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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. SAW with the collapsible butt stock and short barrel with bipod removed get a few 100rnd "nut sacks" and your good to go. Or since your a big guy I think rig up a shoulder harness for a MK19 might be more your style.
  2. These guys are in the same woods I sat last night
  3. Back straps tendies the rest is gonna be jerky!
  4. Finally laid the smack down on a deer. Small 2yr old doe 20yds double lung shot 1 3/8" grim reaper did the job " WATCH EM DROP!" Sure did she went 10yds and piled up. Sorry crappy last light cell pic
  5. Lol I'd use claymores on the little buggers or napalm
  6. I practice to 70yds for pure fun but I limit my shots on deer to 40 and under if I can. Every deer I've had the opportunity to shoot this season has been from 5-20 yards just about all have walked directly under me but all are little button bucks or fawns.
  7. I was out there for 2 months hoping it would open when I was staying in Rome. The auburn store is closer still never been though.
  8. I hadn't seen one in probably 10 years this hunting season I've seen probably 30 diffrent ones. This one stand I've been sitting has all black squirrels it seems they are everywhere.
  9. Man these guys are noisy and annoying just before climbing out of my stand today I decided to take a poke at 41yds. Now to kill a coyote or fox with the bow and get this guy mounted with the fox/coyote. A deer would be nice at some point also.
  10. No my luck you woulda got zapped well working for them 2 weeks
  11. I was never into sports really i played baseball from t ball all the way to JV my 9th grade year never was die hard about it. Soon as I could throw a haybale and learned what I can buy with some hard work I traded sports for a job in high school starting when I was 12 then worked FT at 14. And by FT I mean FT for a kid I logged as many hours as possible working from after school till they kicked me of the shop at night. My oldest shows little intrest in sports right now at least traditional sports. He watches 3 gun nation and wants to do that he says. He's always bugging about shooting sports he wants a new bow a "real" one like mine and asked to join the 3d leauge with me. If thats what he wants to do I'll let him by all means. If he decides to play football, baseball, hockey, LAX what ever it may be its his choice I'm not going to sway him in any one direction.
  12. Thanks guys. The little guy is demanding a new bow for christmas wants one like mine wish hoyt made something with a short DL like most the other company's he has a 16"dl shortest hoyt is the ruckus at 18"
  13. I have one cant seem to kill a deer all I'm seeing is button bucks
  14. Well afte getting a bunch of kids scent blocker stuff on sale at DSG and consistent " daddy take me hunting" requests I decided to take my son Noah hunting Sunday evening. Took him to a blind that has 2 bucks a 6 and a small 8 visit it almost daily between 645-800pm so last light and way past shooting hours. Was hoping they came out before dark if Noah could keep quiet and some what still. Well we just seen squirrels and the cows visited us a bit Noah had the bad case of the sniffles every 10 seconds it seamed and he refused to just wipe the snot in his shirt sleeve and blowing his nose was to loud he said but constant sucking it back up his nose was a okay in his book lol. A few pics from the hunt..
  15. 55gr noslers @ 4100fps out of the .243 is usually my weapon of choice on them. It was a slow morning never seen any deer thats why I stuck that guy.
  16. I've heard they taste good actually because they only eat certain grass. Still wouldent eat it myself. They are tough I shot one in the summer with the 30-06 took 3 hits first one hit it center mass and it started to hobble off so I gave it another in the side thing flew up in the air an we thought that was the end of it. By the time we got to him we seen blood all over but no chuck looked in the woods and it was clinging to a tree so he got one more and that one did the trick. That one I stuck I shot it with te practice broad head that doesn't expand it passed clean threw right between the front shoulders it was a almost straight down shot walking away. He ran about 5 yards and expired in his hole right at the entrance.
  17. They were just inconsistant and noisy for me i sold them and am shooting grim reaper 1 3/8 heads now. The practice head has worked great for woodchucks and squirrels so far lol.
  18. Well not exactly a deer but it was brown lol.
  19. There's some you tube videos of the toxic in action it does some damage and leaves one heck of a blood trail. The two guys that told me about em still shoot then and they hit same as field tips I could never get mine to so I sold them off.
  20. I sold mine they wouldn't shoot outta my bow good I'm shooting grim reapers now. Season opener was yesterday seen a doe and 2 fawns at last light 60 yards let em be maybe Thursday.
  21. Lol exactly
  22. Unhappily ever after!!!!! Just googled Nikki cox and found it.......
  23. Yeah my oldest is tall and skinny and my youngest they are 2 years apart but Jack the "baby" is just 2" shorter and weighs 1lb more at te last docs visit hes built like a tank or a running back(I hope)......... Lol
  24. I always watched MWC growing up when staying up late when told to go to bed lol. I was probably to young to understand most the show considering when it was aired and how old I am(26). What was the other show that was on around the same time with the rabbit the father talked to in the basement?
  25. No bad luck for him unless having his younger brother beat the crap out of him all the time counts lol
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