I completly lost it today with my ex and her family.
Now me and my ex have been getting along acting civil for the kids sake as of lately but today I completly freaked which was just a snow ball of other things that has been happening though the others I find funny.
Ill start from the begging on Friday my ex found out she had missed court that day for the welfare fraud case against her. Monday she was arrested for it faced jail time because she was claiming she had custody of the kids and that I wasn't paying child support well in fact I had the kids and she wasn't paying. All well working full time and collecting benefits so they kinda frown upon that.
Well mommy and daddy tk te rescue for her paid back all that aid money to bail her out and save her skin then turned around and had te nerve to tell me they are gonna sue me for the money to save her hide.....uhm no I'm sorry your daughter spent 53 thousand dollars of mine well I was deployed on her and her little boy toy then never paid me any child support let alone even came to see her kids for a few months and you expect to sue me for the money she stole from the government yeah ok.
So then they went on to say all this other stuff about sueing me for custody of my boys as well and this that and everything else an demanding that I let my ex give her Puerto Rican baby MY last name because its a discrace to the family and people will know its from a different father....sorry the kids tan will give that away my kids are Casper white with bright blue eyes and blonde hair.
So what set me off today the other stuff above just irritates me but this morning my youngest falls down a flight of stairs into the basement!!!! This happens at 4am for in the fricken morning! My kids do not get up at 4am but they spent the night there because my ex needed a "break" from the kids and I'm on orders 3 hrs away and was at work. Well my ex mother in law got the boys up at 4 because she had to go out to the horse barn why she just didnt let them sleep is beyond me but it is what it is.
Well she puts them on their bikes to ride in the garage well she goes out to the barn...my 2 year old rode his bike down cement stairs into the basement! And they were to worried about their phones beig tapped and unsecure tey didn't call or tell anyone for fear of child abuse. I just found out maybe a hour and a half ago from my ex who also just found out.
My ex sent me pictures and her family freaked out that it will go viral and they will loose the boys. d**n right your gonna loose the boys because I'm not letting my kids go there with out me again. So when my ex called and was telling me this and sending me pics of my 2 year olds black and blue scraped up face I go off on the other end of te phone. My 20year old nephew is in the back ground playing doctor saying he's not blacking out he's fine well I'm sure you have an imagination about what I was yellin threw the phone at his punk arse and blacking out.
Ya know I've been having the worst luck and I shrug most it off an dont really care. My ex cheated on me spent my life savings an put me in such a hole it's not even funny all of which big deal wife eh get a new girl, money yeah it sucks but I will make more money, debt sucks again but ill make more money. but mess with my kids well being and I go nuts.
Ugh rant over sorry had to vent