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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. If its within budget why not bows are like guns can never have to many. Set one up for bow fishing or two big game set ups. I'm looking at maybe getting a new Hoyt spyder after this season an still keeping my Hoyt rampage.
  2. See it every year in the wary fall and late spring in one of the rivers I fish above the dam. I love it makes for a fun easy bite my weapon of choice is a weightless fluke alot of times when this happens or the double fluke rig. Maybe throw the A rig in the middle next time......
  3. clayton86


    I only use Abu reels..........
  4. clayton86


    I do the same thing drives me nuts if my bills arnt in there all facing the inside of the wallet ones being on the inside when folded. One thing I do that I have always done that my mom, wife, gfs ect have pointed out to me is when I make popcorn I have to put it in for 4:01 I never hit the PC button or that I know it take about 2:15 in my microwave tk just put it in for said time. I always do 4:01 and stand by till it slows popin just right. My popcorn never burns lol and is always done perfect.
  5. Can you hunt them at night? I know its popular and legal in some areas
  6. Sweet deal yeah we have a ton of pressure where I hunt.
  7. clayton86


    Ok so I know all about calling coyotes and other predators even good at calling raccoons but i never use calls when deer hunting at all. This year I'm takin up bow hunting and I think I might wanna pick up a rattle bag or alike and then like a grunt tube or something. What do you guys recommend and when do you use em. I've always gun hunted and its usually drives so we don't call we just sit and wait they are either runnin at Mach 5 or strolling threw before the pushers get close but not during bow season so its gonna be new and different.
  8. Cross fit is "fun" I guess lol. The circuit days I could care less about haha. When we do it its one of the platoon Sgts comes in and sets up the work out for the day usually what ever he did the night before at his gym hes a member at. Usually consists of some thing like 5 Tire flips 10 pull ups 15 sit ups 15 push ups 45# plates farmers carry 100m 15 air squats Do that for 15 rotations or 45 minutes Or circuit days Box jumps or put a bar with 25# plates and jump over it Row Push ups 15lb dumbbells and calf raises 10-15# sledge hammer and tire Go full throttle 30sec then you get 10 to rotate when you get back to your starting position you get a 60 second water break. You do that 3 times around.
  9. I did it from August 2012-December 2012 well I was deployed and had tons of free time. I never got super cut or anything but I turned into non stop machine that just went for hours. I never stopped lifting when I did it I lifted 6 days a week plus insanity and ran a 5k every week and 2 miles every other day also did the army 10 miler during that time also. I started at 210 dropped to 187 just lifting and running, started insanity and hit 178 which was the lowest I ever got I'm 5'8". I need to start it up again but no room for it and all that jumping my apt would fall apart lol. I've been doing some crossfit about 4 days a week when at the armory I enjoy that a little more but the closest gym for it is a hour away and same with insanity just don't have room or resources to do it at home. after you get good with insanity try the insanity: asylum I've got a copy of it on my external hard drive I get exhausted just scanning threw it to see what it consists of doing. It makes insanity and P90x look like a nice stroll in the park on a segway lol.
  10. I still have all my old tonka trucks that my grandpa and father gave me there all metal ones but looking rough threw the NY winters. My boys play with them on occasion.
  11. Thank god Speaking of the new nerf guns i was playing with my boys this morning and their nerf guns and they have way to many different style darts. Yes some of the new ones fly like a bat outa hell on steroids but they only work with certain guns and not with others and its a major head ache. I think I spent more time u jamming guns because my 2 year old out whistler darts in the wrong gun and jammed it all up. Took the kids to the lake yesterday not to fish just to go for something to do. They went down in the "beach" area and were fighting the wave monster Noah was throwing rocks at each wave that came in and jack had a stick he smacked the water every time a wave crashed on shore. This went on for about an hour and they kicked and screamed when I told them it was time to go.
