Oh I forgot two of my tackle boxes bounced out of the bed of my truck and shattered all over the road and like 75% my cranks go ran over and busted that was this morning
Seriously I must be gettin tested by the man upstairs cuz this is just getting ridiculous! I'm gonna try to start in order sure I'll forget some things but here we go with my mistake luck starting from when I got home from deployment.
Crash my exs brand new ford edge
Gall bladder ruptures
Complication from gall surgery a week later
Break brand new veritas pole
Flip kayak
Fall off roof at work
Break tie rod on truck while driving
Crazy ex wife costs me relationship with gf
Crash into deer with truck
No insurance coverage with truck for accident
Mission gets canceled have to finish orders at armory 47.3 miles from home 50miles needed for authorization for hotel forced to drive 90+ miles per day for work for 3 weeks now
Break favorite fishing pole(Villain)
Truck blows up hour from home
Them last two happend same day maybe a hour apart.....
I just can't win and I know I'm leaving stuff out when is all this bad luck gonna end and the messed up part is I didn't even list my wife leaving me and getting pregnant by another guy!!! That was while I was gone that list is just in the 7 months I've been back!!!!!
I'm hitting hemlock today I'm gonna be in geneseo at the very least till Friday possibly an additional 2 weeks so I may hit up all the lakes.
I'm gonna hit the south end of hemlock today
I'm gonna be in Geneseo for this week and possibly 2 weeks additional. How do these lakes fare for kayak fishing. Or if there is anywhere closer to geneseo to try.
Iv made my mind up I'm talking to the retention NCO tomorrow and reenlisting for another 6. Health insurance is cheap, life insurance is cheap, 10000 sign on bonus for my boat that 10k is taxed but I will get it in February same time as my tax return plus I'm putting 75% of the next two months of state active duty pay away for the boat.
I figure the pros greatly out weigh the cons and I basically let these first 6 years go by with out taking advantage of anything that it had to offer. My ex wife blew my first bonus of 20k and all my deployment money so I'm taking this state active duty pay and bonus and getting a boat for me and my boys that I've been waiting the last 6 years for.
I never understand why people say ghosts do the things they say. I mean knocking a picture off the wall? Lights flickering? A bump in the night? Tv flickering or turning off? I mean really if a ghost can do that stuff why not pick up a pen and paper and write a note. Or even worse choke or pick some thing up and mess ya up.
That's my fathers argument also but honestly it's not that bad. It's the national guard it's not active duty so I'm still home all but one weekend a month and 9/10 times u get to go home at night unless we're at a range some where. I'm on orders till next week and I've been home every day by 430-5 sooner then I would be working my civilian job I actually am seeing my kids more on orders then trying to work and make a living like a civilian.
Well I've been eligible to reenlist in the guard for a few months now and am coming up on the cut off date soon. I've been back and forth on reenlisting one minute I'm 100% against it the next I'm considering it.
I've been on orders for a week and a half now and probably will be well into September possibly and I'm strongly considering signing for another 6 years. I've been mostly against it because I I start dating again I don't want what happened on my deployment to happen again but I've realized not every women is a well ya know. I talked with the commander and the family rep and discussed what would happen if I do deploy again and what will happen with the kids. It's not that bad so I'm weighting it out heavily with friends and family.
Here is what I've come up with.
Continue to serve my country
It's a bill ie car payment, cell, cable ect paid or just for drilling weekends.
A 2nd retirement
Keeps me in shape
The GI bill
My boys are proud and brag that I'm in the army
I get to blow **** up
They let me play with auto weapons and blow stuff up
I will make Sgt in less then a year
$10000 bonus = bass boat!!!!
I stay in the army
I miss 1 weekend a month usually when I want to go to a concert
Can't grow my duck dynasty beard
The military is getting cut and all kinds of crap lets not go political.
Did I mention I want to grow a knarly beard
I think I'm gonna do it I mean looking back on these past 6 years it wasn't bad and the worse parts were caused by my ex and she is out now and nothing is holding me back from doing schools and what not anymore.
Why does the site name I posted show up as "another site" or is censored?
First it has nothing to do with competition. In most cases, it has something to do with the bullet point above - site owners not abiding by the rules of the forum. In some cases, however, the site owner specifically requested that we do not link to their site.
Soooooo I'm lost here is it that they just don't want to be mentioned here its not another website it's a brand of lures granted iv never even heard of them before but it's just a brand. Not trying to start anything just was confused why it was bleeped I'm more concerned with the lures fish catching ability.
Ok don't know why it's bleeped out.
Moderator edit: I will look into this and re-edit the thread, but let it go for now.
Subverting the filters is prohibited.
-Kent a.k.a. roadwarrior
Global Moderator
How are these baits? Iv never seen them before but they look sexy. The Walmart here has a bunch on sale for 4.96 I'm thinking of cleaning them out of there stock. They have some other *** baits also but not as many.
Tifft is nice iv only caught 1-2# bass in there my buddy catches pike in there. Also across the street on the left is a nice spot I pulled some nice bass out of also. Fishermans park I went for both only caught some dink large mouth but seen some real nice late mouth cruising. Elliott creek park was a nice spot to with cruising big large mouth but only dinks biting.
It's got everything on there but over the weekend if hit Erie, tifft preserve, veterans park, barge canal, fishermans park, devils hole and a few others can't think of off top my head. All produced bass.
We do make one hell of a mess of everything all te other trades hate borrowing our tool or power cords or letting us borrow stuff it always come back a sticky mess.
we use all milwaukee and some dewalt on the roof but our stuff gets very used and abused the sheet metal guys got the ryobi because it was cheap and the owner is switching everything over to it as it breaks.
the tin knockers that work with us have them and hate them the drill never works its not new though about 3 years old they said. One of the old timers had a old hand drill no power just man power and was drilling sheet metal quicker then the ryobi power drill. The batteries never hold charge, fall out the bottom, the drill you have to shake to get it to work right.
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