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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Yeah then I get the "all you care about is fishing and not your kids" line well I'm sorry I'm 3 hours from home working 16 on 48 off I fish on my down time exactly why I'm headed to Oneida first thing in the morning
  2. Lol who do you think blew her into the fraud dept try threatening me with my kids well leeching off the system
  3. Lol yeah I do have a lot of hatred but I'm trying to let go of it maybe thats why I've been having such bad luck lately
  4. I completly lost it today with my ex and her family. Now me and my ex have been getting along acting civil for the kids sake as of lately but today I completly freaked which was just a snow ball of other things that has been happening though the others I find funny. Ill start from the begging on Friday my ex found out she had missed court that day for the welfare fraud case against her. Monday she was arrested for it faced jail time because she was claiming she had custody of the kids and that I wasn't paying child support well in fact I had the kids and she wasn't paying. All well working full time and collecting benefits so they kinda frown upon that. Well mommy and daddy tk te rescue for her paid back all that aid money to bail her out and save her skin then turned around and had te nerve to tell me they are gonna sue me for the money to save her hide.....uhm no I'm sorry your daughter spent 53 thousand dollars of mine well I was deployed on her and her little boy toy then never paid me any child support let alone even came to see her kids for a few months and you expect to sue me for the money she stole from the government yeah ok. So then they went on to say all this other stuff about sueing me for custody of my boys as well and this that and everything else an demanding that I let my ex give her Puerto Rican baby MY last name because its a discrace to the family and people will know its from a different father....sorry the kids tan will give that away my kids are Casper white with bright blue eyes and blonde hair. So what set me off today the other stuff above just irritates me but this morning my youngest falls down a flight of stairs into the basement!!!! This happens at 4am for in the fricken morning! My kids do not get up at 4am but they spent the night there because my ex needed a "break" from the kids and I'm on orders 3 hrs away and was at work. Well my ex mother in law got the boys up at 4 because she had to go out to the horse barn why she just didnt let them sleep is beyond me but it is what it is. Well she puts them on their bikes to ride in the garage well she goes out to the barn...my 2 year old rode his bike down cement stairs into the basement! And they were to worried about their phones beig tapped and unsecure tey didn't call or tell anyone for fear of child abuse. I just found out maybe a hour and a half ago from my ex who also just found out. My ex sent me pictures and her family freaked out that it will go viral and they will loose the boys. d**n right your gonna loose the boys because I'm not letting my kids go there with out me again. So when my ex called and was telling me this and sending me pics of my 2 year olds black and blue scraped up face I go off on the other end of te phone. My 20year old nephew is in the back ground playing doctor saying he's not blacking out he's fine well I'm sure you have an imagination about what I was yellin threw the phone at his punk arse and blacking out. Ya know I've been having the worst luck and I shrug most it off an dont really care. My ex cheated on me spent my life savings an put me in such a hole it's not even funny all of which big deal wife eh get a new girl, money yeah it sucks but I will make more money, debt sucks again but ill make more money. but mess with my kids well being and I go nuts. Ugh rant over sorry had to vent
  5. That's not even a big crank lol maybe 3"
  6. I've become the pickerel whisperer it seems lately I've hit delta lake here in CNY probably 6 times in the last week and a half I've caught 50+ pickerel and northerns and all of 4 bass not one over 8" lol. I had a pick destroy a spro baby popper last week same way as yours it sounds this one got my pinky pretty good. I hate the fish too but I don't kill them just because but I don't go taking extra care of them like I will a bass that's been out of the water a long time due to a deep hook.
  7. Been fishin Delta lake in Rome, NY for a little over a week now and can't seem to find the bass everyone's been talking bout. Well today I finally got the bass I've been looking for absolute giants. Any one care to guess the weights I didn't have my scale.
  8. 275 is a monster of a deer let alone a 14pt
  9. Looks like just a baby toad they are all over here in WNY
  10. Yeah if legal buck shot is an option. We can't use buck shot for deer in NY. You could always still use the rifle if your comfortable with it just have clear shooting lane and knock out them shoulders so they don't go far if its a small piece of land.
  11. X2 It can get expensive to try out the sabots that the gun likes. My experience the copper solids great all deer have been DRT, federal Barnes expander same results, hornady sst worst one of them all I have never had tk track a deer slug hunting till I switched tk the sst entrance and exit always the same size showing no expansion. This year I'm trying Winchester supreme elites the dual bonded ones. I'm curious though is the land your hunting shotgun only or is it just so thick a rifle would be useless? I hunt shotgun only areas during gun season no rifles allowed thats why I shoot sabots I have shots that could go 300+ not with a shot gun but I'm comfortable taking one at 200 my farthest to date is 187yds with a coper solid flopped her right in her tracks. If its to thick I'd go with a light field or just cheap sluggers or winchesters. Sabots don't fare much better then a rifle in the thick
  12. This black one looks cool if he makes it another 3' on the other side of the tree row I might take him out with a set of coopers so I can get it mounted lol. I'd be afraid tk shoot it when I go hunting for them. I use a .243 hand loaded at 4047fps(chrono) with 55gr noslers they tend to make a mess. I'd want it mounted other wise I'm ok with red mist.
  13. Acid......
  14. Agreed
  15. I seen twice now a solid jet black woodchuck/groundhog. I've been trying to get a pic of it but its always by the road and all I have is my phone. Any one else seen a solid black chuck or any other animals with a odd or different color phase
  16. Wait your 1.5" groups were better then some of the swat guys groups!?!?!? That's pathetic for swat I'm sorry. My cheap marlin xs7 groups well under a MOA. Your 72' 30-06 only has 700 rounds threw it thats still brand new thats not a whole lot of shooting its 17 ends a year just barely broke in. 1.5" for surplus weapons is ok considering they were mass produced at a high rate to just put lead down range but I would NEVER take one hunting 1.5" at 100 gun doesn't get used much. All my hunting rifles are MOA or better that way when I miss or make a bad shot its on me not "oh the gun is off or not that accurate"
  17. CRKT Ignitor love it
  18. http://utica.craigslist.org/spo/3964816846.html
  19. Bored sitting in my hotel room i was searching CL and came across 2 reels a guy is selling. One he says is a "Manhattan" special the other one is an "all coast" he said both are old but still NIB he wants $30 each. Good deals? never heard of them before figured some one here might know more I was hoping for an Abu thats what the all coast looked like in the blurry pic but its not they are both Bait casters by the way.
  20. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/122206-hemlock-conesious-or-silver-near-geneseo/#entry1346992 Second post in the thread
  21. Scroll down in the NE forum I had a post not to long ago about honeoy lake and some others I. That area. Pretty sure there were some good tips in the thread
  22. Lol she's been getting used A LOT!
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