some youngsters hooked on fishing. My oldest is already a little angler as most of you know but my youngest has never gone and he got his first Sunday and is obsessed now. Her two kids caught there first ever fish also wouldn't touch em or bait the hooks but loved fishing non the less and my boys both of em threw all the fish back and Noah helped take some off and bait the hooks for the other two kids. All in all good day Talon her son caught the most almost a fish a cast and Mackenzie her daughter caught a few also. My boys only caught one each as Noah was helping with the baiting and unhooking and Jack mostly well hes not even 2 he had no clue lol. My youngest Jack: Talon and his blue gill
  2. J Francho took me before I came a vet jut before I left but he just did it to do it had a blast
  3. My nephew has been going a lot he showed me one yesterday on the scale at the shop afterwards weighed in at 49-7 state record is 50-8 I think he said. I woulda rather caught it on hook and some corn personally at that size that close to record.
  4. Pm sent. I'm registered in the helmets to hard hats thing to that's supposed to help get construction jobs I read some thing also on the program that lets you use your GI bill to supplement extra money for being an trades apprentice. That would help out a ton extra money in my pocket.
  5. This weather is killing me not only work but fishing as well. I normally can't even catch a cold in days after rain and fronts and have my best luck on days before a storm. The weather lately has been rain 2-3 days nice for 1 or 2 then rain again. I've been tryin to hit that last nice day between fronts but they are coming so close together fishing seems very off even the carp arnt in there normal patterns and seem scarce. It's also spawn and post spawn for some of the bass making it even tougher. What do you guys do in these conditions? I fish ever chance available but shoot for longer trips on that last nice day before the rain.
  6. Yup days like today was just the final nail in the coffin. Drove a hour to the job site in a thunder storm after calling the weather up date and the foreman since its thunder and lightning and just down pouring asking if we were really working and being told yes just gonna shovel the gravel off the roof. Well drive the hour in my truck get to tr job site job gets pushed back a hour to see how the weather turns out, half hour later "hey go home it's not letting up I'm calling it off" Really we called you at 430 and you say green light were working in the rain get there and you say uh it's raining go home. Thank you for making us waste our gas driving out there when every site got shut down but ours because you said we could work in the rain then change your mind. The foreman lives 15 minutes from me too its not like he lived in the city and only drove a few minutes he had just a long of a drive. So it just cost me close to $20 to drive out there and back when he could have called it off with the other 14 jobs that got shut down today. Gander is looking for a fishing sales associate its part time but it will help on these rain days.
  7. This is the issue I had run into also I even went as far as using channel locks to wrench down on the nut and wrapped the reel foot in tape still was lose in that pole. It cost me a nice fish the other day and I almost went Ike and chucked the set up but I didn't I have a revo sx on it that'd the only thing that kept that rid from not getting launched. It now sits with out a reel in my back room
  8. Like I said my BIL neighbors daughter fresh out of high school started working there she's only a few months in making 16.50/hr to start out. They have a $100 buy in to get into the union as an apprentice as opposed to the 600 I'm payin out of each check now. I've thought about going for iron workers or electricians but then I'd be like raider.......lol
  9. Well this commercial roofing biz ain't working out. I like the job I do enjoy it and with only a 3 year apprenticeship program before journeymen it's a short track to make good money in a union but these rain days are killing me. I'm a single father now and got my two boys to support plus all the bills I got stuck with that are in my name when she ran off that I have to pay for and try and get the money back in court later I can't ignore utility bills and truck payments in my name it would screw me over in the long run. So I'm back to looking for a steady minimum 40hr week job. I went to two different union halls today after driving a hour just to get sent home due to a rain storm coming. Both gave me the run around I suppose one only accepts applications on the 1st Tuesday of every month and only between 9am and 11am the other only on Mondays 1pm-3pm. One was a pipe fitter, plumbers, HVAC joint union my BILs neighbor started at in march and is making 16.50/hr and gets 40hrs a week then OT if she wants to work weekends. The other was just the laborers union. I kinda wanna stay in the trades it's good money and benefits lots of opportunity for side jobs for extra money I just can't make it with these rain days my last paycheck was only 180$ because we got rained out so much.
