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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. I bought a second pair and actually as I type this I'm doing EXACTY what ghoti said he does
  2. I wore mine out to eat today then around my hotel room for a few hours. Definitely take some getting used to but so far I like them other then trying to put them on.
  3. Anyone here wear them? I've been wanting a pair for a while now supposed to help with your running form and strengthen your feet. Mine were hard as hell to get on I have messed up toes though. I had to get a size 9 I normally wear a 10 but they said you don't want extra room but my big toe is jammed in there and the rest well they just chilling lol. My feet have a extremely high arch and my little toes all have a high arch to them some one called them "hammer toes" when they seen em one time. They loom like a claw of a hammer I guess the way they bend idk. Anyways how do you guys who wear em how do you like them I got two buddies that love em so when I seen them on sale for $30 I snagged a pair.
  4. Hoyt Rampage XT
  5. the berkley lightning rods are good to its my frogging rod a lightning 7' MH 30 bucks at walmart
  6. I have three been using one for a few years since they came out but I'm 100% opposite of rock chalk all mine are flawless well were iv beat them good but the guides are all straight and glued in good. I've only had one issue and that was a tip guide insert falling out and setting the hook with braid and it mushed over pretty good. I've been very very abusive to my rods never had a veritas break. All mine were purchased at gander mountain or dsg.
  7. nice work I haven't caught a smallie since that tournament we did on Keuka fathers day weekend.
  8. Words to live by As for draw weight like jb said I would also make sure to check with state laws some have minimum weights. I have mine set at 60lbs it's not maxed but it's easy and comfortable to shoot that way rather then struggle and get fatigued when practicing . Practice!!!!! Fundamentals are still same as rifle hunting/shooting focus on sight picture, breathing, and trigger squeeze.
  9. sweet I'm gonna do some exploring tomorrow before I start Monday I just got into my hotel staying at the wingate. I should be here till September 15 this time hoping this mission doesn't get cut short like the last one it shouldn't its more organized this time. So if you see a yellow kayak hanging out of a blue ford ranger with a smashed up front end cruising around that's me. I want to find a good bow shop in the area also have them look over my bow by the time I get back home and completely off orders it will be bow season.
  10. I seen that on the chive earlier this week
  11. How many claims have you made........ Did the idiot hitting you when towing go on your boat insurance or car? USAA is who I use for everything I'm gonna be getting a boat here soon I may see what they(progressive) have to offer. Usaa also outsources motorcycle insurance to progressive also.
  12. I worked for FedEx in college..............yeah if any of you had stuff broken that came threw the Hartford, CT hub back in 2005 I apologize lol. If you guys seen what happens when loading and unloading the semi trucks that transport the stuff to the hubs you would be shocked. Loading was one thing but the unload complete chaos boxes kicked tossed trampled all over the place.
  13. Lol yeah seems about right. If they had a season here I'd smoke em.
  14. Headed back to delta for 4 weeks Saturday packing all my gear plus the kayak leaving it chained and locked to my truck bed when not fishing. Definitely hitting up delta a bunch is there anywhere to launch for free or do I have to pay 7 each time at the park?
  15. I'm not scared of spiders I actually like them. Drill sergeant Verbowski back in basic used to pick on me because I would pick up brown recluses and put em out side the barracks cuz I wouldn't kill them same as te black widow I woke up to laying on my m16 in basic just shoed it off and went on with shaving and getting ready. Bout the only critter I don't like is them centepedes they are just creepy not so much the little ones but the big ones freak me out.
  16. It is for me to an extant I try for it to get out as a stress relief but it just seems to be more stressful my phone constantly rings the ex wife bugs me more now then when we were together. I get out on the water start catching fish and then some thing happens with my boys or they cry for me and I have to come back. Sadly I've lost some of my love for fishing or enjoyment because I haven't enjoyed myself on the water in some time but I definitely try and use it as an out to deal with some stress
  17. Big bad high capacity glock totin raider is afraid of winnie the pooh and some snakes hahaha
  18. It's a Hoyt Rampage XT with a NAP Apache rest. I had a shop set it all up and tune it a few months ago. The shop is pretty reputable just have funky hours so it's hard to get in some times and back in march it was a 4 week turn around an that was the slow season.
  19. Level on my arrow for what? Ya lost me I'm happy I know if a deer steps in range it's a goner. Gonna do some more shooting now just a shot or two at a time in the morning to see how I shoot first thing when it's a bit colder not in the evening to simulate all scenarios
  20. Mission accomplished come on Oct 1
  21. That gator is awesome I wanna get one that would be sweet. I can't even imagine only seeing 1 deer in a season deer are so thick up here they are all over I mean I get 7 tags 1 either sex for bow, 1 buck, 4 doe tags, 1 either sex for muzzle loader. That doesn't include the doe tags you can have signed over as well. The only thing that keeps me from tagging completely out a lot is my freezers only hold 3 processed deer lol.
  22. Exactly
  23. Mountain lions have been released here in NY dec denies it but my Inlaws neighbor has one on trail cam. Same thing went with bears just not released they are just spreading. Use to be only southern tier now there are probably 20 reports a year of spotting them probably more just don say anything. Personally I think this is great, people are scared of bear, mountain lions, coyotes heck even heard a fisherman talkin about swans the other week. The thing is these predators people are scared of attacking them or stealing the cat or dog out of the yard actually rarely rarely do that. They won't eat your pet unless there is a shortage of natural food sources usually. Now I mostly predator hunt I live for chasing coyotes and fox two animals people are worried about attacking I'd bear hunt too if it was legal along with bobcat. Coyotes run at the sight of a human and even a dog most the time now some will come into a dog of they think the dog is eating a meal but they run the dog off not attack and eat it. Bears same way I've encountered them well hunting coyotes they like other predators come looking for the dieing rabbit or deer I'm sounding like looking for a easy meal. Even when acting like a food source when they realize its a human they beat feet and are gone. Now messing with cubs/pups well then your retarded and you deserve the ass whooping any wild animal will put on you. I would love for dec to release more bears or even timber wolf animals that once roamed where I live won't hurt me none I would love to see them flourish again and maybe when my kids can hunt they will be populated enough to allow hunting for them.
  24. Don't mess with their cubs and black bears are more scared of you then you are of them or even your dog. When I dated this girl from PA she used to freak out when bear were in her yard. I used to go out and look at them some times getting close like 30yds and just watch it eat the black berries in her yard.
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