Well my boy try's to emulate me in every way possible and today he made me make some modifications to his bow and arrow.
First was a capture fall away rest like my apache his is a zip tie lift away lol. Put a zip tie to his pin and cut it about 1.5" long and it swings down and holds his arrow from falling off the rest and when he shoots it swings to the up position. Next he wanted a loop for a release that he doesn't have so he took mine. I had some 550(para) cord in my truck so I took some guts out of the cord and tied a loop for him.
He thinks a big bad buck hunter now with his set up like his daddy's. bow season starts here in NY on Tuesday I got a ground blind I'm gonna take him with me some days and put the "finishing" shot on what ever I happen to shoot.
Our bows
The mini me in action
He's still got a ways to go but the fact hes so interested in the out doors and archery/shooting thrills me no sheltered gamer kids in my house.