First off dont go into it thinking your gonna be some hot rod tuner. Not that it's impossible it's just unlikely and the demand is going away.
You are correct it about it being a safe job it's one job that can't be exported to china or India yeah the parts will be from there but you are the one installing it.
Community college classes will be fine in all honesty and maybe double major like take business classes to. That way if you do want your own shop it's easier or if your in a dealership you can work your way up to service writer or something.
ASE cert worth every penny and the time to take the tests. Now to be ASE certified you need 2 years work experience but some classes count towards that time something to look into if your schools classes count. I know when I applied for BMW steps school each ASE cert was $.50 on your pay right off the bat up to 8certs so thats $4 on top of your pay right from the start and they averaged back in 06 when I graduated 21-30hr depending where you went.
That's another thing to look into the specialty schools. BMW, Volvo, VW, Audi, Ford...ect. These schools often require your original school then you go on if accepted. The first four i mentioned its a application process and high standards like perfect attendance, 3.75-3.9 gpa, written exam and so on. It's well worth it I was offered BMW and Volvo when I was graduating i turned both down like a idiot for a girl. My buddy ive known all threw HS took the Volvo offer after I declined he worked his way up and is now a lead tech at a Porsche dealership.
And it's 1220am and my brain hurts lol shoot me a pm of ya wanna know more about tech schools if you don't wanna do the community school thing or anything else.