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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Oh yeah well then it's 400 I think it says 9.0gpi also.
  2. I seen it the other day I found it funny just the luck the one guy had then the whole nub in the chain saw I found funny. I liked it only disappointment was most of them scary movies show well this is a family site so yeah evil dead had none of the twins.....lol
  3. How do I check the spline of my axis arrows isn't it printed on it?
  4. I was looking at the ones that are blunt with the springs they are still 100gr. I almost lost two arrows today blowing threw my block(it's old and shot to hell) I found them about 20minutes later though didn't go as far as I thought.
  5. Well as luck would have it my apt had an attempted break in over the weekend. Iv been gone all weekend came home yesterday to feed and water the animals and get a change of clothes and noticed the middle bay window was broken. Well after closer inspection today when I took the frame out to get new glass put in it looks like some one was prying it open from the out side. All the flowers and plants in the garden under the window are trampled and pry marks all on the bottom of the window frame. Looks like the window broke and who ever took off because there is no way they fit in the window with how it was broke and there isn't anything missing either. So idk if to chalk this up as more bad luck or good luck lol. Suppose could be good my boys weren't home kinda wish I was and they got in I need to let some frustration out lol.
  6. Yeah I kinda figured the Walmart ones were kinda junk. I might just order another half dozen of axis arrows. Iv been practicing every other day if not every day with my set up now. Hoyt Rampage XT 29"DL 60# Easton axis 400s. Shot it at ranges from 3yds to 75yds today for fun(I would never attempt a deer at 75 but zombies.........) with what I'm running now I'm putting them in the same shot up hole in my block at every distance. At 75yds I'm puttin them in a lid to a can of peanuts about 4" every time. I've got a dozen axis left as it is I was just thinking when I walked past the arrows at Wally World that I may grab a arrow or two for sticking critters in the yard I took a crack at a pigeon today got feathers but missed the meat just grazed it at 40yds.
  7. Question to the bow hunters. Arrow shafts will they shoot different? Common sense wants to tell me yes might be a dumb question I suppose. I have a dozen axis arrows and there kinda pricy to be smoking squirrels and ground hogs with. I was thinking of gettin some of the cheap Walmart arrows for shooting the small game around the farm like squirrels, woodchucks, pigeons ect. And saving the good Easton axis arrows for deer.
  8. Yeah I threw that one back they are all over around grand Island
  9. Yeah I was roughly 10" maybe a touch bigger. There were some swimming around that were 16"+ easy from a distance I thought they were bass cruising the grass flat I foul hooked that one with a spinnerbait actually.
  10. Googled Rudd I will have to agree that's what they are
  11. Some were the gold color some were bright silver some were brown all had deep red fins.
  12. Caught it in the niagara river near grand island bridge seen them all over. Never seen or caught one before this was one if the smaller ones
  13. They shoot the same as field tips two of the full timers have them at my armory we were shooting them at a block fly true like a field tip and completely destroyed the block target looks like it got shot with a slug. I also think there is a video of a doe shot with one on you tube and a bull elk and grizzly on the website for the head.
  14. That's what my buddy shoots he swears by them.
  15. Lol ok it should say bad luck but it changed it to mistake but when I click edit it says what I originally typed.
  16. Well my mistake luck continues. Picked the truck up last night from Mondays ordeal. No leak last night or this morning but after a hour drive into work truck is billowing smoke from the hood and she is bone dry on oil just about and there is roughly 3qts spilling out on the parking lot. Sweet completely blew out the oil pan gasket some how and the replacement calls for removal of the engine or jack the engine up take te brake caliper off, starter, transmission cover.........
  17. Just ordered some toxics by flying arrow. Two of the full timers here at the armory are shooting them and showed me the videos on YouTube and pics. Holy crap are they nasty punching a hole in a 55gal drum both sides with a giant hole. It's a coring broad head but not like traditional ones. All I know is I can't wait till October.
  18. Maybe that's the case with my mistake luck
  19. When me and the wife were together I think it was around 500 for the two boys and our selves. Now I live with my mom till back on my feet and I toss her 200 a month for food and bills for staying there.
  20. I got out it was muddy and smelled like do do till I made it about 1000 yards north of the launch then it got clear and beautiful. Got rained on pretty good caught 2 little bass and a pickerel.
  21. Yeah my boys are bout the only thing really going for me and the ex is getting crazy wanting them back but I'm not having it. I'm still sitting on the side of the road waiting for my tow truck....I broke down almost 3 hours ago
  22. Life is one giant suck hole right now
  23. That made me chuckle for half a second
  24. Forgot the two bar fights I got jumped in they fall right after complications from surgery
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