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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. I just recently started catching white bass and in waters Iv been fishing for over 20 years and jut now caught my first one this year now I seem to catch em everywhere but only 1 or 2 every few weeks. These little mini stripers are a blast to catch and want to learn more about them and start targeting them with UL gear. Any tips or hints would be great like where to look for them and what to use all mine so far have came on 5" kalins lunker grubs or flukes on a drop shot.
  2. I seen some slick tricks yesterday man are they tiny only 1 1/8".
  3. So I'm here I have TONS of time off I didn't bring the yak but I may run the 6hr round trip to go get it and the rest of my gear. I did bring 1 pole and some basic stuff for now. I'm gonna explore on one of my days off try and find some fish already seen some good looking spots in the area.
  4. Loose everywhere man hip hurts if I twist just right or run same with shoulder I can onl shoot my bow 10 minutes at a time lately before it bothers me till I can't draw.
  5. Nah stuff gives me bad rock gut it's been a labatts blue month......
  6. Happens intermittently
  7. ok its not a big deal per say but on a dell studio xps it has all the like "touch screen buttons" above the keyboard to pause/play, skip, ff, rwnd, and change volume well when my laptop dies all together them keys black out when i plug it back in and i can never figure out how to turn them back on. its really annoying to close down the video just to adjust the main volume or pause and so on just a inconvenience its quicker just to be able to tap the button but the button isn't there now how do i get them to show up again.
  8. I'm from medina only 30-45 min away I started fishing out that way more this year. I went to the devils hole at the gorge got some smallmouth and white bass
  9. I got a doe with my 99 ford ranger this am lol
  10. Didn't keep it I did think bout it but I'd have to take the day off work to butcher it in this heat it wouldn't stay
  11. I just canceled my full coverage on my truck for basic liability because I only paid $400 for the truck ad saw no need to pay extra for a beater though a great condition beater. Well I just clobbered a big mama doe on my way to work and my front end is all smashed in just my luck.
  12. Actually I was sober for 4.5 years that went out the window a few months ago though. Iv woke up breathing for 26 years now that's a good streak lol.
  13. It was one of the big search and destroy games it wa years ago to I haven't played in forever.
  14. 47 kill streak in call of duty lol
  15. I have the 7'1 MH villain and I can launch a 1/2 and even 3/8oz spinner bait a mile with the thing using a RVO3 Stx with 15# flouroclear
  16. Bug spray/thermacell........
  17. So what was the outcome did they fix it?
  18. Looks a hell of a lot bigger then that on my phone maybe it's cuz ea doing a Roland Martin? Lol
  19. That's messed up and that bass looks HUGE
  20. I'm certain counties yes the counties I hunt no. All the places I have access to have bear and bob cats both are illegal to hunt and trap. Same goes for using a rifle it's shot gun and .22 or smaller only unless deer season is closed so my .243 stays inside oct-dec.
  21. My regs regarding mechanicals "Broadheads with retractable blades are legal. Broadheads with mechanical blades are legal if the blades DO NOT form a barb or hook when the arrow is pulled from the flesh of a deer or bear"
  22. My good buddy shoots T3s swears by them but I think he said they are illegal in NY along with 3 blade rage.
  23. I only got out 3 times the whole month my biggest largemouth was maybe 2lbs
  24. What broad heads do you guys use for deer? I'm in need of some broad heads been thinking bout the rage heads. My BIL uses blood runners but had yet to put one threw a deer he used to run crimson talon I think they are called and he swore by them.
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