  12. First off dont go into it thinking your gonna be some hot rod tuner. Not that it's impossible it's just unlikely and the demand is going away. You are correct it about it being a safe job it's one job that can't be exported to china or India yeah the parts will be from there but you are the one installing it. Community college classes will be fine in all honesty and maybe double major like take business classes to. That way if you do want your own shop it's easier or if your in a dealership you can work your way up to service writer or something. ASE cert worth every penny and the time to take the tests. Now to be ASE certified you need 2 years work experience but some classes count towards that time something to look into if your schools classes count. I know when I applied for BMW steps school each ASE cert was $.50 on your pay right off the bat up to 8certs so thats $4 on top of your pay right from the start and they averaged back in 06 when I graduated 21-30hr depending where you went. That's another thing to look into the specialty schools. BMW, Volvo, VW, Audi, Ford...ect. These schools often require your original school then you go on if accepted. The first four i mentioned its a application process and high standards like perfect attendance, 3.75-3.9 gpa, written exam and so on. It's well worth it I was offered BMW and Volvo when I was graduating i turned both down like a idiot for a girl. My buddy ive known all threw HS took the Volvo offer after I declined he worked his way up and is now a lead tech at a Porsche dealership. And it's 1220am and my brain hurts lol shoot me a pm of ya wanna know more about tech schools if you don't wanna do the community school thing or anything else.
  13. in his OP he said it more like more then 1 or 2 I'm just saying there are only two. Its been a while since I've been under the hood of a gas car/truck I've been doing 99% diesel stuff for the last 5 years. I went to college for Automotive though at Baran Institute(now Lincoln tech) and its true if you don't use it you loose it because I have forgot quite a bit but it slowly comes back once I'm hands on I just stand there and look stupid and lost for a minute lol.
  14. The truck only has two banks the left ad the right
  15. It doesn't have coils does it? It's been a while since I was under the good of one but it might have coil packs not a distributor. 3&6 misfire sounds like a bad coil pack if it has coil packs as they are mated cylinders. Also the dumb ass that told you to pour half a bottle of injector cleaner down your intake just made youu waste a bottle of injector cleaner. It just went in with the air and burned up that was it did absolutely nothing but give it a millisecond boost. You might just have a bad O2 sensor though throwing the lean code misfire 3 and 6 sounds like a bad coil pack to me but could just be 2 bad plugs. Another thing to consider but unlikely i never seen it very offer maybe twice in my 11 years turning a wrench but the injector may just be bad all together. More common on a diesel then a gas engine though. Like I said maybe twice I've seen this be the case on a gas engine.
  16. Know what else I miss thats diffrent from when most of us grew up as opposed to kids now. Fair games used to have the cross bows and the full auto tommy gun BB guns you had to shoot the star out with.
  17. Man I've been searching there's tons on google about it nothing on you tube it's one of his older rants. I'd post some of it on here that I did find but the mods would have a field day it's George Carlin. Google it you will find all kinds of stuff but its full of F bombs and political S
  18. Uhhhhhh speechless wow
  19. Have you heard the George Carlin skit about that.
  20. I skipped over laser tag and wet right into paintball started playing when I was 10 by 13 was on a team doing tournaments and was undefeated for 8 years I quit playing after 1 season at the pro level playing X-ball when I was 21.
  21. Oh yeah I'm with ya I used to spend all my time in the woods or river exploring or fishing. We used to take old scrap wood from the burn pile or find downed trees and make all kinds of forts and bunkers some still standing to this day and are now used as tree stands for deer. My boys love there need guns but I agree they arnt like they used to be now they all require batteries and are more high tech then some stuff the military issues! Luckily though my boys love the outdoors an when given the choice tv or outside its always out side and they use sticks as guns and in the same breath it become a wizards wand or shovel all at once so its not as bad. I took my boys fishing two weeks ago and after catchin some perch they started throwing rocks at a floating log pretending it was a bad army sub.
  22. Birds help both the hunters and the hunted some times. Crows often announce the coming of a coyote/fox same when the song birds and squirrels shut up. They also don't mind sitting on a branch above you telling all four legged critters where you are.
  23. Depends really I've zinged slugs past a buck 60 yards from me one season 4 shots an he walked away calm lol. I've blinked and had em run off never to be seen again. I dropped a doe maybe 10 years ago ran 10 yards and flopped in some bushes and expired and the others jut stood there I took it upon myself to remove these "stupid" deer from the herd lol. So you might get busted and they come back in 5 minutes or in 5 years just never know depends how secure they feel I guess.
  24. Nice we gotta wait till October 1 here. I haven't seen my trail cam pics yet as I'm out of town till the week before season. My buddy has been checking for me he said there are a bunch of does a spike and a small basket rack 8 on it bout a 80 class buck so small guy. We got pics of a 140" 10 pt with 1 drop tine that made it last season. We're pretty sure he survived te winter as well so just gotta get him on camera now there's 6 out on the farm we hunt getting pics for us. I can't wait to get out.
  25. Cool I'm gonna have to look for the book. Love the movie.
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