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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. I seen the teaser the other day on face book. I want one
  2. Congrats!!!!!! I wanted to go out today with my boys and my father but we got thunderstorms here in WNY so no fishing here.
  3. Be a grump I am or at least my mom, sister, ex wife, gf....every female in my life says I am lol.
  4. Yup raining here to just buttoning up some stuff laughing and joking easy day.
  5. Today hopefully won't be to bad they canceled the 630 crew because the rain in the forecast so no laying up new roof just doing some detail work and flashings. Did grab the biggest can of redbull the corner store had though I'm beat kinda hope it starts to down pour around 10am that will give me half the day at least.
  6. What a long day. I start my morning off at 4am for work like every day but today was the first day since Thursday without rain and we had a full crew so the foreman went full throttle and banged out a ton of roof. Now the roof is a hot asphalt roof an te tanker was at 525* those of you who don't know about commercial roofing we pump that hot up and mop it onto the roof and put down insulation and all that fun stuff. Now we have to walk in the crap so it burns your feet destroys your boots an just makes for a miserable day. Now do this for 14hrs yeah long day and just as a final woo raa your tie rod breaks on your truck and you almost T bone a car because you can't turn your wheels. Yup that was my day it's now 1145 and I'm just getting done washed up and eating dinner just to get up and do it again tomorrow hopefully with out the truck issue. I got the truck fixed but that was a PITA hate the NY rust.
  7. The 783 is the marlin X7 with Remington's name on it. Remington bought marlin a few years ago. Last I seem on my gun forums the X7 and 783 are dang near identical.
  8. It will depends a lot on what and where I'm stayin and how long I'm working. The 3 other guys going with me are also big into fishing the one has a brand new ranger boat so were spinning some wheels waiting to see what exactly is going on for the 16 days.
  9. I might bring my kayak idk yet.
  10. All the above. I use it to steer or if the wind or current is pushing me I use it to steer also or keep me in live with what ever.
  11. There are some siebert spinner baits and a boomerang braid cutter by the sand bar near the stump field just laying there some where lol........
  12. The rudder is awesome I love it use the foot pedals to steer. One of the spots I fished early in the season was super muddy at the launch so just getting in and out of it I tracked a ton of mud in it. I store it in my garage never out side. Tue front rod holders honestly I rarely use that's why I took the one out. I use it mostly when in hooking fish or tieing new lures on or leaders ill pop it in quick rather then laying it on my lap.
  13. Not a fan of the city dump John had horrible luck there as did my kayaking partner as you already know. Had some good laughs that night between him getting crapped on 2 seperate occasions in one night and me flipping the yak. Ill fish it again hopefully I find the bass you post and talk about.
  14. I have one and love it super stabile. I keep my milk crate in the back and have room for a small duffle full of soft plastics I'm front of that and then a small cooler behind it. Mine has a fish finder and rudder also. Ill get some pics up for ya shortly show how mines rigged.
  15. Any good public fishing in the area I see its some what close to Onieda and Delta lake. Ill be there for 16 days in July figured might as well do some fishing well I'm out there.
  16. My buddy kayak fishes it often I have yet to get out there but I have plans to. He mostly catches pike like crazy don't think any of big size just a bunch of little guys(12"-20") ones
  17. Lol I know he works I think farmers have it harder then us roofers do in the rain.
  18. Yup it was other then my boys kinda got whiny and were on a sugar high or something didn't go to bed till 10pm lol but I don't mind my kids. Noah my oldest was pushing Jack on Noah's bike every time they got stuck on something they acted like it was mud granted that went on till 10 it was still fun to watch them play.
  19. 70k for this area is actually really well for where we live. The guys I work with on the roof only make 40k a year in a good season when I worked as a teachers aide my salary was only 11.5k a year. 70 is d**n good for here I hope it works out for her it was a peaceful night last night with out all the pitty party texts from her trying to make me feel bad for her all cuz she had a guy over loved it.
  20. Nice if I get rained out tomorrow I'm hitting silver in the kayak.
  21. She called me today all happy and excited she sold her parrot and that she went on a dating web site(I told her too lol) and her first match up was a guy she dated threw highschool and was engaged to briefly. Next words out of her words out of her mouth were he's got his own house and is a journeyman electrician and makes 70k a year and can take care of her. I smiled and crossed my fingers they have a date tonight......hoping it works out so she is out of my hair lol
  22. Yeah well the two guys she's had living with her since its all happened both left her. She keeps buggin me about being alone and lonely non stop. Then she cries how no guys want her and we all leave her or I won't come back to her. I told her if every guy leaves her or won't get involved and we all say its cuz your crazy maybe you really are crazy lol she never likes that comment
  23. Happens to me all the time with my manns -1 cranks pike magnets. I hate catching pike, two of my kayak fishing buddy's love fishing for them though but the one is starting to see my hatred for them as they have destroyed some of his lures as well.
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