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Everything posted by clayton86

  1. Bummer man hope everything is good. I got a doe yesterday before thanksgiving dinner.
  2. Yeah they wernt on sale till 8pm I got there at 6 and snagged the last one the wrist band was to come back at 8 and pick it up.
  3. I got a wrist band early the rest the time I sat in the sporting goods section there was no crowd there no sales.
  4. I went tonight because they had them Nabi tablets for kids on sale for 99 as opposed to 179. So I saved 80 bucks which was worth it to me in a sense but I will never do that again it was crazy in there.
  5. Any new ones guys I been using the dry rubs and love that kind but they don't have it anymore at the local Walmart. Gonna try this one again tomorrow if i remember correctly it was pretty good I just don't have the liquid smoke.
  6. I find it hard to believe the cam went in it. Cam and crank sensors are a very common problem like already mentioned.
  7. Felt that way with my 8pt I got with the bow this year. I watched it run off with my arrow sticking out of its hind quarter about 6". I knew I hit it but bad I couldn't sleep a wink all night called in sick to work first time I have ever done that since I started working when I was 14. I kept replaying the whole thing in my head. I had great blood though 10yds from where he was when I shot considering the placement but it was a river of blood all the way to where we found him.
  8. I shave once a month when I have drill for te national guard...Octobers got canceled due to shut down so Ive been growing this one since October 1.
  9. Mount the light on the top of ur .22 scope. It's how I hunt fox and coyotes just mounted to a .243 or .17
  10. Thanks guys I'm super stoked first buck with a bow also. He's going on the wall granted not a monster but its a first plus today is my bday so its like a birthday buck.
  11. Got my biggest buck to date last night. It was a horrible horrible shot I will admit but we let him be over night and went looking for him this morning. He traveled about 150 yards total and crossed a creek. He came in hot looking for does is my guess cuz he was on a mission got him to stop once but behind some vines. He took off down the hill again and I had a spot at 40yds I decided thats it no shot after that, he hit that spot I was already at full draw for what seemed like for eternity I let out a grunt to try and stop him and he paused and I let the arrow fly. He jumped it and I hit a little back. Well regardless of the tracking and poor hit i had good blood and found him. My biggest "whole" buck ever lol. I've only shot spikes and a big half rack. Well here he is I'll have more pics later I was in a rush the kids have a doctors appointment were I'm writin this up in the waiting room.
  12. .22 to the head get a spot light and scan for him every now and then. Heck blast him from the bed room window so he don't see or hear you.
  13. I hunt with two guys who smoke and dip in their stand or wiz off the stand also, always see tons of deer and shoot monsters. I wouldn't believe it if they didnt send me videos every time out of deer walking under them well I do the scent free as much as possible and don't see half the deer they do. They move and play on phones all the time in the stand also.
  14. That's a big swing clear across NY but your more then welcome
  15. Nice! I'm holding out for just a buck period lol not seeing a whole lot this year.
  16. Awesome
  17. How it should be if not more then half
  18. Did you play woods ball or speedball? I played for 11 years made it all the way to the pros played in some NPPL, Xball, WXL, and NPL leagues. It was a blast I would love to get back on a team especially since Rhythm is back and building the strongest team ever. How ever its expensive even when fully sponsored and all you have to pay for is practice paint which we got at field cost of $30 a case of 2000.
  19. Thanks hopefully i get back out this weekend if I'm not working.
  20. That buck don't look to bad. I did get my first deer with the new bow Saturday its only the 2nd deer killed with a bow for me and they are 12 years apart from eachother!!
  21. clayton86

    Truck Gun

    Bingo I've had a gun pulled on me well in a vehicle my old Mazda 6 I carried a .22 in the trunk but it was for dispatching vermin around the farm. When I had a gun pulled on me we simply drove off at a high rate of speed. Your truck in a serious situation would be your best weapon hit them with it if need be or run. Last place I would want to be in a fire fight is a car/truck unless it was my up armored 1151 and even then no thank you. Your confined cant move and they don't stop bullets it would be one hell of a way to go. Getting out and putting ad much vehicle between you and them is the only way to go about it. You want to be able to move.
  22. Illegal to use rifle for deer
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