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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. I was just blasting George Thorogood - one bourbon, one scotch, one beer.
  2. Sweet looking just not my cup of tea not a big fan of the x bow
  3. Really dude Hannah Montana seriously just face palmed reading that. Hate breed - I will be heard
  4. How could I forget drowning pool - bodies And volbeat warriors call it's on all my lifting mixes for the gym. Brantley Gilbert - kick it in the sticks Is another good one Another one is George Thorogood and the destroyers - one bourbon, one scotch, one beer Commander Cody - hot rod Lincoln Charlie daniels band - Devil went down to Georgia
  5. So on the way home from work today bohemian rhapsody came on the radio and like in the other thread I asked who else blasts that song. Well like I said bohemian rhapsody came on today followed by Danzig - Mother another song that requires full volume blastage. So what are some of your guys songs you hear that just make you turn up the radio. Mine off the top my head are Queen - bohemian rhapsody Danzig - mother Red hot chili peppers - other side Five finger death punch - bad company There are more but them ones always get played loud.
  6. I see a little silhouetto of a man Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me Gallileo, Gallileo, Gallileo, Gallileo, Gallileo Figaro - magnifico But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me He's just a poor boy from a poor family Spare him his life from this monstrosity Easy come easy go - will you let me go Bismillah! No - we will not let you go - let him go Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me go Will not let you go - let me go (never) Never let you go - let me go Never let me go - ooo No, no, no, no, no, no, no - Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me for me for me
  7. Looks sharp!! I thought u been lifting look at that pea shooter arm.....lol jk
  8. Does anyone else blare this song and go Wayne's world well driving or is it just me.
  9. I think I seen 499 some where don't quote me on it though.
  10. I seen this on my Facebook news feed also. I'm a revo guy as everyone knows so its on my wish list.....better stop raining cuz that list is getting long with the new morrum reel and now this I'm sure there will be more released as we get closer to icast
  11. I have a 870 with #7 shot next to it. No pistol yet working on the permit NY is a bit slow on that now.
  12. Very nice
  13. Sounds sick iv been out practicing with my new bow a lot lately. Can't wait for bow season to whack a deer be practicing from 10yds out to 50yds iv been on the money with <1" groups at every distance running 1 pin I love it October needs to get here so I am put some deer on the ground.
  14. All iv been doing is 12oz curls lately. I do need to get back to lifting like I was overseas I seen a pic of me last summer when deployed and looking at me now ugh lol. I haven't gotten fat I'm only 3lbs heavier actually probably not cuz none of my clothes fit me they are all to big I'm loosing weight lately sweating on the roof bu iv lost most my muscle mass I want it back. It was nice over seas I could go to the gym when ever and it was a nice gym. Where I live now the closest gym is 40minutes away and working 12hr days before loosing 3 hours in travel time a day makes for long days last thing in my head is going to the gym or even working out at home. I need to find time as much as it sucks I might have to start going to bed earlier and waking up sooner and just working out at home.
  15. Is bumble bee not a BA don't know why but every time I watch the transformers movies bumble bee is just BA like a robot Rambo lol.
  16. http://shop.sandpiperca.com/index.php/gear-packs/bugout-bag-coyote-brown.html This!!! Don't buy it from the company though they hav it listed for $95+ I paid 60 for mine from the PX when on deployment but iv seen them on amazon for like 65. I fit 12 of the big Plano boxes in mine and still had room for more J Francho witnessed the bag loaded this past Saturday. They have a lifetime warranty also I own 3 one for fishing one as a range bag for shooting and one for just what ever I need a backpack for like clothes when traveling.
  17. Good thing we have people like raider who breaks cameras when they focus on his mug. Get him traveling to take out the cameras from big brother lol.
  18. Oh that car ride home made things stiffen up sitting for a hour and a half and now both shoulders and hips are tender. Gotta sign a accident report tomorrow they said if I can't get outa bed don't and the safety guy will drive to my residence to bring the report. I'm sure it's just sore muscles it was a good drop but no bones were broke so I'm good. If you guys haven't been able to tell from this post and previous ones when I had my stomach/gal bladder issues I'm thick headed when it comes to my health. I know ill be hurting more in the AM but ill still drag my self to work just how I am. Iv had perfect attendance at every job and school iv been to feeling like crap or injurys don't mean ya get the day off I'd rather work. Now if they send me home that's a different story lol.
  19. Nope Raider, we don't have harnesses it was a pent house In the middle of a bigger roof and it had a 4' wall I was lifting the cart over soon as I got it over the edge and all the weight on me it yanked me right up and over. d**n that weight loss haha
  20. Nope Raider, we don't have harnesses it was a pent house In the middle of a bigger roof and it had a 4' wall I was lifting the cart over soon as I got it over the edge and all the weight on me it yanked me right up and over. d**n that weight loss haha
  21. I'm down just let me know
  22. I'm gonna it was the first thing I said after saying "I'm ok, I'm ok" lol
  23. And I realized I do a lot of fishing lol. In all seriousness that really does happen I fell off the roof today head first did the scorpion maneuver and landed on my neck and shoulder 15' bellow on a 150lb steel mop cart that I was lowering over the wall. No injurys I am extremely sore an have some road/ roof rash on my shoulder and arm I was back on my feet instantly a little short of breath but fine and went right back to work. Fun times
  24. I need to get some shirts from them J Francho wore one yesterday and we discussed how comfy they are and keep ya cool well also blocking the sun as well. I have a fishouflage hat iv had for probably 5+ years that's still going strong I wear it almost every time I go fishing.
  25. Jimmy Houston got a little carried away kissing lead to giving the bass a hicky
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