  10. I have the end tied to the cleat I have 30' of anchor line then if I'm in 10' I drop anchor then make a loop and put it on the cleat so I don't drift all that slack like. I don't catch big enough fish to get towed around. I wanna get te PNP or some thing alike in the coming weeks I just ordered a folding trolly for it to Help get to some new spots that require a long walk/drag threw the woods to get to.
  11. The anchor trolly doesn't have a loop on it it's got a pulley ad I run my anchor rope threw it and ten pull the trolly to position it where I want it. I have J Francho's old ocean kayak big game prowler. I haven't added to or taken anything off it since I got it off him.
  12. I have a anchor trolly but how would it work with the PNP
  13. I've been eye balling one of these for my kayak. I want the 8' model are they worth the money? Does it have a ring to tie off to so u can kinda anchor? I'm guessing that's the concept with the name park n pole. I figured it would be good for a lot of my shallow flats spots to use as a push pole an then stick in the mud to anchor to a spot
  14. X2 Huddle bug also is a fav of mine
  15. I acquired some lead flashing from work 40lbs worth but its got a little tar and calk on some. Can I just melt it down and add beeswax then skim the crap off the top. I figured 40lbs of free lead might justify buying a pot and some molds I figured 40lbs would probably last me a little while.
  16. Yup see the big black section between Rochester and Buffalo New York that's where I live lol no bueno.
  17. I want to get into it in fact my buddy called me and left a message to pick up a kit for his extra bow today on the way home from work and he will pay me back. I'm still hesitant for the same reasons as stated its why I don't turkey hunt I have no desire to do anything with the carp or a turkey. I brought it up to my buddy about what are we gonna do with them after we smoke the carp. He said his migrant workers want them or we are gonna burry them as fertilizer and make some coyote bait Popsicles with them for the fall so I'm all in now.
  18. T Mobil service is crap out by me my buddy has it and always drops calls
  19. Lol yeah we had icecream first plus he had face paint on from his last day of Pre K yesterday. Not to mention the boy sees mud and insists playing in it lol.
  20. J Francho would probably know best. I'm getting them in the tributaries in Lyndonville in Orleans county. My 4 year old got 2 yesterday in the 10 minutes we fished the one spot one was about 2.5 lbs the other 2lbs. They are in all stages of the spawn in the tributaries though some are spawned out some are still on beds.
  21. Took my oldest boy Noah fishin today he's been bugging me all week to go and I promised him I would today if it wasn't raining because we didnt get out yesterday because it was his birthday and we went out to his favorite place the Chinese buffet. Started off the evening catching bluegill on some dead meal worms I had in the fridge. He caught maybe 10 in 15 minutes all dinks even to bluegill standards. He seen some carp jumping and kept wanting to catch them. The last fish at that place he insisted he take the hook out so I let him. He now can bait his own hook, cast, take te fish off the hook all by him self and he turned 4 yesterday. Just gotta get him to tie a few knots and the boy is golden. Started raining on us and I left my windows down so we left. After that we went to pick my buddy clay up and by that time it stopped raining and sun was out so I took the boy for icecream and the little guy was macking on the girl behind the counter when he ordered his icecream calling her baby and said "no you are baby" when she said he was cute lol. After he ended up wearing more ice cream then he ate we shot across the street to try for some small mouth. First we tried a spinner bait and we had one that kept chasing but wouldn't commit so I switched him to a float-n-fly. The float actually Worked against us dragging it to fast in te current so I ditched the float and told him just to cat and reel it in lifting his rod tip up as he brought it back. Well it worked 3rd cast in bam nice nice small mouth. Few minutes later we got a second one. That was it for the rest the night. Got some pics like usuall and even a video of both fish.
  22. If you want a hunting rifle check out the marlin X series rifles or a savage axis or Stevens they are all in the 300 range. I have the marlin and love it.
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