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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Well my boy try's to emulate me in every way possible and today he made me make some modifications to his bow and arrow. First was a capture fall away rest like my apache his is a zip tie lift away lol. Put a zip tie to his pin and cut it about 1.5" long and it swings down and holds his arrow from falling off the rest and when he shoots it swings to the up position. Next he wanted a loop for a release that he doesn't have so he took mine. I had some 550(para) cord in my truck so I took some guts out of the cord and tied a loop for him. He thinks a big bad buck hunter now with his set up like his daddy's. bow season starts here in NY on Tuesday I got a ground blind I'm gonna take him with me some days and put the "finishing" shot on what ever I happen to shoot. Rest Loop Our bows The mini me in action He's still got a ways to go but the fact hes so interested in the out doors and archery/shooting thrills me no sheltered gamer kids in my house.
  2. I just got into the SOA series I have seasons 1-4 on my external hard drive I finished season 2 yesterday gonna start season 3 today probably.
  3. Some one asked me the same thing about NY. I'm gonna ask you the same thing I asked him...Why?!? I understand the whole wanting a challenge part but if your area allows a gun why would you limit yourself to the 40yds of a bow at 9/10 times a deer running Mach 5 because everyone in the county is blasting everything that moves. Here in NY by 10am every deer and every person hunter or not knows its opening day because it sounds like a warzone outside. Deer get super skittish and on edge after that first Saturday of gun season.
  4. Katey Sagal her role as Peggy in married with children or Gemma in sons of anarchy
  5. Seen one like that on FB the other day it's fake but still funny
  6. Well which one I vote Gemma lol
  7. Lol driving home after getting it fixed...wasp in threw my window at 65mph hit me in the fore head stung me. Sad part is that's not the first time lol
  8. Me too
  9. I'm a PETA member People Eating Tasty Animals
  10. I have called 9 junk yards in the area not one has a extended can ranger.....find it hard to believe looks like the whole truck might be getting junked soon.
  11. Ugh so its pay day nice big lump sum paycheck from a month of active duty time and my truck much like back in July when I was on active orders on pay day decides "hey clayton I'm gonna break and burn up 3/4 of your pay". Went out to lunch today and when leaving lunch went to get Ito traffic and next thing I know U joint lets go and m drive shaft starts smashing everything under the truck. Luckily I have 4x4 put it in 4 and strapped the drive shaft up and nursed it down to the garage. $200 for two new U joints. 200 not so bad but then I get a call from te shop i ripped the yoke and bent the drive shaft need a new drive shaft was quoted $600 on top of the $200 already and won't be ready till next Monday MAYBE oh yeah I'm a hour and a half from home again. Lets see what else can go wrong
  12. Same shop you bought your long bows at? Or did business with? Both the local shops by me are like he mentioned you just walk in with a bow off the net and they either A refuse to work on it or B jack the rates. The one shop i go to he flat out refuses to work on any bow from another shop if you bought it on Craigslist or some thing. That guy is kinda funny to do business with anyways exhaust hes very very pushy on certain products. The other shop he will work on em but he's not quick about it and prices can get a little up there. I took mine in last spring and first thing he did is look for the tag on the bottom for where it came from. I was honest told him I got it on Craigslist and needed it set up it took almost 6 weeks because he did all his repeat customers first and bows he sold before mine. Mine was kind of a "when I have time ill get to it" thing almost. I had friends take bows in after mine that they got from that shop needing more then mine and they got there's back before me and all I was having done is a res and quiver put on ad everything checked over.
  13. Like stated before dont over look Craigslist and eBay its how I got my set up. Plenty of older used bows on there well within your price range.
  14. Lol yeah I always had flyers before but since switching from 100gr to 85 gr my groups have really tightened up with no flyers usually and if I do I know before the arrow even smacks i pulled it.
  15. Yeah I know just the one shes old and wise needs to be taken out of the herd early no need for her to be warning all the other deer later in season. But she is old and wise for a reason so it may be tough shes got two button bucks with her this year I usually see her when fishing my buddy's property that I also hunt. She crosses the creek right by my trail cam and my pike hole ill be there waiting in 12 days bow in hand instead of fishing rod.
  16. My sister has the S4 and her phone is constantly dying everyone I know with an S3/4 always has them plugged in charging. My iPhone 4 is ok if I don't go crazy on it but I've been doing nothing at work lately so I seriously sit on my phone for 12-16hrs a day playing games or watching flukes you tube channel. Doing that stuff killed mine fast. Ill have the 5s either tomorrow or over the weekend just gotta find time to go get it. Looking on the apple site about the 5s I thought it mentioned something about battery life increase. The one feature I'm looking forward to is the finger print scanner hopefully it works good. My son who is only 4 has figured out to watch me put in my passlock and can unlock my phone or even my nephews with the patterns he follows the finger smudge hes a smart little **** lol. If he can do it so an other people which they do and I work with pranksters who well don't dare leave your phone around unlocked you will have not so nice picture back grounds and your Facebook status will be well use your imagination. Not to mention the crazy women who go threw there men's phones with the 5s all that will stop.
  17. Yeah it's what I need to start doing but as you see my target is toast lol. I need to pick up a new block but 13 days till I get to start smoking some white tails. Got up to 5 tags just for archery alone 1 buck tag and 4 doe gonna smoke the first two doe to pass by me.
  18. I was holding onto the 4 as long as I could and keeping the unlimited data threw Verizon but I went to the Vzw store Sunday to get wifi in my apt because its cheaper then time Warner and supposidly faster. Well when I got the home wifi it renewed my contract and I lost unlimited so I'm gonna trade in my iPhone 4 they give $100 for it that makes the 5s $99.
  19. I'm just getting the iPhone 5s Friday I'm way over due for an upgrade and lost my unlimited so why not get the new phone.
  20. No robin hoods yet I'm down 5 arrows though 4 from busted nocks because I hit them then took out a vane or two on some others but still shoot them they are just noisy. One is down for good I had a pass threw that went on to hit the brick wall behind the target and it splintered the shaft. The bowl is 6" lol either way thats all smaller then te kill zone on a deer
  21. clayton86


    That's normal I thought I always cut or burn all the knot off when I am done.Another one I do I just noticed as I've been shooting my bow a lot today but I have to have all y arrows in the quiver the same way with the green feltching up.
  22. Oh and that low one in the very first pic wasn't a miss there was a ballon there. And in the first group pic at 60yards 3 of my 5 shots passed threw and were out the back side so you can't see the arrow itself but they are there.
  23. Cant tell distance but this is 60yds each of them slabs is exactly 10yards made for easy ranging of the target. First group at 60yds After 20minutes of shooting at 60 an 70yds Back side of my block all 4 shooting sides look this way lol
  24. That was 40 yards measured i got some pics uploading to photo bucket as i type this i stepped it out to 60 then 70 yards shooting at a styrofoam bowl. Lets jst say I'm confident anything under 70 is dead but I'm gonna limit my shots to 40yds for now in the woods. I was still getting pass there's at 70yards but my block has seen better days as you will see from the one pic.
  25. October 1st needs to get here soon 40yds btw
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