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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. I group tight its not like I'm throwing fliers or anything it's been doing it I just noticed it a little more today.
  2. Ok bow nuts I got some questions. I spent a bunch of time shooting today because I'm not gonna get a chance to shoot but maybe 2 weeks before bow season after this week due to some prior obligations made to the army. Anyways I noticed a few things. 1. My arrows seem to cork screw at least it looks that way from the shooters stand point watching my arrows fly down range. Now idk if this is something that needs to be fixed or what because I hit vitals from 10 out to 60 yards I've been shooting out to. Obviously my groups are tighter the closer I am. From 10-30 yards I can put them in a nickel sized group at 40 it's maybe 1" 50 and 60 it's between 3 and 4" all pretty good I think. I'm not sure if this would all for it to be paper tuned? I'm not even sure what paper tuning even is. 2. I got the bow brand new after having all the accessories put on it the guy at the shop said to bring it back to be tightened up. Do I need to do this or is it safe to keep shooting? 3. The new broad heads I got are advertised to shoot same as field points but the DO NOT not even close. Now I've heard just searching other forums about these heads that they don't shoot we'll out of some helical fletchings and I have the small helical blazer vanes. I'm going to call the company tomorrow and see what they say about it I've heard they have an excellent customer service. 4. I CAN'T WAIT TILL OCTOBER 1st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Nice that's my goal this year is to use the gun as little as possible I'm gonna go for a Orleans county grand slam with my buddy. We made it up but we gotta get a buck, doe, Tom, squirrel, raccoon, fox, coyote all with our bow in one season. Gonna be d**n near impossible due to the coyote on the list lol
  4. I've wanted one forever never got one though
  5. I do more fox hunting then deer hunting but now that I'm getting back into bow hunting I can see it switching slightly. We gotta wait till oct 1 for deer I'm growing anxious to try out them new toxic broad heads
  6. Lol no can't wear long sleeves or even the skin toned cover sleeves they must be removed. It's all gonna come down to the test and where I stand against everyone else in the state if its looking good and I'm gonna get hired on they get removed, if I'm low and not very likely then well maybe ill take the corrections test or try a local agency
  7. Only fox I got this year and it was mangy
  8. I could go county or town sheriff or even corrections officer and keep them. The counties and towns are so small out here we only have like seriously 5 sheriffs for the county and most towns don have there own force. It's extremely hard to get into our county is all young new guys out Of the academy so have to wait for one to leave or retire and who knows when that is.
  9. All but them two are hidden in shorts and a t shirt. I have 10 all together so 8 are hidden I never got any below the elbow or neck for that reason as some jobs don't want them. At the time I got te two on my forearms I had just graduated with my ASE master tech certs from tech school and had been turning wrenches for 7 years ad thought that's what I would do with my life. A year later I hated working on cars absolutely despised it and still do joined the army at that point. The people with chest plate tattoos like you mentioned I think is a bit ridiculous I mean don't wear a v neck shirt bam problem solved I have two eagles on my chest and you would never know it unless I take my shirt off or wear a tank top.
  10. I didn't get out for deer this past season due to the deployment but I did whack a few varmin with the .17 and foxpro call And my hunting partner my 4year old (3 in the pic)
  11. You should see how little we make when in Afghanistan/Iraq well any deployment area.
  12. Yeah I wasn't doing it for the money I didn't even have that figure till meeting with a recruiter and saying I didn't want to get tattoos removed. I'm looking at it as I've always wanted to get into law enforcement but was always intimidated by it and never really pursued it. I like serving people I've reenlisted in the army national guard for another 6 years and plan on doing my 20 years to retire. I'm already locked in the state pension at tier 3 it's on like 5 now so it's another retirement at the higher rate then anyone getting a state job now for the first time. I've realized I really don't want to be on the roof roofing. Yeah the money is great when the weather cooperates but it's to unstable. I think this will finally be what I settle and do with my life I've always wanted to be a cop/sheriff/trooper.
  13. That's what I always figured as well is numbers like that but that's lower then state corrections even and I have family in corrections. 2 good buddies in the troopers as well as some guys in the guard I deployed with all make great money lowest paid of the guys I personally know is the one retired. From what I've been hearing NYS is bringing on upwards of 2000 new troopers. I'm not expecting to start off at 100k I was thinking that's more at the end of career spectrum after 20 years.
  14. Yeah I heard its a nasty painful process
  15. That's what I need removed. I wanted to expand and get sleeves done this winter but a rewarding career and killer retirement are a bit more important I think. I know 2 troopers who are hunting/fishin buddies one is only 43 retired already making 77k on retirement! Ill take that lol
  16. Thanks, this will be the only test I think I've ever studied for lol
  17. So I've decided on a new career path and think I will finally be happy with this choice. I've registered for the civil service test to become a NYS trooper. Test is in October I've been studying away so I can crush the test. Problem is not allowed any tattoos below the elbow I have 2.......the reqruiter I talked to suggested a plastic surgeon for it it will cost 1000-2500 to have if removed over a period I time. E said not to bother till I take the test and know where I stand. The way he put it " may sound like a lot now but average salary for a trooper is 100k just get it some where else" so that's what I'm gonna do providing I do well on the civil service test.
  18. There are a lot like this one in various conditions and price points all over near me. Thing I hate about looking now is I see deals I wanna jump on and don't have the cash and when I have the cash no ones selling lol. http://buffalo.craigslist.org/boa/3944843734.html
  19. Yeah I'm definitely not gonna jump into something. Some repairs I'm ok with I'm pretty good at fixing stuff I've been working on a friends 21' Boston whaler had a 2'x1' hole in the back needed patching and all new wiring ran and a few other small issues. I'm thinking I want to go aluminum for my first boat also for same reasons but if a good deal on a fiberglass comes up i won't pass it up after all I'm 100x better at patching and reenforcing glass then I am at welding aluminum lol.
  20. If he still has his xpress for sale when the time comes I just may.
  21. Well bein single again not having a wife to drain money I'm finally putting my foot down to buy a bass boat. I've taken on all the active duty I can for the fiscal year going to try for more maybe even AGR/ADOS if I can to help put towards the boat. I've been searching Craigslist looking at boats finding some for 2500-10000 for a used rig. What would be a good starting point for a boat iv found a old ranger '89 383 for $4000 a couple 18' stratos and champion boats for $3500-$7000 in good condition. I know when the time comes I'm gonna have to go and looks hands on what I'm getting and check for rot and transom for cracks and what not. What's a good starting boat price I'm thinking 5000 give or take a little is a good point for me to look for I've been watching CL an eBay for years wanting to buy a boat and seems like 5000 would get me a decent beginner boat. Ill have roughly that saved come October which brings me to my next decision do I buy in the fall and try to get one cheap off some one not wanting to store it or wait till winter when people are sick of storing it an the wife wants it gone.
  22. When your ready to dump the Abu stuff let me know Just about everyone here knows I'm an Abu guy. Though I was contemplating switching rod company's after my villain broke but AG took care of me.
  23. Found them in a barn when I was like 12 when doing hay on the farm. The old man said to take them so I did and they have been in my attic since
  24. Time to pick out names!
  25. Well after watching that cool Abu Garcia video and thinking I had some of the old spin cast reels I dug them out today. Well they aren't the Abu reels I thought they were but they are matching shakespear wondercast reels and wonderods. They are in excellent condition other then stained cork on the rods and the one reel has a cracked knob. Did a quick search on google seen the rods go for $20-50 and the reels look like they go for $15. Debating if I should hold onto them for a man cave decoration or sell them on eBay and put towards a new rod.
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