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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. That just chewed up 30% of my battery on my phone and a hour of my work day woohoo. Awesome video I have a few of the old spin cast reels they showed one silver one one green one ill have to dig them out this weekend.
  2. Congrats!!
  3. I'm probably gonna get stoned for this but it's such a catchy tune.........Carly Rae jepson - so call me maybe....I know I know but scanning threw the stations yesterday I came across it and stopped and was blasting it don't ask me why
  4. Beer only supplement you need. I used to take jack3d and all kinds of protein and test booster but let me tell ya what beer is working by far the best for putting on weight...........
  5. It is in the 40s in the morning an over night here
  6. First thing in the morning 6am usually
  7. I kill em at the gorge on white mister twisters
  8. I go out every now and then to there but probably not for a while because I'm on orders till October and out Rochester and CNY way. I've had the best luck far end by the little bridge top water frogs and weightless flukes. Never any monsters biggest was maybe 2lbs.
  9. Yeah silver sucked yesterday
  10. We did good on conesus yesterday in the evening almost every other cast was a largemouth.
  11. Make your own go kill some thing
  12. I've been catching them decently at tifft park and also across from tifft by the old steel plant I think it is. Google waterport or lyndonville see how far that is from you I can put you on fish easily also and even more if you have a canoe/kayak. It takes me 45min-hour to get to tifft or small boat harbor depending on traffic.
  13. There is another quarry right in Batavia that looks decent I'm gonna hit it during the week I think.
  14. I na bass sure a 12 pike I think you ment it says bike I'm gonna assume pike uhm no not gonna bother. I've had pike and pickerel take jigs and spinner baits deep like you stated. I usally whip out the needle nose pliers and hold the fish upside down and go in from the gill side not threw the mouth it's a lot easier you don't ruin lures. However pike ehhhh if the die they die I mean I won't purposely kill one but I don't get as upset at pike.
  15. Haha yeah only reason I like their show
  16. Where is the cam located?.....mmmm tiffany...lol
  17. That was killing me all day yesterday. Nothing like having the day off stuck inside due to thunderstorms bored out of my mind with no BR I was going nuts lol.
  18. Here's some pics of them toxics for those who haven't seen them.
  19. Got them toxics in the mail today still have 2 months till deer season opens maybe ill try it on a squirrel sept 1
  20. Hmmmm wonder if we have real ones at the armory.... Doubt it lol
  21. Only $135,000..........
  22. Your telling me! Head gasket went on the truck Friday as well.
  23. X2 with the dead down wind products. I just wash all my clothes in the ddw then throw it in a garbage bag with grass clippings and leaves or pine needles from the woods I hunt. I've had deer in the middle of gun season walk in my foot prints and down wind from me within heck pocket knife range. My big half rack buck 2 years ago did this came from the down wind side standing in my tracks in the mud shot him at 16yds 2nd to last day of gun season. I think the whole scent lock stuff is a gimmick to an extent. You still need to treat it like you would any other clothing for hunting. Scent lock doesn't do you any good if you leave it on the counter in your house or wear it in your truck you smoke in I say this because my brother in law does these things and gets ticked his top dollar scent lock doesn't work. It's mainly to control your body odor which some scent a way or DDW soap and anti persprent will do the same thing. A quick spray down at the woods with some scent killer and your good to go.
  24. I'm not a huge fan of fish I used to hate it but I've learned to eat just about anything thanks to MRE's and military eggs....lol I will keep a walleye if I catch one in season I started ice fishing also for perch and blue gills but my boys eat them before I can get a bite.
  25. Looking good I'm gonna be ordering some of them football jigs in the next week.
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